Chapter 116 – The transaction is in progress

Yang Jian handed over the decision-making power to Wang Xiaoming.

Since Professor Bruce Pi is so righteous and selfless, he must know what to do.

As long as he kills Wu Yue, Yang Jian is convinced that deleting the files was for the greater good, without any personal desires. In this case, he can reluctantly forgive him.

If he can’t do it.

It’s just empty words to deceive people. Yang Jian will not hesitate to use the power of the fierce ghost to personally deal with Wang Xiaoming.

So, now the gun is in Wang Xiaoming’s hands, what will he do?

Yang Jian is very curious.

At this moment.

Zhao Jianguo remained silent, and Li Jun, the special warfare major general, did not speak either.

They knew.

This is a trade-off.

Trading the life of an ordinary person for an international criminal police officer for the country.

Wang Xiaoming looked at the gun in front of him and then glanced at Wu Yue beside him.

“Wang, Professor Wang, don’t listen to Yang Jian’s nonsense. He is using you as a pawn. Even if he kills me, he may not necessarily join the international criminal police. Besides, I have made significant contributions to the company, whether it is maintaining the funding of the laboratory or acquiring fierce ghosts…”

At this moment, Wu Yue panicked.

Others may not know Wang Xiaoming’s character, but he knows it very well.

For the sake of the international community, for the sake of solving the increasing number of supernatural events, he can do anything, including… killing himself.

“Wu Yue, you don’t need to say more. Yang Jian’s value is indeed more important than yours. The company can find another general manager without you. But without Yang Jian, there will be one less person responsible for supernatural events in Dachang City, and you know the average loss behind a supernatural event.”

Wang Xiaoming reached out and picked up the gun, standing up. “So, I hope you can make a sacrifice.”

“Your wife and daughter are under my care, you have nothing to worry about.”


The gunshot rang out.

Wang Xiaoming unhesitatingly fired at Wu Yue.

But Wu Yue was so scared that he covered his head and luckily avoided the bullet.


At this moment, Wu Yue was on the verge of collapse. He crawled and scrambled, desperately trying to escape.

“Death is lighter than a feather, but duty is heavier than Mount Tai. Everyone has a time to sacrifice. Now it’s your turn. You shouldn’t run away, it will only make you more miserable.”


A scream echoed, and Wu Yue didn’t know where he was hit. He stumbled and fell to the ground.

Wang Xiaoming walked over with the gun, aimed at his head, without any remorse on his face, only a sense of determination.

A determination to kill for the greater good.

“Wait, Professor Wang, do you remember when I treated you to a massage? I introduced your wife to you…” Wu Yue’s face was covered in sweat, trembling all over, pleading.


Before he could finish speaking, the third gunshot sounded.

Wu Yue fell into a pool of blood, his body convulsing, his eyes wide open, and his vitality rapidly disappearing.


There was a gradually cooling corpse on the ground.

Wu Yue was dead.

From beginning to end, Li Jun, the special warfare major general, and Zhao Jianguo, the captain of the international criminal police, watched this happen.

They did not intervene.

Although they had the ability to do so.

This was different from when Yang Jian started killing. This was Wang Xiaoming firing the gun, and this result was also the best for everyone.

Yang Jian needed Wu Yue’s death to prove that there were no moles within the international criminal police, and to prove that Wang Xiaoming was truly dedicated and trustworthy.

Li Jun needed Wu Yue’s death. His duty was to protect Wang Xiaoming. If Wu Yue didn’t die, Yang Jian might take action, and then Wang Xiaoming’s life would be threatened.

Zhao Jianguo needed Wu Yue’s death. As the captain of the criminal police, he needed an explanation.

Wang Xiaoming also needed Wu Yue’s death. In order to get Yang Jian to join the international criminal police and contribute to the country, and also to smoothly complete the upcoming transaction.

Perhaps he shouldn’t die, as he was also working for the company.

But the situation required his death, and he had to die.

And his own value was not enough to save his life.

“Are you satisfied now?”

Wang Xiaoming walked back, placed the gun on the table, and pushed it in front of Yang Jian.

Yang Jian said, “After a while, I will go for the assessment of the international criminal police. Once I pass the assessment, I will join the international criminal police and start solving supernatural events for the country. The issue of the Huanggang Village supernatural event files will be considered resolved. But in the future, I still don’t want to see any tampering with the files. If there is any tampering, I have the right to know.”

Wang Xiaoming said, “Once you become an international criminal police officer, as long as your contributions are significant enough, some confidential matters will not be kept from you.”

“That’s good. Now that this matter has been resolved, we can start discussing the acquisition.” Yang Jian narrowed his eyes, picked up the body bag next to him, and placed it on the table.

A cold and foul smell emanated from the bag.

“Two ghosts, plus the ghost coffin I brought out from the village. How much are they worth? By the way, each of these two things is very precious, so you should offer a high price.”

Now that the conflict has been resolved, it’s time to discuss interests.

“I don’t understand business, so you can name a price. As long as you are satisfied, it’s fine. Of course, the company needs to have the funds you require.” Wang Xiaoming said, “Today, I only need to take the ghost coffin back.”Does this mean I should ask for a high price?

Yang Jian began to calculate in his heart.

This ghost coffin is a ticking time bomb, definitely not something to keep. It would be best to sell it, and Wang Xiaoming is indeed very eager to get this ghost coffin. It would be a disservice to myself not to sell it at a good price after all this hard work.

Let me calculate.

If the market price of a ghost is one hundred million,

The ghost coffin plus the ghost inside, that’s two ghosts, worth two hundred million.

Add on the fifty percent premium that Wu Yue mentioned before, that’s three hundred million.

Just thinking about it is exhilarating.

I’m about to become a billionaire, something I could never have dreamed of when I was in school.

After calculating for a while, Yang Jian quickly spoke: “The ghost coffin is very special, it’s not just a ghost, it has special abilities, I think it should be worth… at least five hundred million.”

“Okay, five hundred million it is. Who is the finance manager? Transfer the money.” Wang Xiaoming turned around and shouted.

Sun Li Hong immediately walked over nervously and fearfully: “Okay, okay, Professor Wang.”


He agreed so readily, ready to transfer the money without a second thought. Did I quote too low?

It might be too late to change the price now.

But seeing Zhao Jianguo, Li Jun, and feeling this serious atmosphere,

Yang Jian felt that changing his mind would be a very embarrassing thing to do.

It’s kind of embarrassing.

But what can’t be let go in front of money?

“The five hundred million is just for the ghost coffin. I had to transport it out of the village with great difficulty, and even dismantled a sports car. These costs have to be included… add another fifty million.” Yang Jian found an excuse to raise the price with a thick face.

“Okay, then transfer another fifty million.” Wang Xiaoming said.


I still quoted too low.

Indeed, poverty has limited my imagination.

Damn it.

If I had known, I would have studied more, so I wouldn’t be too embarrassed to ask for more money because there’s too much of it.

Yang Jian wanted to raise the price again, but he really couldn’t let go of his pride.

If he continued to raise the price, he would really lose all face.

“Forget it, consider it as doing good deeds. But I have to sell Feng Quan at a good price.” Yang Jian felt that he should make a fortune from Feng Quan.

This guy has tricked me a lot in Huanggang Village.

Good brother.

I’m counting on you to make a fortune.

Yang Jian touched the body bag in front of him.

It felt like he was not touching a corpse, but a bag of money.

“Well, it’s a pleasure doing business.”

Seeing that the price was agreed upon, Wang Xiaoming became a little excited, then he said: “General Li, could you please transport the ghost coffin back to the lab?”

“Of course.”

Li Jun stood up, he immediately led a group of security guards from the lab to move the ghost coffin.

Yang Jian said: “Just a kind reminder, there is a ghost inside the ghost coffin. Once the ghost coffin is opened, the ghost will come out. You guys need to be careful… I’m not responsible for any problems after the sale.”

“Thank you.”

Li Jun looked back at Yang Jian,

“The next transaction will be handled by the company’s people. I have to go back to the lab, so I won’t stay long.”

Watching the ghost coffin being moved, Wang Xiaoming couldn’t wait to stand up, he was ready to leave immediately.


You’re leaving just like that?

Aren’t you going to take Feng Quan? I was planning to slaughter him for a big sum.

At this moment, Yang Jian felt that he had made a big mistake.

This Feng Quan… doesn’t seem to be worth much.

“Mr. Yang, please give me some guidance. I will be in charge of the following transactions. I wonder if Mr. Yang has any objections?”

Sun Li Hong took a slight breath and spoke nervously.

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