Chapter 26 – Will we be together?

The Ferris wheel behind me stopped spinning, and a new group of people got on. After a while, under Le Yao’s gaze, I nodded and said, “Yes, I did come to Hengdian to see you for a reason.”

Le Yao responded with an expected expression, “You definitely didn’t come to see me because you missed me. You probably didn’t miss me at all.”

“Don’t say that, it makes me feel like a villain, only coming to you when I need something.”

Le Yao chuckled, her words teasing, “So, have you missed me these days?”

“Here we go again!”

“Alright… I won’t tease you anymore. Tell me, why did you come to see me?”

I was silent for a while before asking, “Are you free recently?”

“The crew just started shooting, so basically, I have scenes every day,” Le Yao replied.

“You’re that busy?” I exclaimed.

Le Yao nodded and said, “Yes, the shooting schedule is very tight recently. I have two night scenes tonight, so I have to go back to the crew soon. I can’t stay with you for long.”

My heart sank, knowing that there was a high chance that this trip would be fruitless. But I didn’t want to force Le Yao, so after a moment of silence, I said, “You should go back then. The reason I came to see you isn’t that important. If you don’t have time, it’s okay.”

Le Yao glanced at her watch and said to me, “I have to go now.”

I smiled and said, “Go ahead.”

Before leaving, Le Yao asked me, “Where are you staying?”

“Xiao Li’s Inn.”

“Oh, then I’m leaving now, bye Zhao Yang.” Le Yao waved at me and then jogged away.

The Ferris wheel was still spinning, but I suddenly felt alone. I lay on the bench, not wanting to go back to the inn.

Although I had promised my boss that I would get this done, I didn’t want to force Le Yao. If she really didn’t have time, then I would leave it up to fate.

The reason I gave up so easily was that I understood Le Yao’s situation. She was a newcomer in the crew, often having to act according to others’ moods. And with the tight shooting schedule, it was indeed difficult for her to find time. I couldn’t expect the crew to stop working to accommodate her!

Actually, I should be happy for Le Yao. The fact that she couldn’t find time meant that she had a significant role in this drama. Maybe she could become famous from this one role.

Back at the inn, I took a hot shower to relieve some fatigue, then lay on the bed. I couldn’t help but worry about my and Circle’s career prospects. I could only hope that Chen Jingming was making a big deal out of nothing, and that GUCCI wouldn’t necessarily terminate the cooperation over this issue.

I couldn’t fall asleep, and time passed in my anxious thoughts until it was the early morning. The world gradually quieted down.

I walked to the window, opened it, lit a cigarette, and stared at the gray outside, emptying my mind and not wanting to think about anything.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. At first, I thought it was from the next room, but then I realized it was mine.

I was puzzled. This kind of guesthouse wouldn’t have any special services, so who could be at the door so late?

I looked through the peephole and found that it was Le Yao standing outside.

I opened the door, and Le Yao smiled at me, “Surprised?”

“Surprised, but not pleased!” I was indeed shocked by Le Yao. I never expected her to come to see me at this time.

Le Yao entered the room, put her makeup and toiletries in the bathroom, and then said to me, “I came to see you as soon as I finished shooting. I’m staying here tonight.”

“Do you need it that much?” I asked, standing at the bathroom door.

“I do! But not tonight. You can’t have sex for a month after an abortion. You should know this basic physiological knowledge, Zhao Yang!” Le Yao said while removing her makeup.

“Why can’t you change your teasing nature? You came here so boldly, have you thought about how hard it will be for me to get through the night?”

“Find a way to solve it yourself!” Le Yao said nonchalantly.

I didn’t say anything more.

I lay on the bed watching TV, and Le Yao, after washing up and putting on her pajamas, crawled into bed and lay down next to me. Then she leaned into my arms, hugged me, and said, “Stop watching TV.”

“If I can’t have you, what else should I do if not watch TV?” I kept staring at the TV.

Le Yao found the remote and turned off the TV. The room suddenly quieted down. She spoke to me seriously, a rarity, “Tell me, why did you come to see me?”

“I told you, it’s not a big deal!” I reached for the remote again.

“I’m not stupid. If it was just to sleep with me for a night, would it be worth it for you to rush from Suzhou to Hengdian?” Le Yao took the remote from my hand again.

“I didn’t come here to sleep with you, did I?”

“Then stop beating around the bush and tell me why you came to see me.”

Under Le Yao’s persistent questioning, I finally said, “GUCCI is currently negotiating with our department store about setting up a counter. A female representative from GUCCI saw the promotional poster you shot for our mall and felt that your image fits GUCCI’s product positioning. They hope you can shoot a set of product promotional posters for GUCCI to help with the opening promotion…” I added, “If you can’t arrange the time, it’s okay.”

“Does your company attach great importance to the cooperation with GUCCI?”

“We have seven international first-line brands operating in our department store. Adding GUCCI would make it eight, reaching the standard of a top-tier B-class department store, which is a step up. So yes, we do take it seriously,” I replied.

“Look at you. If I hadn’t asked, you wouldn’t have mentioned such a big thing?” Le Yao sounded a bit reproachful.

“If you really don’t have time, there’s no point in me telling you. You should prioritize your work. There’s really no need to force it.”

After a moment of silence, Le Yao asked me, “How many days will it take to finish the shoot?”

“It should be done in two days, or maybe one. We’re not sure how GUCCI plans to shoot yet.”Le Yao nodded and said, “That’s good. Actually, I’ve already spoken to the director before coming here. I might need to take a leave of absence. He said he could arrange a two-day vacation for me. You should communicate with GUCCI and see when we can shoot.”

A weight lifted off my heart, and I reminded Le Yao, “Don’t push yourself too hard!”

“It’s nothing to push a little for you.”


The night was deep and bottomless, with only a dim night light left in the room. Le Yao was still curled up in my arms, and neither of us seemed sleepy.

“Zhao Yang, do you think we’ll end up together?”

I didn’t know why Le Yao would suddenly ask this. I was stunned for a long time before I answered, “We’re from different worlds. Your future is bright, and I’ve always been just getting by. The reason we’re sleeping together now is more out of loneliness and physical needs.”

“Maybe… ever since I chose this path, I’ve stopped expecting love.”

Hearing the word ‘love’, I felt so empty and unfamiliar that I momentarily forgot I was still talking to Le Yao.

We fell into silence, experiencing the helplessness of being alive. Even though we were sleeping together at this moment, we wouldn’t really live together because we were on different paths. Eventually, we would lose sight of each other at the crossroads.

“Le Yao, let’s not continue like this, or it will become a burden for us in the future…” I finally said after a long time.

Le Yao hugged me tighter, silent for a long time, but finally said calmly, “Okay, after this night, let’s just be friends.”

That night, Le Yao and I slept in the same bed. She held me tightly and slept peacefully. I knew that what she needed was not a casual partner or a boyfriend, but a support to prevent herself from sinking into this heavy reality.

What about me?… Perhaps what I need is a woman with whom I can lead a normal life, eagerly giving my heart to her for comfort. But where is she?

I remember: I’ve searched for her on the other shore, but she wasn’t there. I’ve searched for her where the lights are dim, but she wasn’t there either…


Regular three updates. If the mobile site gets over 70 recommendations before 10 pm today, I’ll add an extra chapter. Mobile site users, it’s up to you today!

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