Chapter 3 – I only love you

I left the small house I had lived in for two years with an umbrella. In fact, I didn’t feel good at all in my heart. When I proposed to live together with that woman, it was not a joke or taking advantage of her. At this moment, my mood was like a homeless child, losing the feeling of warmth, but no one knew that I felt like crying a little.

But people have to learn to respect reality, don’t they? When Lao Li sold this house, my departure was already inevitable.

I found an ATM nearby and withdrew 1000 yuan from the card according to the agreement. I also checked the user information and found out that the woman who was excessively beautiful was called Mi Cai.

I really like her name. “Mi” represents having enough to eat, and “Cai” represents colorful. If life has both rice and color, it is undoubtedly happiness. But I have neither of these two things. All I have left in my life now is hunger and black and white. So Mi Cai’s appearance is more like an irony to me! It mocks my lack of everything and my dead-end life!

At the corner of the street, there is a hotel. I stayed there. Under the raging wind and rain all night, I fell asleep in a daze until morning. When I woke up, it was almost noon.

I looked at the phone and found dozens of missed calls, all from Le Yao. She is really persistent. Seeing that I didn’t answer the phone, she sent me a message, saying: “If I had known, I should have given birth to the child in my belly and then used this so-called child to punish me for a lifetime.”

I found it a bit funny. She is not afraid of being an unmarried mother. Do I still fear being a cheap father in name only? Obviously, her complaints did not burden me mentally…

After a simple wash, I hurriedly went to the hospital. The reason why I went may be because of the remaining bit of kindness, or perhaps out of sympathy between pao friends. I can’t explain why. Many times, people don’t necessarily understand themselves well.

Arriving at the maternity and child hospital, I got off the taxi and saw Le Yao waiting for me with an umbrella at the entrance of the hospital.

She noticed me the first time, and her expression of insecurity finally eased a bit. She walked towards me.

I was very angry, but when I thought that she had been lying on the operating table here, facing the cold scalpel, I held back and didn’t lose my temper.

Le Yao held my arm with a serious expression and looked at her belly. She looked like she loved me deeply, but I didn’t pity her.

I broke free and finally couldn’t stand it anymore: “What the hell!… Tell me honestly, who made you pregnant?”

“You, Zhao Yang!”

“Do you believe that I will strangle you?” I stared at Le Yao and said.

“Beast, strangle me if you want. If you had strangled me yesterday, it would have been a double murder. If you do it today, you will be in the headlines, and the whole country will know that there is such a beast like you!” Le Yao squinted at me and said, but her body pressed closer to mine.

“Do you ever stop? I slept with you two months ago. How long have you been pregnant? Show me the ultrasound pictures.”

Le Yao ignored my doubts, but her tone suddenly softened. She held my arm tightly with deep regret and said, “Zhao Yang, if you didn’t have the abortion yesterday and let this child call you dad, how happy you would be!”

I suppressed my anger and pushed her aside, saying, “Stop playing, okay?… Go for a check-up quickly. Once you walk out of this hospital, consider me dead and never bother me again!”

Le Yao lowered her head and said to me after a while, “Don’t talk about living or dying. I won’t bother you anymore!”

After Le Yao finished the check-up and was receiving intravenous fluids in the ward, I sat next to her like a family member, but I didn’t want to say a word. I always felt a little suffocated in my heart.

The doctor pulled me aside outside the ward and said, “Young man, your girlfriend has a weak constitution and mild anemia symptoms. The post-abortion recovery must not be taken lightly, otherwise it will leave hidden diseases when she gets older. I will give you some medicine and supplements for recovery. You can go to the pharmacy on the second floor to get them.”

I nodded without thinking too much. I felt that the 1000 yuan I swiped with Mi Cai’s bank card yesterday should be enough to buy the medicine.

With the prescription from the doctor, I went to the second floor. The staff took a full five minutes to hand me a bag full of medicine and supplements, and then asked, “The total is 3016 yuan. Will you pay by card or cash?”

I was stunned and then cursed, “What the hell is this elixir that costs over 3000 yuan? Do you think I have a lot of money and want to rip me off?”

The staff didn’t find it strange and looked at the man who had just bought medicine next door, saying to me, “See, he just bought 8000 yuan worth of medicine and supplements. If you don’t have money, don’t let your girlfriend get pregnant!”

“You’re still so happy when you’re being taken advantage of, idiot!” I cursed at the man’s back, and then thought of Le Yao’s weak and helpless appearance after the abortion. I suppressed my anger and took out Mi Cai’s bank card from my wallet, saying, “Give me a discount, or just round down the 16 yuan.”

The staff took the bank card from my hand, gave me a disdainful look, and said, “How fresh, have you ever seen a hospital that gives discounts?”

Holding the medicine I bought from the pharmacy, my heart was bleeding. Being a pao friend is really expensive!

I supported the weak Le Yao out of the hospital after she finished receiving intravenous fluids, but the rain was still drizzling, and the air was heavy because of the continuous rain, making people feel depressed.

Le Yao leaned against me and walked for a while, unexpectedly asking me, “Zhao Yang, there is a film crew inviting me to go to Hengdian to shoot a movie next month. Should I go?”

“Is it reliable?” I asked gently, trying not to stimulate her emotions, but in fact, I had no interest in where she would go to shoot a movie.

“I have already tried the makeup. The director and producer are very satisfied and think I am suitable for this role.””Alright, you guys who work as models, aren’t you all eager to break into the entertainment industry? This is your chance, seize it… Oh, this is the post-surgery medication prescribed by the doctor. Take it and follow the schedule. I’ll text you later on how to take it.” I said, extending the bag in my hand towards her.

Le Yao didn’t take the bag I handed her, but stared at me for a long time before softly saying, “Being a model is just a transitional phase for me. Actually, I graduated from the acting department of Shanghai Theatre Academy.”

“Holy shit! No wonder you were so convincing when you were scamming me. You’re a professional! I really am blind, not recognizing a top student from the Theatre Academy!” I exclaimed, half sarcastically, half teasingly.

Le Yao completely ignored my outburst, and looked at me, asking, “Zhao Yang, do you think I’m beautiful?”

“Would I sleep with you if you weren’t beautiful?” I retorted, staring at Le Yao. She was indeed a beauty, and a very down-to-earth one at that. Bright eyes, red lips, white teeth, a bit sexy, a bit charming.

Le Yao nodded, “Zhao Yang, forget about Jian Wei. Once I become a female star, I will only love you!” After saying this, she took the bag from my hand and left like the wind.


I came back to my senses after a while. A cold wind blew over, and I suddenly remembered that I had promised Mi Cai to help her move before one o’clock. It was already half past one. I immediately hailed a taxi and headed to my old place. On the way, I remembered that I had just swiped Mi Cai’s bank card for 3016 yuan worth of medication. I had told her I would only charge 1000, so now I owed her 4016 yuan. How am I going to pay back all this money?

Thinking of Mi Cai’s face, so beautiful yet so serious, I was in turmoil!

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