Chapter 98 – A phone call

Muggy, suffocating.

It made people feel like they couldn’t breathe.

The body bag was not completely sealed, leaving some gaps for air circulation. After all, Yang Jian still needed to breathe. Although he didn’t know if he would suffocate after becoming a Ghost Tamer, it was better not to try it easily.

Staying inside the body bag was uncomfortable.

But for the sake of his own life, he could only endure it.

Now, who knows how many ghosts are outside? Three Ghost Tamers have already died, and the ghosts inside their bodies must have been released. In addition, there are the Diseased Ghost, the Ferocious Ghost, the Headless Ghost Shadow… and Zhang Yiming and Zhang Han.

This Huanggang Village has become a gathering place for fierce ghosts.

It is unrealistic to survive in such a place. Analyzing their actions and killing methods won’t work anymore.

The level of horror is too high, beyond his capabilities.

Yang Jian was sweating profusely inside the body bag. In the dark environment, there was only the sound of his heavy breathing. It was terrifyingly quiet outside, not a single sound.

At this time, he hoped that there would be no movement outside.

If there was, it definitely wouldn’t be human.

And so, he lay quietly in the body bag, waiting.

Waiting for some kind of turning point.

If releasing the Headless Ghost Shadow earlier was effective, then a turning point would definitely come.

On the contrary, if the situation didn’t improve and instead became worse, Yang Jian might be trapped here.

He opened his phone and checked the time.

It showed 10:20.

This was not the time at night, but in the morning. In reality, the village should still be in daylight.

But if he went out to take a look, he would find that the village was pitch black.

No stars, no lights, not even the sound of dogs barking.

There was a strange silence in the surroundings.

There was not a trace of human presence, and anyone staying in such a place would be terrified, let alone the fact that it had been confirmed that there were some real fierce ghosts in this village.

“Don’t disappoint me, Headless Ghost Shadow. You are worth at least a billion. If releasing you doesn’t have any effect, who knows how much I will lose.”

Yang Jian didn’t feel regret for releasing the Headless Ghost Shadow just now, he just felt a pang of pain.

A billion just flew away like that.

And this time, there was no cooperation with Yan Li. There probably wouldn’t be another chance to confine it.

Perhaps it was because he was hiding in the body bag.

From 10:20 to 1:30, more than three hours had passed, and he was still safe and sound.

He hadn’t heard any movement outside, nor had he been attacked by fierce ghosts.

He survived unscathed.

The two million yuan body bag was not wasted.

It seemed that the power of the fierce ghosts couldn’t affect gold. Professor Bruce Pi was really a good person for making this research public.

If there was nowhere to hide, it would truly be hopeless.

But this kind of hiding couldn’t last forever.

Although Yang Jian had prepared some dry food and water in the body bag, it could only last a few days at most. If there was no turning point during this time, he would have to leave the body bag and take a risk.

The long period of peace made him gradually relax.

He was sure that nothing would happen inside the body bag, so he wasn’t as nervous anymore.

He thought for a moment and decided to call Liu Xiaoyu again.

The satellite phone could still be used, and the signal was not cut off.

The call was quickly connected.

“Hello, is this Yang Jian?” Liu Xiaoyu immediately answered the phone.

“I am Yang Jian. I am trapped in Huanggang Village now. The file you gave me about the Huanggang Village incident has some problems. Someone deliberately deleted parts of the report on the first detective Feng Quan. Personally, I suspect that there are other things involved in the Huanggang Village incident.” Yang Jian said.

Liu Xiaoyu was shocked and immediately said, “That’s impossible. The file was directly retrieved from the archives. It’s not something an ordinary person can do. There are not many people with the authority to do that. Are you suspecting that someone in the detective department is up to something?”

“Small Strong Club in Dachang City, manager Sun Lihong, someone who can control the second fierce ghost, a method to prolong the revival of fierce ghosts… What information do you think is revealed by the deletion of the file?” Yang Jian asked in a low voice.

Liu Xiaoyu looked at the pencil in her hand and stopped recording. “This… I think it’s a bit unbelievable.”

Yang Jian said, “You don’t say it, but you have already realized it to some extent. There is the shadow of the country behind this. Only with the involvement of the country can there be such great power. I think this incident was planned by someone, using the method of controlling the second fierce ghost as a bargaining chip to let the Ghost Tamers solve the Huanggang Village supernatural incident.”

“Because we, as civilian Ghost Tamers, are uncontrollable potential threats, that company wants to use this method to make us actively solve supernatural incidents. Of course, there may be other personal motives… After all, even if we fail the mission and die, we don’t care. After all, Ghost Tamers will eventually die from the revival of fierce ghosts. Instead of dying from the increase in supernatural incidents caused by the revival of fierce ghosts, it’s better to let us die in a large isolated incident. After all, sealing one ghost or two ghosts is the same.”

“This can be considered as making use of waste… The Small Strong Club should be an intermediary.”

“I’m sure we’re not the first ones in the country to be in this situation.”

“I really don’t know about this, but I can investigate for you. If there really are deletions in the file, I will take responsibility for you.” Liu Xiaoyu said seriously.

Yang Jian said, “No, I’m not an Interpol. You don’t have to take responsibility for me. I made this call just to confirm the facts. If I die later, let me die with understanding.”

Liu Xiaoyu’s heart trembled. From Yang Jian’s tone, she could tell that the situation on the other side must be urgent.

But she couldn’t answer this kind of questioning at all.

At this time, Captain Zhao Jianguo walked over and patted Liu Xiaoyu’s shoulder. “Let me talk to him. You just need to record.”

“Okay, Captain.”

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Xiaoyu stepped aside.

“Hello, Yang Jian? This is Captain Zhao Jianguo.”

“Hello, Captain Zhao.” Yang Jian said.

Zhao Jianguo said, “I already have a general understanding of the situation. Your previous speculation does have strong rationality. However, the various departments within Interpol coordinate with each other. I don’t know what other departments have done, but I can guarantee with my life that our Interpol has always prioritized solving supernatural incidents.”

“Any personal grudges, right and wrong, do not exist here. We won’t treat you differently just because you’re not an Interpol yet. I can guarantee that.”

“Furthermore, you solved a supernatural incident for Dachang City before, and there is a record of it here. You have also been credited for it. When you join Interpol, you will understand. If you need any assistance from us, feel free to ask. I, Zhao Jianguo, will do my best to help you. But I hope you don’t doubt us just because of a speculation.”

Yang Jian said, “If you can help, I do have a small request. I want the real person in charge of that company to come and see me outside Huanggang Village. With your power, it should be possible to trace it through a broker named Sun Lihong.”

“No, it must be done.”

“Of course, if I die here, everything can be ignored. But if I’m alive and don’t see that person in charge, then I will take responsibility for the consequences.”

Zhao Jianguo’s face instantly became serious. “Yang Jian, calm down. We will do our best to investigate this for you.”

“Not just do our best, but it must be done. Also, let me remind Captain Zhao, do you know that with just this phone call, I have a way to kill all the people in your Interpol department?” Yang Jian’s voice had a strange indifference.

“So you can consider this… as a threat.”

“Hang up.”


The call ended.

The reception room fell silent, and the other receptionists nearby widened their eyes, looking at Zhao Jianguo with extreme fear.

A phone call to kill everyone here?

If this was true, the consequences would be unimaginable.

“Zhao Jianguo, this Ghost Tamer’s mental state has major problems. He has started to have thoughts of revenge. I don’t recommend continuing contact with him. Also, for the sake of the overall situation, the department will temporarily stop operations and close all communications. Make the report now, and once it is approved, execute it immediately…”

A civilian clerk of the same level walked in and said seriously.


Without waiting for him to finish, Zhao Jianguo slammed the table hard, his face looking extremely ugly. He shouted, “No, the department absolutely cannot collapse. The losses would be incalculable.”

“Then close the communication of that Ghost Tamer and delete him from the communication system.” The civilian clerk suggested.

“That won’t work either. You just said that Yang Jian’s mental state is not good. If your behavior stimulates him, will you take responsibility for the consequences? And even if you block the communication of one cell phone, is it guaranteed to be effective? What if he calls through other channels? Do you want to see the Ghost Caller incident happen again here?” Zhao Jianguo stared at him.

“No, I just want to know now, do those bastards know that deleting files can cause harm to people.”

At this moment, Zhao Jianguo was extremely angry.

He had worked hard here, recruited an Interpol, and just established some trust, but now this happened.

If this were to spread, all the Interpol would definitely have doubts.

When people’s hearts were in chaos, it would be difficult for the Asian branch to continue operating.

“In times of national crisis, there are always some pests who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos. If it weren’t for involving international disputes, I really want to kill those people.” Zhao Jianguo was furious.

“Liu Xiaoyu, you continue to take care of Yang Jian and stabilize him with all the methods you can think of. I will investigate the background of that company and make sure that the person in charge of that company stands outside Huanggang Village within three days.”

“Yes, Captain.” Liu Xiaoyu immediately said.

Captain Zhao angrily left, leaving the room. Although his rank in the Interpol department was not high, it was different in the country.

Meanwhile, Yang Jian, lying in the body bag, remained calm and did not lose his sanity.

He made this call just to ensure that the subsequent transaction would proceed smoothly, and also to see who the person in charge of that company really was.

Of course, all of this was based on his ability to leave alive.

If he died, everything would be in vain.

But for now, since he was lying down, he might as well arrange things for later to save himself from worrying later.

“I made that call, and Captain Zhao must be anxious now. But it’s none of my business. I’ll go to sleep.” Yang Jian closed his eyes, allowing himself to rest and stay alert.

But at 6 p.m., when the time showed 18:00, a clear sound of footsteps came from outside the body bag.

It approached from far to near, gradually coming closer from the direction of the village.


Yang Jian, who was resting his eyes, suddenly opened them and became highly alert.

A ghost… has it finally appeared?

But would these footsteps be from that ghost… the Headless Ghost Shadow he released, or the retreating Diseased Ghost, or the most dreaded Ferocious Ghost that could easily kill a Ghost Tamer?

The footsteps grew closer and closer.

Yang Jian’s heart was highly tense, and he even had the urge to open the body bag and use his Ghost Eye to look outside.

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