Chapter 149 – Our small concert

My proposal received everyone’s support, and we immediately drove towards Zhuomei. On the way, Mi Cai notified the manager of Zhuomei’s operations department to provide us with a temporary venue and the power supply needed for the music equipment. By the time we arrived at our destination, Zhuomei’s operations department had efficiently prepared the venue for us.

Robben, Circle, and I then moved some advertising stands for the bar from the car into the mall. After a simple arrangement, there was already a bit of an advertising atmosphere.

While waiting for Little Wu and the band, Mi Cai, Le Yao, Yan Yan, Jian Wei, and others were helping to distribute flyers. CC, Robben, and I were tuning our guitars.

As the flyers were distributed, people gradually gathered around us. However, their curiosity was not focused on the bar we were promoting, but on the women distributing the flyers. Le Yao was recognized by sharp-eyed customers several times. Although her drama had not officially aired yet, she had already gained some fame by participating in many promotional activities with the crew. In the end, she had to put on sunglasses and a mask to stop distributing flyers due to the disturbance.

After a while, Little Wu finally arrived with the band members. Their rock and roll attire attracted many curious eyes. Even before the performance started, many customers were already watching.

Little Wu and the band members efficiently set up and adjusted the equipment. Meanwhile, we started discussing who would sing the opening song and what kind of song would fit the bar’s theme.

In the end, we chose the song “Days of the Past” as the opening song, and all eyes were on Mi Cai. Mi Cai looked at us in confusion and asked, “Are you suggesting that I should sing the opening song?”

Robben nodded and said, “Your voice is gentle and delicate, you can sing this sad song with a warm tone.”

I added, “Zhuomei is your home ground, so you should be the one to sing the first song.”

Wei Ran chimed in, “You are the most beautiful woman, your singing will attract the most attention!”

This comment immediately made the atmosphere awkward. Although Wei Ran was telling the truth, there were many beautiful women present, which made his comment inappropriate.

Mi Cai also felt awkward because of Wei Ran’s words, but luckily CC was there to save the situation. She took Mi Cai’s hand and said, “We’re all just having fun, think of it as paving the way for others.”

Robben and I echoed, “Come on, girl, we’ll accompany you.”

Finally, Mi Cai nodded and took the guitar that CC handed to her. Robben played the keyboard, I played the bass, and CC played the accordion. Everyone was ready, waiting for Mi Cai, who was destined to be the focus.

Mi Cai closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then stood in the center of the temporary stage. This action excited the staff of Zhuomei. After all, Mi Cai was the CEO of Zhuomei, and it was rare for them to see her perform. They didn’t dare to get too close, so they leaned on the railings of the second and third floors, discussing and eagerly waiting for Mi Cai to start singing.

Just as we were about to accompany her, Mi Cai made a “wait” gesture to us. She then took the microphone from the stand and, after a brief silence, said to the onlookers, “Tomorrow is the opening day of ‘The Fifth Season’ music bar. I’m glad to have this opportunity to recommend this bar to everyone… If this world is a desolate desert, then this bar is a gem in the desert, shining with colorful lights. Although it’s small, it’s enough to comfort our weary souls. If life feels heavy, why not come to this bar and sit for a while, you might have a different experience… I’d like to dedicate the song ‘Days of the Past’ to everyone!”

After finishing her speech, Mi Cai put the microphone back on the stand, closed her eyes, and gently strummed the guitar strings.

I was a bit lost in thought. This woman was truly wise and delicate. When everyone else had forgotten to promote the bar, she remembered. Her brief but appropriate description gave people a sense of tranquility and simplicity, comparable to a top-notch advertising slogan created by an advertising company.

Mi Cai’s quiet and warm voice echoed through the mall with the accompaniment. Her voice seemed to have a magical power that made people quiet. The originally noisy mall quieted down, and even the customers who didn’t stop walked past us quietly, as if afraid to disturb this natural tranquility.

During the chorus, CC improvised a harmony for Mi Cai, adding a nostalgic flavor to the song. The listeners seemed to be traveling between the warmth of spring and the melancholy of autumn, and everyone was somewhat intoxicated. It wasn’t until the music gradually faded that the first applause came, followed by a round of applause.

When the applause subsided, I picked up the microphone on the stand and said to the onlookers, “I believe that your enthusiasm is not just because of the singer’s beauty. If it’s just because of her beauty, I think she would be angry, after all, she’s more than just a vase…”

The onlookers laughed kindly, but Mi Cai glared at me and whispered, “You never miss a chance to be sarcastic!”

Robben was even more talented, playing a short, light-hearted tune on the keyboard at just the right moment, which livened up the atmosphere.

I smiled and continued, “If you like this song, if you like the quiet power in the singing, then don’t miss ‘The Fifth Season’ music bar. It will be a wonderful experience, allowing us to enjoy the beauty of the changing seasons in the charm of music…” I paused for a moment and then said, “If anyone here is interested in ‘The Fifth Season’ music bar, you can get a free discount coupon from our staff. With this coupon, you can not only enjoy a discount, but also get a free beer. I hope you won’t miss it!”After I finished speaking, several staff members from Zhuomei, who were called over by Mi Cai, began to distribute discount coupons to the customers. The scene was orderly, with no scrambling or cold reception. This proved that the customers who came to Zhuomei had a high overall quality, which was in line with the characteristics of the bar’s target consumer group. They cared more about emotional experience than material temptation, so the value of the discount coupons was merely a prop to help them remember the bar.


After Mi Cai finished singing a song, she handed the stage over to others. In fact, I was really grateful to her. As the CEO of Zhuomei, she not only provided such a high-quality venue, but also took on the duties of a bar staff member. Considering her status, this was indeed rare!

Adhering to the principle of ladies first, everyone pushed Jian Wei to perform the second song. Jian Wei did not refuse and immediately stood in the center of the small stage. She took the microphone from the stand and said to us behind her, “I regret that I can’t play the guitar, so I’ll need you all to accompany me!”

I smiled and switched my bass for a guitar, asking her, “What song do you want to sing? We are more than willing to serve!”

After giving me a grateful look, Jian Wei fell into thought. After all, this was the second song, and she couldn’t just pick any song. It had to fit the theme of the bar. For instance, singing a noisy song would be quite inappropriate.

I waited for Jian Wei with anticipation. Compared to Mi Cai, her voice and emotional expression were not inferior at all. The only difference was their styles.

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