Chapter 170 – To give oneself up

I held Le Yao back with one hand, not letting her get close to me, while the other hand took out my phone from my pocket and opened WeChat.

“Have you been lonely these days?”

I thought to myself: You ignored my messages earlier, so I’ll ignore you for a while. After all, Le Yao is here with me, it’s not good to neglect her. So, I put my phone back into my pocket.

By this time, Le Yao was no longer willing to fuss with me. She took out a wet wipe from her handbag and said to me, “Give me your hand.”

“I can wipe it myself.”

Le Yao, however, ignored my refusal. She pulled my hand over and wiped off the grease with the wet wipe. Then she took out another wet wipe and cleaned her own hands.

After throwing the used wet wipe into the trash can, she affectionately hooked her arm around mine.

This time, I didn’t shake her off and asked in confusion, “I remember you kept your distance from me when you came back last time. Why are you so clingy now?”

“Robben and CC were there that day.”

“So you were pretending?”

Le Yao nodded and said, “Only when I’m alone with you, I can take off my mask. Don’t you want to see the real me?”

“Robben and CC are not strangers, it’s not necessary!”

“It is necessary.” Le Yao frowned, her tone was very serious.

I stared at her for a while, not willing to argue with her, so I changed the subject, “Have you found a hotel yet?”

“Never mind the hotel, just stay with me a little longer.”

“Alright, but we can’t just wander around the streets like this!”

Le Yao thought for a moment and said, “Let’s go watch the trains…”

I looked up at the sky, there was not a single twinkling star, and the air was so damp and cold. It might rain or even snow later, so I refused, “Let’s not, the weather is changing.”

“I don’t care, I want to go.”

I frowned and said, “Give me a reason to convince me, or find a hotel for me to rest.”

Le Yao lowered her head, and after a long time, she said softly, “Do you know what kind of life I’m living in Beijing?… Every day, I’m struggling in the world of fame and fortune, dealing with various banquets in different clubs, feeling like the tight string in my heart is about to snap, it’s too exhausting!… It’s really too exhausting!… Only when I’m with you, I feel peaceful, and I feel like myself!… Zhao Yang, please understand me, don’t refuse this simple request for you, but it’s incredibly precious to me, okay?”

Looking at her hopeful eyes, I couldn’t bear to refuse. I took a deep breath, then grabbed her hand and shouted, “Let’s go… Forget about the damn fame and fortune, forget about the damn upcoming rain… Let’s go watch the trains.”

So, I pulled Le Yao along, facing the cold wind, and ran towards the car parked by the roadside…

It was a long time ago, Le Yao and I sat by the same railway track. But now, the wind was colder, and the passing trains were no longer light due to the approaching New Year. We seemed to see the urgency of returning home emanating from the carriages.

Le Yao lay on my lap, I couldn’t bear to push her away, so I draped my coat over her.

“Zhao Yang, listening to the sound of the railway, I really want to sleep here.”

“I want to sleep too, but the wind is too strong. Let’s not sit here for too long, okay?”

“I know, good times are always short.”

I sighed softly, thinking about the helplessness of life. Even if the scenery by the railway is beautiful, it can’t feed us. We still have to keep hustling for our lives.

With the sound of the train passing by, we fell into silence. I even thought Le Yao had fallen asleep, but she took out a stack of documents from her handbag and handed them to me, “This is the contract for the transfer of the bar’s shares. I want to transfer 50% of the shares to you.”

I was stunned, but I didn’t take the contract from her. I finally shook my head and said, “Le Yao, I don’t want your shares. As for the bar, it’s purely out of friendship. Once the bar’s business improves, I might go back to Xuzhou.”

Le Yao moved away from me and sat up, asking in confusion, “Why?”

“For a different life.”

“But I want to compensate you.”

“I don’t need compensation.”

Le Yao lowered her head, and after a long time, she said in a low voice, “I know I can’t compensate you. For me, you even lost a woman who was willing to marry you and a stable life.”

“Don’t talk about these things, they’re all in the past. We have to look forward, right?… I believe you will go further in the entertainment industry, and I believe you will wish me well.”

“Of course I will wish you well, even… even resent myself for not being able to give myself to you.”

I smiled, “Don’t give yourself to me. I’m used to being low-key. I dare not marry a future superstar in a high-profile manner. I’m afraid the flashlights will dazzle me!”

Le Yao just looked at me, but didn’t respond. She threw the share transfer contract into the wind, then lay back on my lap.

And a moment later, it really started to rain, but she didn’t mention leaving.

My hair was already wet from the rain, and there was a patch of water on Le Yao’s trouser legs. We really shouldn’t stay here any longer.

I finally nudged Le Yao, who was curled up on my lap, and said, “Let’s go. If we keep getting soaked, we’ll both catch a cold. I don’t want to spend the upcoming New Year’s Eve sneezing.”

“I don’t want to stay in a hotel, I want to stay at your place!””I’ve told you before, as friends, you shouldn’t stay at my place!”

“I said I’d stay at your place, not that I’d share your bed. I can sleep on the couch!”

“No, I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself!” I firmly refused. After all, she was far more beautiful than the average woman, and I was a man with normal needs.

“Why can’t you control yourself? Didn’t you live with Mi Cai before?”

I was taken aback, realizing that I indeed never had such thoughts about Mi Cai. It wasn’t because she lacked charm, but because she was too perfect, so perfect that I didn’t dare to tarnish her. But Le Yao was different. After all, we had been involved before, and if we were alone in a room, it would be hard to restrain myself.

At this moment, Le Yao whispered in my ear, “I’m on my period, you wouldn’t be so beastly!”

“Bullshit, I don’t believe you!”

“If I can prove that I’m on my period, will you let me stay?”

I was speechless.

“Zhao Yang, I’m not lying to you… I think I’m having some cramps!” Le Yao said, trembling.

“Such omnipresent acting skills!”

“Touch my forehead.”

I reached out and touched Le Yao’s forehead. It seemed like she was sweating, but I still asked doubtfully, “It’s not rainwater, is it?”

“Do you trust me so little? I’ve been hiding under your coat, how could the rain get in?”

I felt helpless, but more worried about her health. I thought: Since Mi Cai isn’t here, I’ll let Le Yao stay in her room, and I can make her some brown sugar water, so she won’t be alone in a hotel.

Finally, I brought Le Yao back to my apartment complex, carrying her up the stairs…

“Zhao Yang, this is where you’ve been living!”

“Yes, it’s a bit run-down, but it has its charm.”

“I’ve always wanted to visit, but you never gave me the chance. Today, I finally got my wish!”

“Don’t say that, or I’ll think you’re doing this on purpose, and there’s no such thing as period cramps!”

While talking, I had already carried Le Yao to the fifth floor. I coughed, and the sensor light in the corridor lit up.

Just as I was about to take out the key from my pocket, the door suddenly opened. I was shocked… Standing in front of me was Mi Cai. She had returned from America!!

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