Chapter 228 – Wei Ran’s Arrival

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

My conflicted expression prompted Le Yao to ask in confusion, "What's wrong?"


"I think I told my dad a lie I shouldn't have. I told him I'm in Shenzhen right now."


"I heard you. Why didn't you just tell him the truth?"


"Making mistakes often happens in the blink of an eye. I didn't think too much about it before… Forget it, I'll just be honest with him."


Saying this, I disabled the caller ID block and redialed Mr. Ban using Le Yao's phone.


Mr. Ban seemed to have been waiting for my call, answering immediately, and asked, "Why is it a Beijing number?"


"I'm using a friend's phone."


"Where exactly are you right now?"


I hesitated for a moment, then said, "…Xitang. I'm in Xitang."


"What are you doing there?"


"Just clearing my head, since I'm currently out of work."


After a moment of silence, Mr. Ban said, "Mi Cai is right beside me. Talk to her."


"What… How is she right beside you?"


"I'm on a business trip in Suzhou. She treated me to dinner tonight."


This time, it was my turn to fall silent, but Mr. Ban had already handed the phone to Mi Cai during my silence.


I could seemingly hear Mi Cai's breathing on the other end of the line, which made my heart start pounding erratically.


"Are you in Xitang?"


With things as they were, there was no need to hide anymore, so I said, "Yes, I'm in Xitang."


"Is Le Yao with you?"


I was taken aback, then realized what was going on. Since Mr. Ban had just asked why the number was from Beijing, Mi Cai, with her logical reasoning, would naturally know that Le Yao was with me.


"Yes, she's right here beside me."


Mi Cai fell silent.


"Thank you for hosting my dad, but you don't have to do that anymore."


"…Why are you treating me this way?"


"No one knows better than you why I left Suzhou."


"Was it because I got into Wei Ran's car that hurt you?"


"Wasn't it?"


"That day, I didn't consider your feelings… but have you ever considered mine?"


"You, a pampered heiress, the center of everyone's world, does my presence or absence even make a difference to you?"


Mi Cai was crying on the other end of the phone… I didn't want to hear this heart-wrenching sobbing, so I hung up.




I handed the phone back to Le Yao, lit a cigarette amidst my frustration, and at that moment, I was tired of communicating with Mi Cai, fearing that my own feelings would be stirred again, only to repeat the heartache.


Le Yao nudged me and asked, "Why the furrowed brow?"


"Let's not talk about it."


Le Yao looked at me, wanting to say more but ultimately nodded and said, "Go back and rest early, don't overthink! No matter how much you dislike this world, I, as your friend, will always be there to create the scenery you like, to be with you!"


"Thank you!"




I returned to the inn amidst my turmoil. Tongzi, surprisingly, wasn't playing games or watching dramas but sat on his bed, lost in thought, looking a bit dazed.


Seeing me return, he snapped out of his daze and said, "Brother Yang, you're finally back!"


"Something up?"


"Yeah, I've been thinking, how does a nobody like you know a big star like Le Yao?"


"We knew each other before she became famous."


Tongzi nodded, then said, "It still feels unbelievable, like I'm dreaming. I actually know a big star!"


I smiled and said, "Her fame has mythologized her in your subconscious, but she had her share of hardships before she became famous."


"Then tell me about her life before fame."


"Why are you so interested in her?"


"Er… I'm a fan of her movies, isn't it normal to be interested?… Brother Yang, will you end up with Le Yao? Just thinking about having a big star as a sister-in-law makes me feel superior!"


To me, this was a boring question, so I replied impatiently, "Do you think we'll end up together?"


"That's… hard to say, but I think she's really good to you, almost obedient… There must be something between you two."


I was startled, remembering that Le Yao and I had indeed shared a night of passion, and she later claimed to be pregnant with my child. However, I doubted it was true; if it was, why didn't she show me the ultrasound that could serve as proof?


Tongzi was eagerly awaiting my answer, to which I finally said, "We're just friends who've known each other for many years. Don't overthink it!"


"Right, how could a goddess like her be with you?… Brother Yang, do you think she'll forget about you, her nobody friend, as she becomes more famous?"




"I really hope that day never comes."


I smiled and asked, "What does it have to do with you? Why do you care so much?"


"If she can't even remember you, will she remember me?…"


"If you could be as concerned about other things as you are about this, I'd be very pleased!"


Tongzi chuckled, but I didn't give him another chance to speak. I picked up my dirty clothes and headed to the bathroom. Since arriving in Xitang, I hadn't washed my clothes, which was quite sloppy.


After washing my clothes, I felt exhausted, but sleep eluded me that night. I had to admit, Mi Cai's crying on the phone pained my heart. I wanted to say something to her, but I didn't want to demean myself. I've always believed that a man should have principles when it comes to love; if you grovel without limits, you'll feel not only pain but also humiliation when you lose.




After a night of little sleep, I still got up early the next day because I had taken over the inn. Although a cleaning lady was responsible for the inn's hygiene, I still had to handle the front desk reception myself.


After eating some fried buns, I sat in front of the computer to review the accommodation records of the past year, planning to analyze them and then devise a renovation plan.


After more than an hour of staring at the data, my head was spinning. I finally looked up at the willow tree outside the door to relieve my eye fatigue.


Suddenly, a Ferrari 458 arrogantly entered my view, and then I saw Wei Ran stepping out of the car.


Once again, we faced each other, and because I couldn't muster any fondness for him, I frowned and asked, "How did you find me?"


"It's not hard to find someone in Xitang."


I knew he wouldn't come to me for no reason, most likely because of Mi Cai. Just as I was about to ask, he took off his jacket, revealing the muscles that perfectly filled out his white tank top. He beckoned me with a hooked finger, provocatively saying, "Last time you wanted to fight me, right? Now I've come to Xitang to give you that chance."


"You're fing hell sick."


Wei Ran approached me, his face as cold as ice. He swung a punch at me, which I instinctively dodged by leaning back, but his other hand quickly grabbed my jacket, pulling me close to him. As his swinging arm bent, his elbow smashed toward me.


In just two moves, I knew he must have had professional combat training, and I couldn't dodge it no matter what. My jaw cracked from the impact of his elbow, and the taste of blood trickled down the corner of my mouth.

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