Chapter 135 – Shocking news

After a long while of dialing, Le Yao finally answered the phone. She asked me in surprise, "Zhao Yang, why are you suddenly calling me?"


Driven by my eagerness to know the answer, I asked without any hesitation, "I saw today's entertainment news. I just want to ask if it's true."


Le Yao was silent for a moment, then chuckled and said, "Of course it's not true. You should know that my last drama is about to air, so this is just routine hype before the premiere."


Although Le Yao gave me a somewhat reasonable explanation, I still asked with some skepticism, "Even if it's routine hype before the premiere, shouldn't it be about the leading actress?"


Le Yao disdainfully said, "What topic can be hyped about a plagiarized character? Although I'm not the leading actress, I'm one of the main female characters, and I'm younger and prettier than her. Creating a topic around me is definitely more valuable than her… By the way, I've officially signed with a film and television company, and I will be the new talent they promote next year."


The resentment in Le Yao's words towards the leading actress made me realize: the person who slapped her last time was probably this person.


I fell into silence. The entertainment industry has always been a place full of rules and fame. The sacrifices needed to stand out in this field are unimaginable for ordinary people. Perhaps I really shouldn't focus on the hype targeting Le Yao. Instead, I should sincerely congratulate her. After all, signing with a film and television company is a kind of security in this circle…


In my silence, Le Yao said to me again, "Zhao Yang, I won't talk to you anymore, I have a dinner to attend later."


"Okay, I won't bother you then."


I thought Le Yao would hang up the phone, but she was silent for a long time before saying, "Thank you for caring about me… I will always remember the small island across the sea and the man who made smoke for me on the island."


"Are you just remembering but giving up the pursuit?"


Le Yao gave a lost smile, "The world is like a bubble. When you see through the falsehood of the bubble, you no longer want to pursue that unreachable sincerity… You should understand: once I entered this circle, I no longer have a choice."


Le Yao didn't give me a chance to speak. She hung up the phone after she finished speaking, and I was somewhat lost.


Why did she get the opportunity to sign with a film and television company in such a short time after going to Beijing, and how did she get such a hype opportunity?


Perhaps she has chosen her own path at this time, but I can't judge whether she is on the right or wrong path, because there is no right or wrong, it's just a matter of perspective. What may seem like a wrong path to ordinary people, may be a path of survival in the entertainment industry.


With a sigh, I put my phone back in my pocket. The sky was already dark, and I walked towards the city's prosperity along the light of the street lamps. In the overlap of darkness and light, the world gradually became the bubble in Le Yao's mouth, so false! …So how can I blame Le Yao with my soul immersed in this bubble?




On the way home, CC called me again. After the call was connected, she asked me, "Zhao Yang, have you contacted Le Yao?"




"What did she say?" CC asked with concern.


"She said it was routine hype before the premiere of the new drama. By the way, she signed with a film and television company."


CC was silent for a while, then said, "I know, she told me… As friends, let's congratulate her. After all, the film and television company she signed with is not small, and she will have a place in the future."


"Okay." I responded with mixed emotions.


CC seemed to remember something and said to me, "There's another thing. This time Le Yao also introduced a job to Robben. It's to create a theme song for a drama that is being prepared. Robben may go to Beijing to negotiate tomorrow, so you have to take more care of the bar!"


"Really? This opportunity is really rare for Robben. It's great news! I can handle the bar alone."


CC laughed, "What do you mean you can handle it alone! Don't I still exist… But, I'm really happy for Robben. I heard that the drama Le Yao introduced to him is a big production. I hope he can seize this opportunity. After all, he has also suffered for so many years!"


"Yes, I hope both he and Le Yao can go further in this circle!"




When I got back to my place, I lay on the bed smoking, with no appetite for dinner. The simple and innocent image of Le Yao kept flashing in my mind, so I couldn't imagine: what would she look like the next time I see her? Maybe she would already be a mature woman with a star halo.


It was already nine o'clock in the evening. I finally felt hungry, but I didn't want to make much effort to cook dinner for myself. So I took out some noodles from the refrigerator, planning to cook a bowl of noodles to fill my stomach.


During the meal, I unexpectedly received a call from Circle. His voice was very low on the phone, asking me to go out for a few drinks with him. When I asked him what happened, he had already hung up the phone.


I thought he had some conflict with Yan Yan. I didn't even care about the noodles, and immediately took a taxi to the restaurant where we had agreed to meet.When I arrived at the restaurant, Circle was already there, drinking alone with a somewhat gloomy expression.


I sat down across from him and asked with concern, "What's wrong? Did you have a fight with Yan Yan?"


Circle poured me a glass of wine and gestured for me to drink first. Eager to know why he had asked to meet me, I downed the glass of white wine in one gulp and waited for his answer.


After finishing another glass of white wine, Circle sighed heavily and said, "Chen Jingming might be in trouble at the company. Someone in the upper ranks wants to take him down!"


I was deeply shocked. I had never expected that Circle's reason for meeting me had anything to do with Chen Jingming. What surprised me even more was that Chen Jingming, who had extensive experience in the workplace, was actually in trouble!


Chen Jingming was a superior who had helped me a lot and whom I respected. I asked Circle with concern, "What happened to him?"


"Do you remember Li Junren, the executive vice president of Baoli Department Store?"


"Of course, I remember!"


Circle sighed and said, "Chen Jingming has been unwilling to accept his missed opportunity to become the vice president of the company. So, he targeted Li Junren. You know, all these high-ranking officials have some dirt on them. Chen Jingming collected some of Li Junren's personal misconducts and reported them to the general manager, Yang Huaqing. But…"


I continued for Circle, "But Yang Huaqing protected Li Junren, and Chen Jingming's actions against Li Junren were also exposed."


Circle nodded and said, "Yes… Chen Jingming was too impatient. Although Li Junren's conduct was improper, it did not affect the fundamental interests of the company. Given his position in the company, the upper ranks would at most give him a warning, but there wouldn't be any substantial punishment…"


I understood the whole story and felt deep self-blame. I knew that Chen Jingming, being cautious in his actions, would not have made such a basic mistake. The reason he did was because his age had made his chances of promotion increasingly slim. Therefore, he took a huge risk and targeted the executive vice president, Li Junren. Unfortunately, he failed!


Ultimately, Chen Jingming's failure was indirectly caused by me. If I hadn't ruined his opportunity back then, he would have already become the rightful vice president of Baoli Department Store. He wouldn't have had to resort to such risky tactics and end up in such a precarious situation.


Circle was silent for a long time before he finally said, "If Chen Jingming falls, I definitely won't be able to stay at Baoli Department Store… Zhao Yang, at this point, I have to prepare a backup plan for myself and Chen Jingming… I hope you can help us."


I was taken aback and asked, "How can I help?"


"Introduce me and Chen Jingming to Zhuomei… Given your relationship with Mi Cai, I believe it won't be a problem. Moreover, Zhuomei's mall in Shanghai is about to start operations soon, and the company will definitely be in need of middle and high-level personnel. Of course, with the resources Chen Jingming has accumulated over the years in the workplace, he can also help Zhuomei to some extent. It would be beneficial for both parties!" After saying this, Circle looked at me expectantly, waiting for my response.

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