Chapter 223 – The one most worried about you is Mi Cai

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

The kid stared at me with wide eyes and after a long pause said, "You want her to unblock me? Brother Yang, I must be hearing things!"


I smiled and replied, "I know her."


The kid twisted his face into a sneer and said, "Haha… you know her! Who would believe that? She's a celebrity, a rising star!"


"Do you think I'm joking too?"


"You're just blowing smoke!"


I sighed, "Well, that settles it. Even if you hate me to death, it doesn't change anything."


The kid made a choking gesture at me, sighed deeply, and then chugged the rest of the beer in his bottle. He really did hate me to death.




Leaving the bar, just past nine in the evening, the kid and I walked side by side on the cobblestone path shrouded in night.


Halfway through, I planned to sit by the Xitang River for a while since there was nothing to do at home, but the kid was in a hurry to get back to catch Le Yao's drama. So, with differing opinions, we temporarily went our separate ways.


I wandered alone by the Xitang River until I found a secluded spot, where I stopped and sat on the steps by the riverbank.


Out of habit, I reached into my pocket only to find that my last pack of cigarettes had been finished at the bar. Without cigarettes, my boredom intensified, so I fiddled with my lighter while my eyes were fixed on the flowing river.


I was somewhat lost in thought, no longer expecting to see the reflection of that city in the Xitang River because I understood: I had not yet repaired that city, and I was still as confused as before I arrived.


A gust of wind brought the sound of approaching footsteps. Instinctively, I wanted to look back but was suddenly blinded by a pair of hands from behind.


She pinched her voice, pretending to be a child and said to me, "Guess who I am, Zhao Yang!"


The scent of Lancôme's La Vie Est Belle perfume wafted into my nose. Among the women I knew, only she liked this perfume.


"Let go, stop it!"


"Did you guess who I am?"


"Aren't you busy filming? What brings you to Xitang?"


Finally, she released her hands from my eyes, walked around to face me, and crouched down, asking, "How did you know it was me?"


"It was the perfume on you that gave you away!"


"You're really good, almost like a dog's nose."


"What kind of way is that to talk!"


Le Yao ignored my displeasure and sat down close beside me.


I asked her with a hint of confusion, "Have you finished filming?"


"I finished all the scenes I had to shoot for this week yesterday." She paused, then whispered, "I wanted to come see you."


"All this way, is it worth it?"


"What's worth or not worth between friends!"


"Focus on your work, you're now a big star adored by everyone!"


Le Yao took off her sunglasses and mask, smiled at me, and said, "In front of you, I'm just Le Yao."


Moved by her words, I didn't know how to respond to this sentimental moment, so I chose silence.


"Zhao Yang, I feel pretty lucky. I arrived in Xitang this afternoon and met you tonight!"


"You'd be lucky if you met me right after you arrived this afternoon, considering how small Xitang is."


Le Yao playfully slapped me, then, as she used to, linked her arm with mine and said, "Why do you always have to be contrary with me?"


"Troublemakers always love to be contrary!"


"You even know you're a troublemaker!… Do you realize, by disappearing without a word, how many people are worried sick about you?"


I didn't believe anyone would worry about me, so I joked with Le Yao, "Are you one of them?"


She shook her head, "No, because I'm the only one who knows where you went… Actually, Mi Cai is the one who's most worried about you!"




"Yes, her… Would you believe me if I told you she flew to Beijing to find me yesterday?"


I shook my head.


"She really did, looking all worn out!"


I still questioned, "Why would she come looking for you?"


"Because CC told her, if you left Suzhou and didn't return to Xuzhou, you would definitely borrow money, and your potential lenders could only be Circle, Robben, CC, or me. After ruling out the other three, that left only me."


"But I might not tell you where I'm going either."


"Desperate times call for desperate measures, have you heard of it?… For Mi Cai, I was the last glimmer of hope! Luckily, she guessed right, I knew you were in Xitang."


"Did you tell her then?"


"No, I felt it shouldn't be me who tells her where you are, as it would hurt her… So, I came to Xitang, and now I'm telling you, so you can decide whether to contact her or not."


"You make it sound so real!"


"It is real, I can swear to you if you don't believe me!"


I stared hard at Le Yao, trying to find any trace of a lie on her face, but there was none, and it seemed she had no motive to lie. So, my skeptical heart began to waver!


Le Yao waved her hand in front of my face, "Zhao Yang, why are you staring at me like that?"


Finally, I looked away, and even though I believed Le Yao, it still felt like a dream. How could Mi Cai, because of my unannounced departure, fly all the way to Beijing to find Le Yao!


Le Yao nudged me, still silent, and asked, "What happened between you two?"


"We broke up."


"Who brought it up first?"


I was taken aback and after a long pause said, "Neither of us mentioned breaking up, but we really did!"


Le Yao's eyes widened as she looked at me and asked, "Don't tell me you're the only one who thinks you've broken up?"


My heart skipped a beat, but the image of her pushing me away resolutely and getting into Wei Ran's car flashed through my mind. I shook my head at Le Yao and said, "It's not just my wishful thinking. Some things others may not understand, but she and I do, and they definitely happened… I think our short-lived love has been torn apart by the harsh reality!"


Le Yao didn't press further but smiled and said, "I've passed on what I had to, the rest is up to you… However, tonight is mine. It's my first time in Xitang, and you have to show me around."


"Let's go…"


Le Yao stood up before me and pulled me up from the ground, asking, "Which way should we go?"


"West, there's a convenience store. I need to buy a pack of cigarettes first."




When I bought the cigarettes and once again tasted that familiar flavor, my calm heart suddenly became restless. An impulse, barely contained behind my self-imposed defenses, urged me to send a message to Mi Cai, telling her: I'm still okay!

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