Chapter 238 – Love is an exam

It was already evening, and business was slow, so Tongzi and I, each holding a box of takeout, squatted under the willow tree opposite the inn, eating while watching the passersby.


Tongzi sighed and said to me, "Brother Yang, not having business is so depressing, even eating chicken legs doesn't cheer me up!"


"Why don't you try shouting out to the tourists on the road? Maybe they'll stay at our inn."


"Who would pay attention to me? You think I'm Le Yao or something!"


I chuckled, patted his shoulder to comfort him, and said, "There's always a way out when you come to the mountain. When starting a business, avoid being impatient. You must always keep your cool."


"Alright, I'll stay cool… If one day our inn is bustling with guests, I'll be over the moon."


I joked with him, "Happier than losing your virginity?"


"That's two different kinds of happiness. You can't compare them."


"You sure make a clear distinction!"


Tongzi giggled and then, lowering his voice, sneakily asked me, "Brother Yang, tell me secretly, how many women have you slept with?"


"Who keeps count!"


"Beast, those girls must be blind to let you ruin them like that!"


"Mutual ruin."


Tongzi made a vomiting gesture and refused to talk to me anymore. I could see the heart of a virgin deeply wounded by the conversation.




Bathed in the evening spring breeze, I watched the river carry the fallen leaves eastward. When tired of watching, I would shout out to the girls rowing their boats, and time would turn into the wind, into the clouds, drifting off towards the horizon with their bell-like laughter.


Suddenly, a woman's fragrance and the smell of tobacco came from behind, and two hands landed on my shoulders at the same time. I instinctively turned around to see the fragrance came from CC, and the tobacco smell wafted from the cigarette clutched between Robben's fingers.


Overjoyed, I asked, "How come you two are here?"


CC smiled and said, "How could we not come to support your inn's opening?"


I wrapped my arms around them, feeling truly happy. It seemed I hadn't been forgotten after all; people kept coming to Xitang to see me these past few days.


"You two haven't eaten yet, right? Let me treat you to Xitang's specialty dishes."


Robben said to CC with a smile, "See, Zhao Yang doesn't have many strengths, but he's enthusiastic. Let's give him the chance to treat us."


"You're so pretentious… I really want to make a statue of you and worship you as the Pretentious God!"


Robben laughed heartily, and so did CC. They both seemed in good spirits, and it was clear they had found something special in their relationship.




Robben, CC, and I chose a restaurant with local specialties nearby and caught up over dinner.


I asked Robben, "Did you finish your work in Beijing?"


"It's done. The producers have confirmed they'll use my songs. I delivered them a few days ago."


"That's really great."


CC chimed in, "It was thanks to Le Yao's influence that Robben got this opportunity."


Robben nodded in agreement, then added, "Speaking of Le Yao, she really has it tough. I spent a few months in Beijing, and whenever she fell ill, I was the one who took care of her."


I asked with some confusion, "Doesn't she have an agent?"


"She says she doesn't like dealing with people who see her as a money-making tool. But then again, once you're in this business, aren't you already a money-making tool? Fing Hell, I see right through it, and she still doesn't!"


Robben tossed a cigarette into his mouth and lit it.


I stayed silent for a while, feeling an indescribable sentiment, but I couldn't change anything for Le Yao because we all live lives beyond our control.


Sensing the heaviness of the topic, CC patted my shoulder and asked, "Zhao Yang, is there anything fun to do in Xitang at night?"




"Let's go have some fun after dinner."


I nodded.


CC, as if remembering something, asked, "I heard there's a famous bar here called 'I'll Wait for You in Xitang', right?"


"Yeah, there is such a bar. The owner, A Feng, is also into music."


CC smiled at Robben and said, "Then we definitely have to check it out."


"You're not planning to go there and cause a scene, are you?"


Robben replied with his usual flair, "No need for that, it's just a bar."




On the way to the bar, CC and I walked together. She finally spoke up with a hint of complaint, "Zhao Yang, I have to say, coming to Xitang without a word was really too much!"


"At that time, I didn't think she would be affected by my leaving Suzhou."


"But the truth is: she searched the world for you… Can't you cherish her properly? A woman without a father, without romantic experience, lacking a sense of security."


"I've been troubled by this for a long time. You know, love is full of uncertainties, and I really don't want to bring her one problem after another. Frankly, I'm not a reassuring boyfriend, not qualified in any aspect compared to Wei Ran."


"If one day Wei Ran leaves without a word, do you think Mi Cai would search the world for him?"


"They've been through hardships together in the United States for several years. Knowing Mi Cai, she would be worried."


"Isn't that what you should think? Mi Cai and Wei Ran's relationship is limited to companions in adversity. That day, she left with Wei Ran, but that proves she only sees him as a friend or brother. If she really had romantic feelings for Wei Ran, she wouldn't have gotten into his car because subconsciously, she would feel guilty towards you, her official boyfriend. That guilt would prevent her from continuing to do things that hurt you… On the contrary, because she's so open and honest, she didn't think too much. In fact, without romantic experience, she's very innocent when it comes to feelings."


"Your reverse psychology is really complicated!"


"Even if it's complicated, someone as smart as you must understand. Initially, it was just impulsiveness that restricted your thinking, leading to that misunderstanding with Mi Cai."


I looked at CC, speechless.


CC smiled and said, "Are you admiring your sister now? No need for that. After all, I majored in emotional psychology in college. Your little emotional issues are all within my field of expertise, and I can cure you in minutes."


I exaggeratedly exclaimed, "Wow, Sister CC, you really get it! On behalf of all the foolish lovers, I give you a hundred thumbs up!" I said, poking her face with my finger.


CC dodged while angrily saying, "Zhao Yang, can you be serious for once? I really want to put you in kindergarten for a good reformation!"


I laughed, but my mind was still pondering CC's words. Could she really see through Mi Cai and me, who were lost in the situation?


In fact, whether her analysis was correct or not wasn't important. What mattered was that Mi Cai and I hadn't formed that natural trust between us, otherwise, we wouldn't have had this series of events.


Love is like an exam, whipping those in it to learn and grow. In two months, Mi Cai and I would face this exam again, and I just hoped that by then, we could at least pass.


I also hoped that her trip to the United States would go smoothly, completing the preparations for Zhuomei's listing, because I understood: Zhuomei was the most important thing in her life, irreplaceable!




As we talked, the three of us arrived at A Feng's bar. It was bustling with many customers today, and I waved to A Feng in greeting.


A Feng squeezed through the crowd to join me, his face beaming with excitement, "Zhao Yang, I was just about to look for you at the inn."


"What's up?"


"We spontaneously held a 'Voice of the Bar' contest today, and we can't miss having you there to liven things up."


I smiled, feeling the urge to compete, and glanced at Robben and CC next to me, then said to A Feng, "I brought two friends to hang out today. Let's join your 'Voice of the Bar' event later."


A Feng greeted CC and Robben, "Nice to meet you, nice to meet you!"


Robben and CC nodded in acknowledgment, and the four of us headed inside the bar.


A Feng whispered in my ear, "Zhao Yang, are your two friends also into music?"


"You'll find out later."


"You're being mysterious. They don't look like musicians to me!"


I glanced at Robben and noticed for the first time that he was wearing a business suit, and CC, following suit, was in formal attire. They probably flew straight to Xitang after some event in Beijing at noon, no wonder A Feng didn't think they looked like musicians.


I shrugged at A Feng and said, "Just think of them as amateurs with KTV-level skills."

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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