Chapter 47 – Luxurious Banquet – 3

Bai Bing lived in a studio apartment. When Ye Qiu arrived, she still had a facial mask on.

Seeing Ye Qiu’s attire, Bai Bing was slightly taken aback.

At that moment, Ye Qiu was dressed in a deep blue suit paired with a white shirt and a wine-red tie, exuding a fashionable and handsome aura. His smile felt like a refreshing spring breeze.

“Director Bai, do I look okay?” Ye Qiu asked.

“Quite good,” Bai Bing replied. “I actually prepared a suit for you, but it seems you’ve already got it all matched up. Not bad, it suits you well.”

Ye Qiu felt a pang of regret. Had he known Bai Bing had prepared a suit for him, he wouldn’t have spent so much money on one.

“When do we leave?” Ye Qiu inquired.

“Wait for me, I’ll change,” Bai Bing said, then walked into the bedroom.

After about ten minutes, she emerged from the bedroom.

Instantly, Ye Qiu’s eyes lit up.

Bai Bing was wearing a pure white off-shoulder gown, her beautiful collarbones peeking through, her narrow waist outlining a perfect figure, and under the soft lighting, her skin shone like porcelain.

The epitome of elegance.

Ye Qiu was dumbstruck.

In his memory, Bai Bing was always in professional attire, which, while capable and efficient, also seemed a bit rigid. But now, the transformed Bai Bing was like a completely different person, with an overwhelming visual impact.

Feeling a bit embarrassed by Ye Qiu’s stare, Bai Bing asked softly, “Is it okay?”

“More than okay, it’s fantastic. Director Bai, do you know? I think there are only two words that can describe you,” Ye Qiu said.

“What words?”


Bai Bing blushed and retorted, “Flatterer!”

“Really. Director Bai, you’re too beautiful.”

Bai Bing’s cheeks turned even redder and she said, “Let me put on some makeup, wait for me a bit.”


Bai Bing went back into the room.

Ye Qiu sat on the sofa, playing with his phone.

A full forty minutes passed before Bai Bing reappeared.

At the sight of her, Ye Qiu’s eyes nearly popped out, as if they wanted to embed themselves in her.

If the unmade-up Bai Bing was a ninety, then the made-up Bai Bing was definitely a hundred and twenty.

The makeup was light and just right.

Her black hair was pinned up, revealing a delicate forehead, and beneath her curved eyebrows were a pair of bright eyes, shining like stars.

Her nose was elegant, her cheeks faintly flushed, her soft red lips like dewy cherries, and that flawless face…

She was absolutely stunning!

At the same time, Bai Bing exuded a natural nobility, as if she were a princess who had stepped out of a royal palace.

Seeing Ye Qiu captivated by her beauty, Bai Bing felt a bit smug, though her face remained cool as she asked, “What are you looking at?”

Ye Qiu came back to his senses and said, “Director Bai, you’re so beautiful. If you were in showbiz, you’d outshine all the popular actresses.”

Her heart sweetened by the compliment, Bai Bing’s face remained cool as she continued, “So, who do you think is prettier, me or Lin Jingzhi?”

“You’re both…”

Ye Qiu wanted to say both were beautiful, but he was cut off by Bai Bing’s sharp gaze and the powerful aura she emitted.

Under such pressure, Ye Qiu quickly corrected himself, “You’re both beauties, but Director Bai, you are a fairy.”

Bai Bing frowned, “Is there a difference between a fairy and a beauty?”

“A big difference,” Ye Qiu explained. “Beauties are everywhere on earth, but fairies, they only exist in heaven.”

“But I’m here on earth.”

“Then you are a fairy who has fallen to earth.”

Hearing this, Bai Bing’s frown eased, and a small smile played on her lips, feeling a little thrill of joy.

“Director Bai, when do we leave?” Ye Qiu asked.

Bai Bing glanced at her watch and said, “It’s about time. Let’s go. Oh, can you drive?”


Ye Qiu had gotten his driver’s license while in college.

“Then you’ll drive later.”

In the underground garage, Ye Qiu immediately spotted Bai Bing’s usual Audi A3, but as he approached, Bai Bing pointed to another car and said, “We’ll take this one tonight.”

Ye Qiu turned and was astonished to see a Mercedes sports car.

“Director Bai, is this your car?” Ye Qiu asked in surprise.

“Yes, I seldom use it,” Bai Bing handed him the car keys, saying, “We’ll drive it tonight.”

Ye Qiu understood instantly. The banquet must be of high caliber; otherwise, with Bai Bing’s low-profile nature, she wouldn’t use a sports car. He silently admired Qian Jinglan’s wisdom for spending a lot on his suit, lest he embarrass Bai Bing.

At the same time, Ye Qiu wondered how Bai Bing, a Director of Surgery, could afford such an expensive sports car. After all, a Mercedes sports car like this would cost over a million, unaffordable for most in their lifetime.

“This car must have been bought by Director Bai’s family; her family background must be quite good,” Ye Qiu thought to himself.

“Let’s go,” Bai Bing said.

Ye Qiu nodded and got into the driver’s seat.

It was his first time driving a sports car, and there was only one feeling: exhilarating!

Twenty-five minutes later, they pulled up in front of the Crystal Palace.

The Crystal Palace was Jiangzhou’s most luxurious five-star hotel, and at that moment, the hotel entrance was filled with all kinds of top-tier luxury cars.

Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, Maybach, Mercedes, BMW…

It was a dazzling display.

Ye Qiu was shocked; it was like a luxury car show. However, he maintained a calm demeanor, not wanting to show that it was his first time seeing such a scene and risk embarrassment.

Bai Bing stole a glance at Ye Qiu and, seeing that he wasn’t intimidated by the scene, a look of admiration appeared in her eyes. She cautioned, “Remember, once we go in, if anyone asks about our relationship, just say you’re my boyfriend. I’ll introduce you the same way.”

“Okay,” Ye Qiu nodded, feeling a bit excited. Bai Bing was so beautiful, and surely many would envy him later.

Suddenly, he thought of Xiao Qingdi!

“Sister Lin mentioned that Xiao Qingdi is also in Jiangzhou. Will he attend the banquet? If he does, could I be in trouble?”

With that thought, Ye Qiu’s excitement vanished, replaced by worry.

The two got out of the car, and immediately a hotel valet came to park it. Then, hand in hand, they walked towards the hotel entrance.

“Good evening, esteemed guests, please show your invitation,” a security guard at the entrance requested, blocking their way. The other guards’ eyes were fixed on Bai Bing, filled with amazement.

Bai Bing produced the invitation.

The guard checked it and then said to Ye Qiu, “I’m sorry, sir, you cannot enter!”

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