Chapter 231 – The first guest

After Le Yao left, I walked alone towards the inn, glancing around as I went. It was only when a tourist or two passed by that I felt anchored again in the real world.


I stopped in front of a newly opened convenience store, captivated by the two electric carousel horses being installed for children's amusement.


Her unique, serene smile came to mind, a smile I had once been hopelessly lost in. But now, with a simple phrase—times change —I left those memories behind.


I no longer dwelled on the past, lifting my feet to continue towards the inn.




Inside the inn, Tongzi was sitting at the reception desk, filling in for me and attending to customers. Seeing me return, he stared for a while before asking, "Brother Yang, what happened to your face?"


"I bumped into something… Have we had any guests check in today?"


Tongzi shook his head in despair, "No… Ever since we took over this inn, not a single new guest has come."


I just nodded, not saying much, but my mind was racing: as we rejuvenate the inn with new flesh and blood, we need to craft a soul for it. Just like the "Seasons Change" theme at the Fifth Season Bar, or the "Waiting for You" at the Xitang bar, this crafted soul will become the core selling point of our business, drawing customers to spend and feel a sense of belonging here.


"Brother Yang, what are you so deep in thought about?"


I countered, "You're a shareholder of this inn now. Do you have any good ideas on how to run it well?"


Tongzi replied without hesitation, "Lower the prices. If we're cheaper than other inns, guests will naturally come!"


I shook my head, "Price cuts are just a promotional tactic, not a long-term strategy. Besides, we're renting someone else's property. Many inns here in Xitang are built by locals. We can't afford a price war with them, understand?"


"So what should we do?"


"One step at a time, starting with renovations."


"Alright, I don't know much about business, I'll follow your lead."


"Good. I have a task for you. Set up a shop on the Online Store within two days. Once our inn is renovated, we can take reservations directly online, opening up a new sales channel."


"Brother Yang, you're brilliant. Why didn't I think of that?"


"80% of the inns in Xitang already have shops on the Online Store. We're way behind. Now we need to catch up with the basic channels, got it?"


Tongzi nodded repeatedly.


I continued, "I'm leaving the inn in your hands today. I'm off to find a renovation company to finalize the plans."


"Don't worry, I'll take good care of the inn."


I nodded and prepared to leave.


"Brother Yang, wait."


"What is it?"


"…Is Le Yao coming to dine with us today?"


"No, she's gone back to Beijing."


Tongzi's head drooped, deflated like a punctured ball.


I chuckled, "Why the gloomy look?"


"I'm sad she's gone."


"What's there to be sad about? You barely spoke a few words to her."


"She's a big star, my goddess. Isn't it normal to be nervous around her?"


I had no desire to continue the idle chat. After reminding him again to take care of the inn, I grabbed my car keys and headed to the van parked outside.




Just like when I revamped the "Fifth Season" bar, I spent the entire day shuttling between various decoration companies, discussing ideas and getting quotes.


Busy as I was, dusk crept in unnoticed, and Xitang basked in the most poetic moment of the day. Yet, I returned to the inn, weary.


Tongzi was still focused on his computer. I sat in the wicker chair opposite him and asked, "Any guests this afternoon?"


"No," he replied, clicking away at the mouse.


"What are you doing?"


"Playing games."


"Did you set up the Online Store shop I asked for?"


"No, there are no guests right now anyway. I'll do it after the renovations."


I frowned at Tongzi's laziness but patiently said, "Stop playing games for a moment, I need to talk to you."


"Wait, wait…"


I lit a cigarette and waited.


After finishing one cigarette, I lit another. Tongzi showed no sign of stopping. Exhausted from the day, my temper flared, and I slapped his mouse-holding hand, exclaiming, "Fing Hell, can't you take anything seriously? What's so fun about this damn game!"


Startled by my outburst, Tongzi stared at me, mouth agape, before finally asking, "What's your problem?"


"I want you to focus, stop playing games, got it?"


"Is it necessary to be so serious about running an inn?… Besides, I've been watching the shop all day, how am I not focused?"


I struggled to communicate with Tongzi, growing increasingly irritable, yet I controlled my anger.


Seeing my silence, Tongzi suddenly kicked the office chair aside and said, "I'm going to eat," then left the inn without looking back.




I sat alone in the deserted inn until the sunset faded, until the room was devoid of light. Only then did I snap out of it and turn on the lights, lighting a cigarette with a sense of oppression.


I realized I had overreacted with Tongzi. At his age, it was normal to lack a sense of crisis, to drift through life aimlessly.


In fact, most students on the verge of graduating from college behave similarly. I shouldn't have set such high expectations for him but should have guided him more gently.


Checking the time, it was already 9 PM, and Tongzi hadn't returned. Worried, I thought about going out to look for him, but the inn couldn't be left unattended.


Still, without a single guest since we took over, I decided to find Tongzi first.


The night in Xitang was cool. I put on a thick coat, grabbed the lighter and cigarettes from the table, and headed out.


In my hurried steps, our eyes met for an instant. I stopped, and she turned to look at me.


"Why are you in Xitang?"


Jian Wei seemed more surprised than I was, pausing before saying, "It's the weekend, just here to relax… I didn't expect to find you in Xitang after you disappeared for so many days!"


I was silent for a while, wondering if Jian Wei still held a special place in her heart for Xitang, where we had once shared memories.


Jian Wei didn't speak further, just looked at the guitar hanging under the inn's sign, missing its strings.


Finally, I said to her, "Haven't found a place to stay yet? This is my inn."


"Your inn?"


"Yes, just took over yesterday."


"This inn is so out of the way, and it's the off-season for tourism. Am I going to be your first guest since you took over?"


"It seems so… Anyway, go inside and watch the inn for me. I have to run an errand and will be right back."


Jian Wei nodded, and I immediately led her into the inn.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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