Chapter 237 – The expected future:

I quickly tidied myself up and stepped out of the modest yet memorable inn, and sure enough, saw a white BMW 3 Series parked outside.


Before I could get close, the car door swung open and a woman wearing white prescription glasses stepped out. I recognized her because I had met her once when I delivered food to Mi Cai at Zhuomei.


"Mr. Zhao Yang, this way."


I walked towards her, apologizing, "Sorry to have kept you waiting!"


She indicated it was no problem and gestured for me to enter the car. I opened the passenger door and sat down.


As we drove off, I struck up a conversation with her, "Why did Miss Mi suddenly go to America?"


The assistant replied, "She's preparing for Zhuomei's NASDAQ listing. If all goes well, Zhuomei will become a listed group within a year."


I couldn't help but exclaim, "That's impressive!"


The assistant smiled, "After all, Zhuomei is a decades-old department store brand. We have the strength to apply for a listing, and the group indeed needs funds for a new leap, especially as the impact of emerging e-commerce on traditional retail becomes increasingly evident."


I nodded. Although Zhuomei's current business strategy was sustainable, achieving a qualitative leap was difficult. Going public to raise funds was a wise choice in the current business environment.


After a pause, I asked, "Did Miss Mi take a team to the US?"


"Yes, a ten-person team."


I speculated that Mi Cai's push for Zhuomei's listing was likely aimed at muddying the waters, to curb Mi Zhongde's absolute control over Zhuomei. Their rivalry must have escalated to a fierce stage. I just hoped it wouldn't undermine Zhuomei's foundation.


The assistant then asked me, "What are your plans for the near future, Mr. Zhao Yang?"


"Open an inn in Xitang, then go public."


The assistant turned to me incredulously.


I remembered the car accident from the day before, caused by my distraction, and quickly reminded her, "Focus on driving. That going public part was just me bragging."


She laughed and shook her head, "You and Miss Mi are quite the odd couple!"


"Odd couple of what?"


"Odd couple of lovers."




About forty minutes later, I returned to Xitang. It was now 11 a.m. After treating Mi Cai's assistant to a quick meal, she left Xitang, and I returned to the inn, where Tongzi was still in charge of receiving guests.


"Brother Yang, you're back!"


"Thanks for your hard work."


"Heh… when there's motivation, hard work isn't scary. We had three guests check in today!"




Tongzi nodded confidently. I wasn't surprised; if we didn't have guests even on weekends, it wouldn't really be an inn.


I asked Tongzi, "Did the female guest from yesterday (Jian Wei) check out?"


"Not yet. She's probably out for a meal."


I nodded, "Go have your meal and rest for a bit. I'll take over the inn this afternoon."


Tongzi agreed and then cheekily asked, "Brother Yang, come clean, what did you do with that beauty last night?"


"I don't discuss nighttime matters with someone whose mind is filled with filth."


Tongzi, feeling snubbed, gave me a disdainful look and walked out of the inn.




I took Tongzi's place at the reception desk, lit a cigarette, and pondered the future of the inn. The more I thought, the more I fell back into the quandary I faced when renovating "The Fifth Season."


About half an hour later, Jian Wei, who had gone out to eat, returned to the inn. She smiled and said, "I'm back."


"Did you know I went out last night?"


"I knew not only that you went out but also that Mi Cai came to see you, right?"


I knew without thinking that Tongzi had blabbed about me seeing Mi Cai off from Xitang last night to Jian Wei.


I nodded, "She did come to see me."


"Have you two cleared the air?"


I couldn't quite define my relationship with Mi Cai at the moment, but thinking of the note she left me, I nodded to Jian Wei, "Sort of."


Jian Wei smiled again, "Two people in love won't easily part ways."


I looked at Jian Wei, unsure of the basis for her conclusion. Was she indirectly telling me that she broke up with me because she no longer cared?


Rather than dwell on this, I changed the subject, "When do you plan to leave Xitang?"


"Soon. There's some urgent business at the company tomorrow."


I just nodded, without further comment.


Jian Wei pulled up a chair next to me and asked, "Worried about running the inn?"


"Yes, I haven't found a good strategy yet. Xitang may seem small, but there are hundreds of inns, all with their unique selling points. It's hard to find the right business angle in this complex market."


Jian Wei nodded in agreement, paused, and then said, "But I believe you'll find a way."


"I hope it doesn't take too long."


"Good luck. Once our company gets through the big orders we're currently handling, we'll organize a staff trip to Xitang to relax. Remember to reserve rooms for us and give us a discount."


"Of course."


"Alright, I should get going. Goodbye, Zhao Yang."


"Drive safely."


Jian Wei nodded, then as if remembering something, said, "Oh, could I have your contact information? If our advertising company faces any creative challenges, I hope to discuss them with you."


"I'll get a local SIM card and send you the number."


"Don't forget."


Jian Wei waved goodbye and walked out of the inn, and with the departure of three women, my world became peaceful once again.




In the afternoon, I found time to get a new SIM card at the mobile service center and sent out a mass text to inform friends and family of my new number. As responses trickled in, I reconnected with the reality I had long strayed from, signaling it was time to throw myself into this inescapable world and fight with all my might.


In two months, Xitang's tourist season would arrive, and I was eager to use this time to turn the inn into a thriving business. Not only to prove the skeptics wrong but also to welcome Mi Cai's return with the fruits of my labor.


I hoped that by then, we could face each other anew, without the misunderstandings and pain of the past.


And that was the future I looked forward to!

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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