Chapter 125 – Unfavorable me

At CC's reminder, I turned around and indeed saw Mi Cai and a close male friend of hers, a very handsome one at that.


The man was dressed in a British style, tall and handsome, with deep, unforgettable eyes that seemed to gaze at everyone with deep affection.


Mi Cai affectionately pulled the man over to us and introduced him with a smile, "This is my good friend Abner, his Chinese name is Wei Ran."


Just as CC and Robben were about to greet him, he looked at me and Robben and asked, "Which one of you is Zhao Yang?"


Everyone exchanged glances at his unexpected move. I politely stood up and said, "I am Zhao Yang."


"Be nicer to Betsy (Mi Cai's English name) in the future, or I won't be nice to you!"


I was taken aback, sensing trouble. Just as I was about to react, Mi Cai quickly pulled Wei Ran back and said, "That was a long time ago…"


Mi Cai's words made me realize that she was indeed very close to this man. She had even told him about the times I had bullied her in the past. I felt a sudden surge of annoyance and coldly said to Wei Ran, "Little turtle, you should also be polite when you talk to me. I have a bad temper."


Wei Ran glared at me and said, "What, do you want to duel with me?"


"Damn, you're so Westernized. Aren't you tired of bringing back those old-fashioned cowboy stuff from across the ocean? Just say you want to fight. Come on, I'll accompany you." I replied with a poker face.


The atmosphere suddenly became tense. CC quickly pulled me back and advised, "Zhao Yang, can you stop being so provocative? He's a guest!"


"I don't think he considers himself a guest. I've never seen a guest behave like this!"


As soon as I finished speaking, Mi Cai said to me in a heavy tone, "I've already explained to Wei Ran for you, can't you be a little gentlemanly?"


After being scolded by Mi Cai and CC, I felt even more annoyed. But I couldn't really hit Wei Ran. I felt a bit redundant and finally said, "I know, I'm not very likable. I'll leave so as not to ruin the atmosphere of your gathering." I picked up my coat and headed out.




CC followed me out of the restaurant and said, "Zhao Yang, don't you think it's inappropriate for you to leave like this? Can't you be a bit more gentlemanly?"


Ignoring CC's pull, I continued to walk forward and restrainedly said to CC, "If I had no manners, I would have slapped that little turtle already!"


"But how will Mi Cai see you if you just leave like this?"


"She's always thought I had no manners, one more time won't make a difference."


"Why do you always mess up at crucial moments?"


I stopped and said to CC, "What do you mean by messing up? You're going off topic!"


CC looked at me seriously and said, "Tell me honestly, do you like Mi Cai?"


I remained silent.


"So you're admitting it? It's obvious that Wei Ran seems to like Mi Cai too. Your negative attitude and his comparison make you seem less gentlemanly. It's clear who's superior!"


"What are you analyzing? Who told you I like her… Alright, you go back. I need to go to the bar. There are some details about the renovation that need to be discussed."


CC still wouldn't let it go and persistently asked, "You really don't like her?"


"I don't." I replied impatiently, breaking free from CC and walking towards the roadside.


Suddenly, I heard CC sigh, "You're just a coward. But I can't blame you. After all, Wei Ran is a master's graduate from the University of Pennsylvania, and his family is even better off. I heard he's the future successor of a family business! It's normal for you to lack confidence…"


Before CC could finish, I had already gotten into a taxi. I rolled down the window and shouted at CC, "None of your business!" Then I urged the driver to leave. The driver stepped on the gas, and in a blink of an eye, CC merged with the street light and finally shrank into a dot in my sight.




That night, I didn't go to the bar. Instead, I lay on the withered grass by the moat, smoking to relieve my annoyance.


Looking up at the stars and the moon in the sky, I finally understood why I had always been afraid to express my feelings to Mi Cai, preferring to remain friends.


Today, Wei Ran's appearance made me understand more thoroughly. A woman like her is destined to be the most beautiful moon in the sky, while I am just an ordinary star. I can't even fulfill her wish to give her a petrol-powered race car, but Wei Ran is different. As CC said: he's highly educated, from a prominent family, and Mi Cai cares about him. They are truly a perfect match.


I've already experienced the heart-wrenching tragedy that Xiang Chen and Jian Wei brought me. Do I have to experience it again with Mi Cai?


I'm not stupid, and I don't want to repeat the pain of the past. I'm just an ordinary star, and my other half is destined to be an ordinary star too. Only then will I not be hurt by the dazzling light.Closing my eyes, my world plunged into darkness, yet I suddenly saw that crystal-clear city. It shone brighter and brighter amidst the surrounding stars, but I became smaller and smaller in its brilliance, helplessly watching as it carried the long-haired woman away, disappearing from my sight once again…


I didn't want to open my eyes, because when I faced the real world again, I was destined to be lost.


Enduring the biting cold wind, I didn't know how long I had been lying there until a familiar voice rang in my ears. She called my name.


I opened my eyes, and the faint fragrance of the woman etched in my memory wafted into my nostrils first. Standing beside me was Jian Wei.


"You… why are you here?"


Jian Wei smiled and said, "Just like you, when I'm unhappy, I like to come here."


Hearing Jian Wei's explanation, this coincidental encounter didn't seem so coincidental anymore. Because she also considered this place a refuge, we were bound to meet here one day, maybe today, maybe tomorrow…


Jian Wei's appearance added another layer of loss to my heart. I uncontrollably took out a cigarette from the pack, lit it, took a deep puff before asking her, "Why are you unhappy?"


"You were here first. According to the principle of first come, first served, let's talk about you first."


I was silent for a long time before I said to Jian Wei, "I'm unhappy… because life has beaten me down…"


Jian Wei smiled and said, "Your answer is a bit perfunctory. Everyone is unhappy because life has beaten them down. I want to hear something more specific."


After another long silence, I finally mustered the courage to ask Jian Wei, "After graduating from college, did you look down on me?… I'm just a man struggling on the edge of society!"


Jian Wei seemed surprised by my question. She just looked at me… and I became even more nervous, because her answer might be the real reason for our breakup.

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