Chapter 23 – Kidnapping case

Ye Qiu followed Bai Bing out of the VIP ward and continued to trail behind her until they reached the director’s office.

Once inside, Bai Bing took a seat in her office chair, her beautiful face clouded with frost.

Seeing her like this, Ye Qiu felt uneasy and cautiously asked, “Director, did you need to see me for something?”

“Can’t I look for you if there’s nothing important?” Bai Bing replied with a hint of irritation.

Ye Qiu braved a smile and said, “You’re joking, Director. As my superior, you can summon me whenever you wish.”

“Do you have feelings for Lin Jingzhi?” Bai Bing bluntly asked.

“No, Director, you’re misunderstanding…”

“Misunderstanding? Are you saying I’m blind?” Bai Bing snapped, “Don’t think I didn’t see it. She fed you a bun, and you looked all too happy.”

“Director, it’s not what you think, actually…”

“Shut up!” Bai Bing cut Ye Qiu off, “I’m warning you, Lin Jingzhi is not a good woman. Stay away from her, or you won’t know what hit you.”

Ye Qiu looked at Bai Bing in surprise, thinking to himself, could it be that Director Bai has a grudge against Lin Jingzhi?

“What are you staring at? Do you think I have a personal vendetta against Lin Jingzhi? Let me make it clear, I don’t. I’m telling you to stay away from her for your own good.”

Ye Qiu was even more astonished.

Although Bai Bing had always been kind to him, they seldom spoke, hardly exchanging a few words in a week. But today, she seemed unusually talkative.

Something wasn’t right.

Ye Qiu said, “Director Bai, I’m currently a caregiver, and Sister Lin is my patient. It’s my duty to take care of her.”

“Sister Lin? You dare to call Lin Jingzhi ‘sister’?” Bai Bing fumed, “How long have you known her? You know nothing about her, and yet you dare to call her ‘sister’?”

“Isn’t it just a title?”

Ye Qiu was baffled, completely at a loss as to why Bai Bing was so furious.


Bai Bing slammed her palm on the desk, “Ye Qiu, I’ll remind you again, stay away from Lin Jingzhi. I’m doing this for your own good.”

“Director Bai, I know you mean well, but could you please clarify? You can’t expect me to be confused about this.”

Bai Bing said, “Lin Jingzhi may look beautiful, but she has the heart of a venomous scorpion. Did you know her fiancé was poisoned to death by her?”


Ye Qiu’s face was a picture of shock and disbelief.

“You don’t believe me?” Bai Bing’s gaze turned unfriendly.

Ye Qiu quickly shook his head, “Of course I believe you, but it’s hard for me to see Sister Lin as that kind of person.”

“You’re still calling her ‘sister’?” Bai Bing’s voice was icy, “Remember, don’t ever call her ‘sister’ in front of me again.”

“Alright.” Ye Qiu nodded, then asked, “Director Bai, what exactly happened? Lin… Lin Jingzhi doesn’t seem like a bad person. How could she kill someone?”

“Some people may look decent, but you never know what they’re like behind closed doors. The incident of Lin Jingzhi poisoning her fiancé was a huge scandal years ago, well-known throughout Jiang and Zhe regions. It’s just that no substantial evidence was found at the time, or she would have been in prison long ago.”

“It’s also because of this that Lin Jingzhi was kicked out of her family and came to Jiangzhou to start a business.”

Bai Bing continued, “This woman is very cunning. Upon arriving in Jiangzhou, she quickly infiltrated the elite circles. With her extraordinary looks and figure, she attracted many admirers, whether they were unmarried young masters or married men, all revolving around her.”

“In just a few years, she made a name for herself in Jiangzhou, her company went public successfully, and she was even hailed as Jiangzhou’s top beauty CEO by financial magazines.”

At this point, Bai Bing sneered, “Others may not know her true colors, but I’m well aware. She’s nothing but a social butterfly. What’s there to praise?”

Ye Qiu curiously asked, “Director Bai, how come you know so much about Lin Jingzhi?”

“Because she and I are…” Bai Bing stopped mid-sentence, then said, “Just remember, she’s not a good person. Stay away from her.”

“Earlier in the ward, when I criticized your work in front of her, I didn’t want you to have any more dealings with her.”

Bai Bing’s voice softened a bit, “I’ll find a way to transfer you back from the caregiver position. In short, the further away you are from Lin Jingzhi, the better.”

So that was it.

Ye Qiu had some complaints about Bai Bing earlier, but after hearing her explanation, all his resentment vanished.

“Director Bai, thank you,” Ye Qiu said gratefully.

“No need for thanks,” Bai Bing replied, “In private, you can also call me ‘sister.’”

“Ah!” Ye Qiu stared at Bai Bing, stunned, thinking he had misheard.

“What’s with the ‘ah’? I am older than you,” Bai Bing glanced at Ye Qiu, then quickly averted her gaze.

Ye Qiu keenly caught a trace of shyness in Bai Bing’s eyes.

Strange, why would Director Bai suddenly feel shy?

“By the way, have Guo Shaocong and Guo Danu caused you any trouble?” Bai Bing suddenly inquired.

Ye Qiu shook his head, “No.”

“Even if they haven’t troubled you for now, you should still be careful. It’s always good to be wary,” Bai Bing advised.

“I will be.”

“I’ll go talk to the caregiver station later and get you transferred back to the department… Actually, I’ll go tell Lin Jingzhi myself, to prevent her from causing any more trouble.”

Bai Bing was decisive in her actions, taking Ye Qiu back to the VIP ward.

Upon seeing Bai Bing and Ye Qiu enter, Lin Jingzhi greeted them with a smile, “Director Bai, thank you for bringing Ye Qiu back to me.”

“I’m here to tell you that from now on, Ye Qiu will no longer be your caregiver,” Bai Bing announced.

“What do you mean?” The smile disappeared from Lin Jingzhi’s face.

“From now on, Ye Qiu will return to Surgery to continue his probationary period as a doctor. The caregiver station will send you a new caregiver,” Bai Bing explained.

“What are you trying to do, Bai Bing? Ye Qiu is my caregiver; by what right do you transfer him?” Lin Jingzhi became angry.

“By the right of being the Director of Surgery.”

“You dare to abuse your power? Then I’ll file a complaint.”

“Go ahead.”

“You—” Lin Jingzhi was furious, but the next second, she laughed again, “I almost forgot, with your status, even if you’re complained about, no one in this hospital would dare to touch you.”

“But I’m curious, why do you want to transfer Ye Qiu? Is it because you’re jealous seeing him with me?”

“Lin Jingzhi, don’t spout nonsense,” Bai Bing rebuked sharply.

“If it’s not that, then why the temper?” Lin Jingzhi’s smile deepened, and she said in a tone that seemed to be advising, “Bai Bing, I’m not trying to criticize you, but with such a temper, you should find a man to take care of you, or you might end up with hormonal imbalances.”

After saying this, Lin Jingzhi even winked at Ye Qiu, asking, “Ye Qiu, don’t you think I’m right?”

How could Ye Qiu dare to respond? He pretended not to hear.

“Hmph,” Bai Bing huffed coldly, “Ye Qiu, let’s go.”

“Stop right there!” Lin Jingzhi suddenly turned hostile, “Ye Qiu is my caregiver, and without my permission, I won’t allow anyone to transfer him.”

“I’m his superior, and I have the authority to transfer him,” Bai Bing stated.

“I’ve signed an employment contract with Ye Qiu, it’s all there in black and white. Bai Bing, are you trying to make Ye Qiu breach the contract?”

“If it’s a breach, then so be it. I’ll cover all the compensation for Ye Qiu.”

“Bai Bing, are you deliberately picking a fight with me?”

Lin Jingzhi’s expression was not pleasant, and she exuded a powerful aura. Despite sitting on the bed, she still had the presence of a queen.

“So what if I am!”

Bai Bing refused to back down, her own unique aura emanating from her, cold and noble, like a goddess on high.

The two women stared each other down, their eyes icy, and in an instant, the temperature in the ward seemed to plummet below zero.

Ye Qiu was dumbfounded.

He hadn’t expected such a turn of events and wanted to say something to calm them down but didn’t know where to start.

Just then—

Beep beep beep.

Ye Qiu’s phone suddenly rang. Pulling it out, he saw an unfamiliar number.

“Hello, who is this?” Ye Qiu asked politely.

“Is this Ye Qiu?” A hoarse voice came from the other end.

“Yes, it’s me.” Ye Qiu asked again, “Who is this?”

“You don’t need to know who I am. I just want to tell you, Qian Jinglan is in my hands,” the hoarse voice said, “If you don’t want her to die, come to the unfinished building next to Zhongbei Road immediately.”

“You’re all dead!” Ye Qiu uttered these words and then dashed out of the ward.

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