Chapter 45 – Luxurious Banquet

Ye Qiu finally had his own independent consultation room. Although it was a mere ten square meters, he was completely content.

This marked the first step toward becoming a great doctor!

He tidied the desk, booted up the computer, and slipped into his white coat…

After a series of preparations, Ye Qiu was ready to start seeing patients.

Just then, Zhang Lili burst in furiously, glaring at Ye Qiu and demanded, “Why were you the one to obtain tenure? On what grounds?”

“Obviously, on the grounds of my ability.”

“What a joke! What era do you think this is? Ability means nothing! Tell me, what despicable means did you use to get the Vice President to agree to give you the tenure slot?”

“I’ve already told you, I got the tenure slot through my own ability,” Ye Qiu didn’t want to waste words with Zhang Lili and issued a dismissal, “If you have nothing else, please leave. I need to start seeing patients.”

“You’re kicking me out?” Zhang Lili exploded, pointing at Ye Qiu and shouting, “That tenure slot was mine, mine, do you understand? If it weren’t for your interference, I would have gotten it. Do you know how much I sacrificed for that?”

“I know,” Ye Qiu replied, “To get tenure, you slept with Guo Shaocong.”

“That’s right, I slept with Guo Shaocong, and it’s all because of you!” Zhang Lili said. “If you had power or if your father was the Vice President, would I have needed to sleep with someone?”

Ye Qiu stared at Zhang Lili in disbelief.

This woman, time and again, shattered his perceptions, brazenly justifying sleeping with someone for her own gain. It was utterly unreasonable.

“Enough, Zhang Lili, we have nothing to do with each other anymore. Please leave.”

“You’re kicking me out again! You’re a bastard, what right do you have to kick me out? What right?” Zhang Lili roared.

Before, Ye Qiu had always been submissive in front of her, never speaking harshly. But since their breakup, Ye Qiu had shown her his disdain time and again, and now he was even kicking her out. She was livid.

“On the grounds that this is my consultation room! Is that reason enough?” Ye Qiu retorted, his voice cold with anger.

“So you’ve obtained tenure, what’s there to be proud of? Ye Qiu, I never imagined you’d stoop so low as to steal my tenure slot. Disgusting!”

“First of all, the tenure slot isn’t ‘yours’; everyone competes for it based on their ability. You didn’t get it because you lack the skills. And secondly, if we’re talking about being disgusting, can I really compare to you? To sell your body for a tenure slot, that’s the epitome of vile.”


“And another thing, from now on, stay as far away from me as possible. Don’t try to make your presence felt around me, or watch out, I might just hit you.”

“You… you… you…” Zhang Lili trembled with rage.

“Get out!”

Ye Qiu slammed his hand on the desk with a bang.


Zhang Lili, startled by his demeanor, stumbled back several steps, then glared at Ye Qiu venomously, “You dare to bully me? Just you wait, when Shaocong comes back, I won’t let you off.”

With that, she stormed out quickly.

“Wait for Guo Shaocong to come back? Hmph, maybe in your next life!”

Ye Qiu’s good mood was completely ruined by Zhang Lili. It took him a while to compose himself before he started calling patients in again.

He was busy until noon.

Taking advantage of the lunch break, Ye Qiu went to see Lin Jingzhi, whom he had promised to visit daily.

“Sister Lin, caught up in novels again?” Ye Qiu entered and saw Lin Jingzhi grinning foolishly at her phone.

“Yeah, thank goodness for novels, or I’d be bored to death,” Lin Jingzhi put down her phone and asked Ye Qiu, “How was your first day seeing patients? Tiring?”

“It’s okay, a bit tiring, but I got to deal with various patients, which was quite rewarding,” Ye Qiu replied.

Lin Jingzhi encouraged him, “Your dream is to become a great doctor, and you’ve taken the first step. Keep it up and strive on.”

“I will,” Ye Qiu sat down beside the hospital bed, “Sister Lin, I want to ask about someone.”


“Do you know Xiao Qingdi?”

Ye Qiu had been wanting to figure out the identity of Xiao Qingdi, who had sent flowers to Bai Bing yesterday, and why Bai Bing had been so unsettled upon seeing the card.

“You’re asking about Xiao Qingdi because of Bai Bing, right?”

Hearing Lin Jingzhi’s response, Ye Qiu knew he had asked the right person and quickly inquired, “What’s Xiao Qingdi’s identity?”

“He’s the second young master of the Xiao family from the Capital,” Lin Jingzhi answered.

Ye Qiu knew nothing about the Xiao family and asked, “Is the Xiao family very powerful?”

“The Xiao family is actually just an ordinary family, not even a clan, because there are only two people in the entire Xiao family. But, no one dares to provoke them lightly.”

“Why is that?”

“Because Xiao Qingdi’s brother is the world-renowned Champion Marquis, Xiao Jiu!”

Ye Qiu gasped.

He had heard Zhao Yun mention Xiao Jiu before. Xiao Jiu was the top of the Dragon List, the War God of the Northern Territories, commanding a million-strong army with immense power.

“Although Xiao Qingdi isn’t as dazzling as Xiao Jiu, he’s not far behind. He graduated from Cambridge University and owns a conglomerate worth tens of billions before the age of thirty.”

“That’s why he was named ‘Outstanding Young Person of the Year’ by Fortune magazine!”

“But this guy has one major flaw; he’s extremely arrogant, relying on his brother’s status as the Champion Marquis to do whatever he pleases.”

“You’re suddenly asking about him because of Bai Bing, right?”

“Yeah.” Ye Qiu didn’t deny it, “Someone sent flowers to Director Bai yesterday, and the card had Xiao Qingdi’s name on it. Director Bai seemed very upset when she saw that name.”

“That’s not surprising. Bai Bing studied at the Royal Medical College in England while Xiao Qingdi was at Cambridge University.”

“They were both students abroad?” Ye Qiu asked.

Lin Jingzhi rolled her eyes, “Don’t you get it? Bai Bing used to date Xiao Qingdi; he was her first love.”

“So it was her first love. No wonder Director Bai reacted so strongly to Xiao Qingdi’s name,” Ye Qiu suddenly understood, then curiously asked, “Why did Director Bai and Xiao Qingdi break up?”

“That’s their business; how would I know?” Lin Jingzhi cautioned, “Ye Qiu, as far as I know, Xiao Qingdi is still not over Bai Bing. You’d better not get too close to her to avoid provoking Xiao Qingdi. That guy is lawless and capable of anything.”


“By the way, why are you interested in Bai Bing’s affairs? Tell me, have you fallen for her?” Lin Jingzhi glared at Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu quickly explained, “I’m just curious, Sister Lin, please don’t misunderstand.”

Lin Jingzhi pouted, clearly unhappy, “But I don’t like you talking about other women in front of me. Now I’m upset, unless…”

“Unless what?” Ye Qiu asked eagerly.

“Unless you give me a kiss, then I’ll forgive you.”

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