Chapter 140 – A woman’s heart is as deep as the sea

The call connected quickly, but after two rings, it was hung up. I didn’t give up and dialed again, but this time it was hung up even faster.

I was a bit puzzled, but I still sent her a WeChat message, asking why she didn’t answer the call. However, my message seemed to have sunk into the sea, receiving no response for a long time.

Feeling helpless, I suddenly remembered that I had promised her to go to the square to play with remote control cars after dinner. My abrupt departure meant breaking my promise, which might have upset her.

With a sigh, I suddenly lost my appetite. I decided to go to my room to rest. As I passed by Mi Cai’s room, I noticed that the door was not closed. I glanced inside subconsciously and was surprised to find that the remote control car on the table was gone.

“Did she go to play with the car by herself?” I muttered.

It was indeed possible! I immediately forgot about resting, took the car keys from my pocket, locked the door, and quickly ran downstairs.

I drove to the square where we often played with remote control cars. After parking the car, I ran into the square along the pedestrian path.

It was winter, and it was almost nine o’clock, so there were hardly any people in the square. Therefore, I easily spotted Mi Cai sitting on a bench, holding a remote control in her hand, looking a bit bored and lonely.

I quietly approached her, stood behind her, and suddenly asked, “Why aren’t you playing with the car?”

I thought I would startle her, but she calmly replied, “None of your business!”

I walked around to her front, smiled, and asked, “Oh, are you angry?”

“Who wants to be angry with you…”

“You’re admitting it without being asked, I didn’t say you were angry with me.”

Mi Cai glanced at me and ignored me. She stood up, picked up the remote control car from the ground, and walked towards the exit of the square.

I persistently followed her, grabbed her arm, and said, “Why do I feel that your princess syndrome is getting worse?… I just went out for a bit!”

Mi Cai struggled to free herself, frowned, and said, “Let go, don’t annoy me!”

“I never realized you had such a temper, you hid it well!” I exclaimed, but didn’t let go of her.

“Didn’t you say that women have a few days every month? What’s wrong with me being temperamental? It’s a right you granted!”

I pretended to be enlightened and said, “Oh, you’re on your period… But that’s not a right I granted you, it’s a right your period granted you!”

In response to my teasing, Mi Cai didn’t get angry. Instead, she said with a smile, “So, are you going to annoy me or not?”

“That’s not right?… Didn’t you just have your period last week? Is your cycle a bit short?”

“Last time was because of you, okay?”


Mi Cai forcefully broke free from me and walked towards the exit again. I caught up with her again but didn’t grab her. I walked alongside her and said, “Don’t be angry, okay? Today was a special circumstance!”

“When have you ever kept your promises to me?”

I was speechless for a moment, and then said weakly, “Then give me a chance to make it up to you.”

Mi Cai suddenly stopped, looked at me for a long time, and asked, “Okay, I’ll give you a chance to make it up, but you have to promise me one thing.”

I asked warily, “It’s not something outrageous, is it?”

“Of course not, it’s something very easy to do.”

“Alright, tell me, I’ll get it done in a minute.”

Mi Cai looked at the convenience store across the street and said to me, “I’m running out of that thing, can you go buy it for me?”

I was stunned for a moment, then understood what she meant and exclaimed, “Wow! Are you trying to make things difficult for me? You want me, a man, to go buy that thing!”

“Is that making things difficult? It’s just a quick trip to the convenience store!”

“All you women are crazy!” I muttered, remembering how Le Yao had forced me to wash her underwear a long time ago. It seemed like they all enjoyed oppressing men with such things.

“If you don’t want to, then forget it. I won’t force you. After all, breaking promises is in your nature. What woman would dare to entrust her life to a man like you? You deserve to be a bachelor for life!”

“Don’t be so harsh, I’m only 26, and you’re already labeling me a bachelor!”

“You’ll still be a bachelor at 46!”

“According to your logic, if I go buy that thing for you, will a wife fall from the sky for me?”

Mi Cai looked at me and said, “Why don’t you try and see?… Maybe you’ll really pick up a wife!”

“Stop it, don’t think about digging a hole for me to jump into. I’ve already experienced your underhanded tricks, who knows what you’re planning to torment me with?…”

Mi Cai stared at me for a long time, then asked again, “Are you really not going?”


Mi Cai nodded, her tone suddenly lowered, “I guess I overestimated myself, I shouldn’t have forced you…”

Her change confused me, but I didn’t want to think too much about it. After a while, I changed the subject and asked, “You haven’t eaten yet, right? I’ll go back and heat up the food…”

Before I could finish my sentence, Mi Cai interrupted, “No need.” She handed me the remote control car and said, “You can take this back.”

My heart suddenly sank, but instinctively, I didn’t want to take the car from Mi Cai’s hand.

Mi Cai placed the remote control car on the ground and glanced at me. Her expression was as cold and distant as when we first met, instantly creating a chasm between us, as if we were in heaven and earth.

I stood there, stunned, watching Mi Cai walk further and further away under the reflection of the street lights, until she got into her car and completely disappeared from my sight.

But I could never understand why a pack of sanitary pads could hold such power. If I had bought them, what would our situation be now?

I didn’t know, I could only sigh: a woman’s heart is as deep as the sea!

With the remote control car that Mi Cai left behind, I returned home, my heart filled with an indescribable feeling. The cold food on the table seemed like a mockery.

I lit a cigarette and took a few puffs, feeling a bit frustrated. I always thought that a woman like Mi Cai wouldn’t throw a tantrum over such trivial matters, but she did!

Sigh… Perhaps the real power lies not in the sanitary pads, but in menstruation. Although its cycle is limited, it changes a woman’s temperament in an unstoppable way during those few days, making them unreasonable and irrational!

So, I should wait until she’s over her period before I approach her again.

Lying in bed, I was still worried about Mi Cai. I was afraid she might skip dinner out of anger, so I sent a WeChat message to CC: “CC, could you ask Mi Cai if she’s had dinner in your name?”

“Why in my name?”

“We had a little disagreement, she’s not in the mood to talk to me right now!”

“Really?… I asked her to go shopping with me this evening, she told me she was going to your place for dinner. She even said you were taking her to play with remote control cars at the square, she was as excited as a little kid.”

Reading this message, I was stunned for a long time, until CC sent another message asking what happened.

“What did you do to her?”

I didn’t know how to respond to CC. I couldn’t tell her that we had a disagreement over whether or not to buy sanitary pads, could I? That would make us sound like two silly kids!

After a while, I finally replied to CC: “It’s nothing, just a little argument… Don’t worry about it, just ask her if she’s had dinner… Or, you could go stay with her tonight, cook her some noodles or something, she’s not feeling well.”

“Alright, I’ll go over now. I have to find out what’s going on between you two, it’s really worrying, you’re like two silly kids!”


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