Chapter 44 – Invitation

The next day, Ye Qiu arrived for work and as soon as he entered the hospital lobby, he was surrounded by a group of nurses from the guidance desk.

“Dr. Ye, good morning!”

“Dr. Ye, you look so handsome today!”

“Dr. Ye, have you had breakfast?”

“Dr. Ye, I have some soy milk here, would you like some?”

Ye Qiu was taken aback.

He had been working at Jiangzhou Hospital for a while, but this was the first time he had seen the nurses at the guidance desk so enthusiastic. They used to ignore him completely, but today their attitude was unusually warm.

Why was this happening?

Could it be…

Suddenly, Ye Qiu seemed to understand something, but he feigned ignorance and asked, “Ladies, what’s with the bright smiles today?”

“Dr. Ye, don’t you know?” one nurse asked.

“Know what?”

“About your tenure!”

Ye Qiu knew exactly what was going on, but he kept his composure and replied, “My tenure? That’s impossible! I heard there was only one tenure spot for our batch, how could it be my turn? Ladies, you must be joking.”

“Dr. Ye, I’m not kidding, I’m serious,” the nurse said. “Early this morning, the hospital’s WeChat group posted your tenure notification, didn’t you know?”

Ye Qiu really didn’t know.

Because in the past few days, many people in the WeChat group had been discussing the issue of Ye Qiu plagiarizing Guo Shaocong’s medical record, which annoyed him, so he had set the group to do-not-disturb mode.

“Sorry, I really didn’t see it.”

Ye Qiu quickly took out his phone and saw the tenure notification in the group. He couldn’t help but feel amazed at how mysterious fate could be. Just a couple of days ago, he was preparing to leave the hospital, but now he had obtained tenure so quickly.

It goes to show, no matter what difficulties you face, you should never give up too easily, because your break could come in the next second.

“Dr. Ye, congratulations on your tenure!”

“Such great news, Dr. Ye, you should treat us!”

“Absolutely,” Ye Qiu laughed. “I’ll treat you all to milk tea at noon.”

“Thank you, Dr. Ye.”

The nurses were overjoyed.

“Dr. Ye, when are you planning to find a girlfriend?”

“How about us?”

“We’re all single here.”

Ye Qiu was overwhelmed.

“Ladies, it’s almost time to start work, goodbye.”

Ye Qiu quickly found an excuse to leave.

On his way to the surgery department, he encountered many medical staff who also greeted him warmly.

Ye Qiu was filled with emotion.

Although he had been a probationary doctor at the hospital, he was essentially a nobody, ignored by everyone. Even if he took the initiative to greet others, they wouldn’t respond.

But now, seeing their smiling faces and warm greetings was a stark contrast to their previous attitudes.

And all this change was simply because he had obtained tenure.

“Just tenure has changed their attitude so much, what if one day I become the Director of Surgery or the Hospital Director? How enthusiastic would they be then?”

Ye Qiu understood a principle.

A man cannot be poor, nor can he lack a career. Only when you do well will people around you treat you with kindness; otherwise, the world will be against you.

Arriving at the Director of Surgery’s office, Ye Qiu knocked on the door.

Knock, knock—

“Come in!” Bai Bing’s cool voice came from inside.

Ye Qiu pushed the door open and saw Bai Bing sitting at her desk, reviewing documents with her head down.

“Director Bai,” Ye Qiu called out.

“What is it?” Bai Bing asked without looking up.

“It’s like this, the hospital has issued my tenure notice, and I wanted to ask about my work arrangements going forward.”

Only then did Bai Bing look up and say, “Starting today, you can see patients on your own.”

“Really?” Ye Qiu was overjoyed.

If a doctor can see patients on their own, it means they are capable of handling things independently.

This was recognition of a doctor’s abilities.

Bai Bing said, “During your probationary period, you’ve performed well and are familiar with our department, so I’ve decided to let you see patients on your own.”

“But there are a few things you need to pay attention to.”

Bai Bing advised, “First, be kind to patients. Second, if you’re not sure about a diagnosis, don’t act on your own, and report it in time. Got it?”

“Got it, Director. Rest assured, I will strictly follow your instructions,” Ye Qiu said.

“Good, you can go now,” Bai Bing said, returning to her documents.

However, Ye Qiu stood still.

After a moment, Bai Bing looked up, puzzled, and asked, “Is there anything else?”

“Director, what’s wrong with your eyes?” Ye Qiu asked.

He had been wanting to ask this question for a while. From the moment Bai Bing looked up, Ye Qiu noticed her eyes were full of red veins, as if she had been crying, and her dark circles were very noticeable.

Bai Bing casually replied, “I felt uncomfortable when I woke up this morning. I asked an ophthalmologist to check, and they said it’s dry eye syndrome, nothing serious, just need some eye drops.”

I see.

Ye Qiu said with concern, “Director, work is never-ending, but you must take care of your health.”

“Mhm,” Bai Bing nodded lightly.

“Then I’ll get busy.”

“Go ahead.”

Just as Ye Qiu turned to leave, Bai Bing suddenly said, “Wait a minute.”

Ye Qiu turned back, looking at Bai Bing with confusion, and asked, “Director, is there something else?”

“Do you have time this Saturday evening?” Bai Bing asked.

“I should have time.”

“I have to attend a banquet that night, come with me.”

“What kind of banquet?” Ye Qiu continued to ask. “Do I need to prepare anything?”

“No need to prepare, just a regular dinner,” Bai Bing said.

“Okay,” Ye Qiu agreed without much thought.


In the VIP ward.

Sun Mengjie handed a gold-embossed invitation to Lin Jingzhi, saying, “Ms. Lin, Jiangzhou’s high society is hosting a welcome banquet for Xiao Qingdi at the Crystal Palace this Saturday evening. All the notable figures of Jiangzhou will be there, and this is their invitation to you.”

Lin Jingzhi glanced at the invitation and then tossed it aside, scoffing, “Just for Xiao Qingdi, these people are fawning over him. If his brother, Champion Marquis Xiao Jiu, were to come, they’d probably kneel to welcome him from miles away. Boring, I’m not going!”

“Ms. Lin, I’ve heard a piece of gossip that might change your mind after hearing it.”

“What news? Let’s hear it.”

“I heard that Xiao Qingdi is going to propose to Bai Bing publicly at the banquet.”

“Oh?” A look of surprise flashed in Lin Jingzhi’s eyes, followed by a smile. “It seems I must attend this banquet after all.”

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