Chapter 195 – Negotiate cooperation

We entered the temporary shop made of tents, and a few of us sat around a not-so-large table. Circle called the boss over and directly ordered three ten-kilogram barrels of draft beer, and then started ordering food.

Soon, the boss brought over the barbecue stove, and the three of us men each took a large cup of draft beer. Keeping the tacit understanding as before, we finished the first cup in one breath.

So, in this sub-zero night, my brain was stimulated by the icy liquor into a strong cold pain, and what followed after the cold pain was the pleasure of indulgence.

I exhaled heavily, only to find that Circle and Xiang Chen made the same move at the same time as me, and then the three of us smiled bitterly. In fact, we no longer had the passion and vigor of the past, otherwise we would have been drinking the second cup non-stop.

Jian Wei and Yan Yan skillfully turned the skewers on the barbecue stove, and then Yan Yan handed a cooked skewer to Mi Cai, asking, “Miss Mi, would you like to try?”

Mi Cai nodded and said, “Of course, I would love to experience your college life.”

Yan Yan looked at everyone and laughed, saying, “We were just messing around… But Miss Mi, I’m curious, what was your life like when you were in college in the United States, was it the same as ours?”

“Life was very simple back then.”

Yan Yan nodded and asked again, “Which city did you go to college in, Miss Mi?”


“Jian Wei was in Los Angeles. Sometimes I really feel that fate is wonderful. People who are meant to be together will come together no matter how far apart they are… So, I think we should cherish such fate, forget all the messy things, and it would be great if we could get together like this often!”

After Yan Yan finished speaking, everyone fell silent. Indeed, what Yan Yan expressed was a beautiful longing, but she was not the one involved. We knew that such gatherings would become less and less.

Today, the reason why I was willing to bring Mi Cai to the appointment was firstly because I really missed my college life, and secondly, I hoped to use this opportunity to completely end the past. Sometimes thinking about the heart-wrenching pain caused by the past really makes people tired. It’s better to forget each other in the blank space after time has passed.

Soon, we were a bit dazed under the influence of alcohol, and Xiang Chen, who had little interaction with Jian Wei, suddenly raised his glass to Jian Wei and said, “Jian Wei, today, while our friends are here, let them witness, I sincerely ask for your forgiveness for my irrationality a while ago… During my time abroad, I thought a lot and realized that I didn’t give you freedom…”

Jian Wei frowned and interrupted Xiang Chen, saying, “Can we talk about our issues privately?”

Xiang Chen cast a pleading look at Yan Yan and Circle.

Yan Yan took Jian Wei’s hand and said, “Jian Wei, Xiang Chen is apologizing to you in front of us, which means he wants us to help supervise him so that he won’t make similar mistakes in the future. This is a good thing, let him finish.”

Jian Wei looked at Xiang Chen without saying a word, which was a silent concession to Yan Yan.

Xiang Chen seemed a bit excited, took a sip of wine and continued, “Regarding your advertising company, I will definitely not stop you anymore, and I will fully support it. In the future, I will shift the focus of my business to Suzhou and accompany you in Suzhou to run the advertising company well!”

Jian Wei’s face finally eased a bit, and she said to Xiang Chen, “You don’t need to fully support it. My advertising company is just a small business compared to your career. You should focus on your own business. Spiritual support is enough!”

Xiang Chen asked eagerly, “So, are you willing to forgive me?”

“Do I have any other choice?”

Xiang Chen looked up, and when he looked at Jian Wei again, his eyes were already red. He choked up and said, “Jian Wei, I really care about you too much, so I want to keep you by my side, to manage our future family well. If this restricts your freedom, I am willing to compromise, because to love someone is to love all of her, including the freedom she loves.”

Jian Wei’s face finally changed, and after a long time, she said softly to Xiang Chen, “Thank you for your understanding and tolerance!”

Xiang Chen wiped his face heavily with both hands, hugged Jian Wei like he had regained something, and then said to her, “I have decided to move the company to Suzhou. From now on, we will settle in Suzhou. It’s close to Shanghai and Nanjing, which is also a way to explain to our parents.”

Jian Wei was silent for a while before answering, “You can handle this matter as you see fit.”

Xiang Chen smiled and held Jian Wei tighter, then unexpectedly said to Mi Cai, “President Mi, after our company moves to Suzhou this year, we hope to have a deep cooperation with Zhuomei. I plan to set up high-standard counters in Zhuomei in Suzhou and Shanghai next month. I hope you can provide support in terms of resources.”

Mi Cai didn’t immediately respond due to the surprise.

Circle took over the conversation, “President Mi, I think Xiang Chen’s tobacco and alcohol counters entering Zhuomei is also an opportunity for Zhuomei. Compared to Baoli Department Store, Zhuomei is slightly weaker in the tobacco and alcohol sector. Although Xiang Chen has already set up a counter in Baoli, I believe the scale of the counter in Zhuomei will definitely exceed the investment in Baoli.”

Xiang Chen nodded in agreement with Circle’s statement, then added, “Last year, I obtained the exclusive agency rights for two top-tier wine brands abroad. I really want to use the Zhuomei platform to showcase our company’s absolute strength in the industry, so the scale of the investment will definitely be unprecedented.”

Mi Cai thought for a moment, then said, “After your counter setup plan comes out, we can discuss in detail. As for resources, I will definitely provide the greatest help within my ability.”

Xiang Chen raised his wine glass and smiled at Mi Cai, “Then let me thank President Mi for your strong support here first, and I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation!”

Mi Cai just nodded, not saying any more polite words.


On the way back, Mi Cai was driving, and I was leaning on the passenger seat feeling a bit dizzy. I didn’t really want to talk because I couldn’t get a word in when they were discussing the cooperation. First of all, I’m not from Zhuomei’s planning department, so I can’t give any industry-specific advice. Furthermore, I’ve never experienced their level of capital game, so I have even less of a say.

I looked blankly at the city’s glitz outside the car window, worrying about my future, and kept questioning myself in my heart, how should I strive?

In the midst of questioning, I gradually felt powerless, because my body, which had nothing, couldn’t carry that huge desire. For a moment, I seemed to be trapped in a broken space, my hand touching Mi Cai’s pride, but my feet were locked in a desolate desert…

At this moment, the originally clean car window suddenly filled with dense raindrops. A heavy rain came unexpectedly, and Mi Cai finally spoke to me for the first time since we got in the car amidst the “pitter-patter” sound of the rain.

“Zhao Yang, what do you think of Xiang Chen’s plan to set up a counter in Zhuomei?”

I didn’t react for a moment, just numbly looking at Mi Cai, unable to say a word for a long time.

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