Chapter 164 – Will we continue our past relationship?

The message Mi Cai sent back was simple, at least on the surface. She asked, “How long do you want me to stay in the United States?”

I was puzzled: Was she seeking my opinion?

After a while, I replied to her, “I think you must have your own plans for how long to stay.”

This time, Mi Cai took a moment before replying, “You’re right.”

“Then why did you ask me?”

Mi Cai didn’t continue the topic, she just replied, “I’m about to board the plane, I’m turning off my phone, bye!”

I put my phone back on the coffee table and leaned back on the sofa. As soon as I closed my eyes, I seemed to see Mi Cai and Wei Ran sitting in the first-class cabin of the plane, chatting and laughing.

Feeling a bit depressed, I finally didn’t want to think about it anymore. I rubbed my face hard to calm myself down, then went to the bathroom to wash up.


When I arrived at Circle and Yan Yan’s place, Chen Jingming and Zhao Li had already arrived. Yan Yan had bought the wine and prepared a table full of delicious food.

I greeted Chen Jingming first, “Manager Chen, as expected of someone who drives an Audi, you’re faster than me who drives an Alto!”

Chen Jingming laughed and said, “When will you stop being so sarcastic!”

I laughed nonchalantly and said, “You’re just getting old and don’t like to hear us young people being sarcastic. Remember when we were in college, any historical joke could keep Circle and his wife entertained for an afternoon. They loved it so much! Right, Circle?”

Before Circle could respond, Yan Yan slapped me and said, “Historical jokes, huh? You make yourself sound so knowledgeable, but you’re just telling us wild tales you heard from somewhere.”

Everyone laughed, and Circle invited us to eat. We all sat down around the table.

I poured a glass of wine for Chen Jingming and took the opportunity to ask, “Manager Chen, how do you feel about working at Zhuomei for a while?”

Chen Jingming replied seriously, “I’m currently in the familiarization stage, but I’ve already started participating in the management of the mall. CEO Mi is very open-minded and willing to delegate authority!”

Circle also chimed in, “Yes, CEO Mi is very willing to give her subordinates the freedom to perform. Working under her is quite relaxing… However, the waters of Zhuomei are a bit deep, much deeper than Baoli Department Store!”

There were no outsiders present at the moment, so I asked bluntly, “Has Mi Zhongde been plotting to usurp CEO Mi’s power recently?”

Chen Jingming nodded and said, “We heard about Mi Zhongde’s plan to overthrow CEO Mi at Zhuomei when we were at Baoli Department Store. However, after spending these days with CEO Mi, I think: it won’t be easy for him to overthrow her easily. Not to mention that the board of directors has a group of loyal old subordinates of CEO Mi’s biological father, even in terms of CEO Mi’s personal abilities, she is not at a disadvantage in the competition with Mi Zhongde.”

Chen Jingming’s words reassured me a bit. Circle then said to me, “I heard that Mi Zhongde actually loves CEO Mi very much in life. In the years when CEO Mi didn’t return to China, every year on her birthday, no matter how busy he was, he would fly to the United States to celebrate her birthday with her. However… on the issue of the ownership of Zhuomei, he doesn’t compromise at all, and neither does CEO Mi, so their relationship has become very stiff!”

Circle’s words made me understand why Mi Cai was so disgusted when I disrespected Mi Zhongde in front of her last time. Because Mi Zhongde and she actually have a relationship of uncle and niece. However… that relationship ultimately couldn’t overcome the desire for power. But Zhuomei should rightfully be inherited by Mi Cai.

Zhao Li, who had been silent, then said, “Actually, I think it would be a good choice for CEO Mi to withdraw from the competition for Zhuomei. Given Mi Zhongde’s love for her, he would definitely provide for her for the rest of her life. Anyway, being a rich young lady is much better than being a career woman!”

“You’re talking nonsense, that’s the mentality of a woman who just wants to eat and wait for death… How could Mi Cai give up the ownership of Zhuomei, that’s her father’s business!” I immediately scolded Zhao Li, because he didn’t understand Mi Cai’s feelings for her father.

Zhao Li laughed awkwardly and said, “Don’t get excited, this is just my personal opinion. I’m just a person who likes to live a comfortable life, so I’m destined not to reach the height of CEO Mi.”


After dinner, Chen Jingming and Zhao Li left one after another. Yan Yan was washing dishes in the kitchen, leaving only Circle and me in the living room.

We each lit a cigarette and started chatting. Circle brought up the old topic again, “Zhao Yang, I suggested to you last time to work at Zhuomei, have you thought about it?”

“I haven’t thought about it yet.” I told the truth.

Circle reminded me seriously, “After Zhuomei moved its headquarters to Shanghai, there was a major personnel adjustment, so Chen Jingming and I had the opportunity to be promoted one level compared to when we were at Baoli. If you can seize this opportunity, it’s really a promising job. And CEO Mi has expressed to me more than once that she hopes you can work at Zhuomei.”

I didn’t say anything, but I thought of my awkward relationship with Mi Cai at the moment. And I had already made up my mind that if there was no possibility of being with Mi Cai, I would return to Xuzhou to start over after the bar was on track. If by chance Mi Cai had feelings for me and we became boyfriend and girlfriend, I would not go to work at Zhuomei even more. After all, a man should have his own pursuits and ambitions, not rely on his girlfriend for a living. So no matter what the outcome, I wouldn’t join Zhuomei.

Circle asked me again in the silence, “Can you give me an answer to this? After all, if you go to Zhuomei, we brothers will have someone to rely on.”

I finally shook my head and said to Circle, “Don’t mention this to me again in the future. It’s really not realistic for me to work at Zhuomei. After the bar is on track, I might still have to go back to Xuzhou. My roots are there!””What, you still can’t let go of Li Xiaoyun?… If there’s a chance for you two to rekindle your past relationship, I won’t dissuade you, because Li Xiaoyun is indeed a reliable girl!”

I was somewhat lost in thought, but I remembered the tranquility I had experienced during those months with Li Xiaoyun. It was a kind of tranquility I had never experienced in my emotional life. Although it lacked some passion, this was exactly what life was about, wasn’t it?

Perhaps to me, Li Xiaoyun was the woman who truly represented reality and life, but I had missed her in the end.

Leaving Circle and Yan Yan’s place, I sat alone in the square where I used to play with Mi Cai, watching the children who were already on winter vacation playing in the square. I felt somewhat lonely, so I habitually lit a cigarette to alleviate my loneliness.

I exhaled a long puff of smoke and couldn’t help but look up at the sky. At this moment, Mi Cai should have already been on a plane flying to the other side of the ocean!

I missed her a bit, so I just kept staring at the blue sky and white clouds, watching for a long time, until the phone rang.

I took out my phone from my pocket, only to find that it was my mother who had called. This filled me with surprise, because since I came to Suzhou, I had called her many times, but she had never answered, which had always upset me.

“Mom… Mom.” I called out twice in excitement.

My mother was silent on the other end of the phone for a long time before she asked with a choked voice, “Are you doing okay in Suzhou?”

I felt guilty in my heart. No matter how angry my mother was with me, she was still the person who cared about me the most in the world. I responded in a relaxed tone, “I’m doing well, you don’t need to worry about me. Just take care of yourself!”

“Stinky boy, your mother doesn’t need your concern!”

Of course, I could hear the complaint in my mother’s words, but I could also hear that she was gradually letting go of my past actions. I immediately said, “I’m your son, if I don’t care about you, who will?”

My mother finally laughed a little, then asked, “Are you coming back to Xuzhou for the New Year?”

“If nothing unexpected happens, I will. I miss you a lot!”

“If you miss me, then come back.” After a slight pause, my mother continued, “Your Aunt Zhang told me that since you and Xiaoyun broke up, she hasn’t dated anyone else. I wonder if she still has feelings for you… How about this, when you come back, I’ll ask your Aunt Zhang to talk to her. Girls are soft-hearted, if you apologize, maybe Xiaoyun will forgive you… Imagine, if you marry Xiaoyun and stay in Xuzhou, how relieved your father and I would be!”

My mother’s words stunned me. Did she still plan for me to rekindle my relationship with Li Xiaoyun? And was Li Xiaoyun not dating anyone else because she still had feelings for me? Or was it just my mother’s wishful thinking?

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