Chapter 18 – Deep Confession

The water in the fountain pool flowed down along the giant sculpture like a waterfall. Mi Cai, Jian Wei, and I, this strange trio, looked at each other in silence amidst the sound of flowing water.

Finally, Jian Wei smiled and said to me, “Long time no see, Zhao Yang.”

“Hmm.” I only replied with one word, afraid that speaking too much would reveal my trembling voice, and even more afraid that she would know I was scared.

Upon hearing my response, Jian Wei just smiled and looked at Mi Cai, asking, “Is she your girlfriend?”

Only then did I realize that I was still tightly holding onto Mi Cai, too preoccupied to let go of her. I thought to myself: If Mi Cai really is my girlfriend, it would be enough to prove that I have been doing fine since breaking up with Jian Wei all these years, at least I haven’t died in the loneliness of being alone.

Instinctively, I didn’t want Jian Wei to see me living a miserable life. Driven by this instinct, I actually nodded towards Jian Wei and said, “Yes, she’s my girlfriend.”

After saying that, I nervously looked at Mi Cai, afraid that she would expose me in front of everyone and turn me into a joke.

Mi Cai frowned and remained silent, seemingly considering showing me some mercy, yet also unwilling to give up this perfect opportunity for revenge.

I quickly said to Mi Cai, “Don’t you have urgent matters to attend to at work? Go quickly, I’ll explain to my friends later, they will understand.”

Mi Cai struggled and shook off my hand, seemingly eager to leave this place, without saying a word she turned and walked towards her car.

The red Q7 drove past me with a gust of wind, seemingly filled with Mi Cai’s angry aura. It seemed that I had really angered her.

The fountain was still flowing, but only Jian Wei and I remained at the scene. I lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and pretended to be helpless as I complained, “Sigh! She’s always busy, busy all the time…”

“Is that so? But your girlfriend seems pretty good.”

“What do you mean ‘seems pretty good’? Of course she’s good!” I stood up straight and corrected Jian Wei’s statement discontentedly.

Jian Wei looked at me, and after a while, she said, “Zhao Yang, you haven’t changed.”

“What do you mean?”

Before Jian Wei could answer, the groomsman Xiang Chen waved at Jian Wei from a distance, saying that the emcee was looking for her and there was a wedding ceremony that required her cooperation.

Jian Wei responded to Xiang Chen and looked at me again, asking, “The lunch banquet is about to start, aren’t you going in?”

“I’ll finish smoking first.”

Watching Jian Wei’s departing figure, my heart was filled with a sense of loss. I wanted to tell her: she was right, I really haven’t changed. I still long for the days we spent together. I still remember: that day when I couldn’t meet her family and could only hide in a corner to bid her farewell, I also remember, she cried and wrote “wait” heavily on the car window with her lipstick. I watched from afar until the two words “wait” completely blurred in my sight, until tears streamed down my face that she would never see…

I immersed myself in the memories, even wanting to rush over and hug her regardless of everything, telling her that I still love her. But just now, our conversation after a long separation and reunion was so pale and tasteless, not even qualifying as ordinary friends. I knew that the love and joy we once had in silence had been drifting further and further away from us…

If my heart is a city, at this moment, the entire city is weeping!

The wedding banquet began, and everyone took their seats one by one. My colleagues and I sat in a slightly more remote location, while Jian Wei, Xiang Chen, the groom, and the bride sat at the front table.

I resisted the urge to look at Jian Wei, but I couldn’t control myself. It was ridiculous. For a woman who had been separated from me for three years and made me think of her every night, how could I suppress the impulse to think of her when she was only a stone’s throw away from me?

My colleagues talked to me, and I absentmindedly responded while constantly finding a reason in my heart to look towards Jian Wei. But from beginning to end, Jian Wei didn’t even give me a glance in response. She only chatted with Xiang Chen from time to time, and they would exchange knowing smiles after a few words. They seemed to get along very well, and Jian Wei’s mood seemed to be quite good.

The emcee on the stage encouraged Circle and Yan Yan to have intimate interactions, and the crowd below cheered. I remained silent, but kept drinking glass after glass of alcohol.

In a daze, Xiang Chen walked towards me with a wine glass in hand. I also picked up a glass of wine and drank it all in one go. When Xiang Chen reached me, I had already poured myself a full glass of wine and shouted at Xiang Chen, “Xiang Chen, my little brother, come over and drink with me.”

Xiang Chen smiled and said, “Who knows who will end up drinking? How many are you prepared to drink this time?”

The so-called “drink with me” between Xiang Chen and me was a habit left over from our university days. When we were young and reckless, we would drink until one of us was completely drunk. At that time, the person who could still stand at the end would arrogantly call the person who fell down a grandson. In our four years of university, I fell down, Circle fell down, and naturally, Xiang Chen also fell down. So the three of us took turns being grandsons for four years, but we never admitted that the other two were the grandfathers!In fact, ever since I started working, I no longer drink foolishly like I did in college. But today, no matter if it’s Xiang Chen or anyone else, as long as they raise a glass with me, regardless of the type of alcohol or the number of glasses, I will accompany them. I feel happy for Circle and Yan Yan, but I feel sorry for myself. With all these emotions, perhaps alcohol is my best antidote.

I switched to a larger goblet, filled it almost to the brim with white wine, and raised my glass to Xiang Chen, saying, “Just like before, one glass per person. If you can’t drink anymore, just lie down and play dead. Don’t beg for mercy, don’t explain.”

Everyone laughed at my words, thinking we were joking. But I didn’t blink, I really drank two mouthfuls of a full glass of white wine, then turned the glass upside down to show that I had finished.

Amid exclamations, everyone’s attention shifted from Circle and Yan Yan to Xiang Chen and me, including Jian Wei.

“Zhao Yang, you’re still as fierce as you were several years after graduation. But I will definitely drink this wine because I’m very happy today.” After saying this, he also drank all the wine in his glass, then glanced at Jian Wei.

I noticed this detail, a string in my heart was suddenly pulled. I understood who Xiang Chen was happy for.

In college, he and I both pursued Jian Wei, but Jian Wei chose me. Then he became like a brother to Jian Wei, still giving her meticulous care. Of course, this seemed like a kind of letting go at that time. But now that Jian Wei and I have broken up, and Jian Wei has returned to China, if Jian Wei is still single, he can legitimately pursue Jian Wei again.

I remained silent, but Xiang Chen poured another full glass of white wine and said to me, “Zhao Yang, do me a favor, let’s have another one.”

I nodded and poured another glass of white wine, ready to drink it all in one go, but Xiang Chen stopped my glass, saying, “I’ll drink first this time.”

After saying this, Xiang Chen drank a whole glass of white wine, then put the glass on the table and walked towards Jian Wei.

Jian Wei reprimanded Xiang Chen in a caring tone, “You should drink less. Aren’t you afraid of hurting your body by drinking like this?”

“Using the alcohol I’ve drunk, I want to tell you what’s on my mind!” After saying this, Xiang Chen closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then borrowed the microphone from the host, looking at Jian Wei with deep affection.

I suddenly had a premonition that the next scene would be enough to tear me apart!

The whole room was silent. At this moment, Xiang Chen’s expression was full of sincerity, gentle with emotion. He tightly held Jian Wei’s hand, gazed at her for a long time, and said, “Today is a day full of joy, and a day I’ve been looking forward to for a long time… Jian Wei, I’ve loved you deeply for 5 years, and that has never changed. Even when you were with Zhao Yang, I never gave up loving you… Once I thought Zhao Yang would make you happy, and I chose to silently bless you. But the fact proved that your love was a failure. I won’t comment on your love, after all, love is free, and it’s meaningless for anyone to dwell on the past… Now that you’re single, I hope you can be my girlfriend. I’m really willing to give everything for you, even if you plan to go back to America, I’m willing to go abroad with you. No matter where you are, I will be with you, just like the days I spent with you in America two years ago! I will make you happy!”

My heart ached as if it was about to explode. Xiang Chen’s words reminded me of something: a month after Jian Wei and I broke up, Xiang Chen did go abroad for a while. At that time, he didn’t tell us which country he went to. Now it can be confirmed that he went to America to accompany Jian Wei after her breakup. It turns out that he has been in contact with Jian Wei all these years.

Everyone was waiting for Jian Wei’s answer to Xiang Chen. But at this moment, I finally understood that the Jian Wei in college loved a feeling, but the Jian Wei after graduation loved a match in social status.

From any perspective, Xiang Chen and Jian Wei are the most compatible… I think: maybe I already know the answer Jian Wei is about to give Xiang Chen.

In the midst of the tearing pain, I seemed to see again the day I saw her off, when she cried and wrote “Waiting…” heavily on the car window with lipstick.

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