Vol.1 – Chapter 97 – Defeated without worry, what does ten times the pain matter?


In the midst of Qingxiao’s astonishment, Ji Wuyou on the platform “swished” and pulled out a dagger from his waist, stabbing it into his own thigh.


The piercing pain made him frown, but immediately, he looked at Xu Taiping with a sneer and said, “Let’s see how you endure ten times the pain of my own!”

As he spoke, he violently stirred the dagger in his thigh.

Not far away, Xu Taiping was initially puzzled as to why Ji Wuyou would stab himself with a knife.

But soon, his pupils suddenly dilated.

An indescribable pain suddenly spread from his thigh.


Just as he had barely stood still, he suddenly groaned in pain, and his feet softened, kneeling down on one knee.

He finally understood what Ji Wuyou meant by “ten times the pain returned to you.”

Not only him, but at this moment, most of the cultivators present could see what had happened.

“This despicable scoundrel actually used such a vicious curse in the competition!”

Zhao Linglong cursed directly.

“Isn’t anyone going to stop him?”

She looked at Xu Ziyan beside her.

“These two curses are vicious, but they are only low-level curses. The rules of the competition do not say that they cannot be used.”

Xu Ziyan shook her head helplessly.

“Junior Sister Linglong, haven’t you seen it clearly yet? The powerful thing is not the curse, but Ji Wuyou himself. I’ve said before that he is a madman. A normal person wouldn’t practice such a curse that hurts the enemy before oneself.”

Jin Hezhi in the front suddenly shook his folding fan lightly and said smugly.

For a moment, Zhao Linglong didn’t know how to refute.


Just then.

Ji Wuyou on the platform slowly stood up from the ground, laughing wildly with a distorted expression on his face.

“Do you feel like you can’t bear the pain?”

He staggered towards Xu Taiping, and at the same time, he forcefully pinched the wound on his severed arm with his hand.


Just as Xu Taiping, who had just tried to stand up, staggered and fell down again.

“It seems that it’s not painful enough.”

Ji Wuyou laughed grimly, bit the dagger on his hand, and then tore the skin off his hand with his mouth.

“Ah! Sss…”

This time, even Ji Wuyou himself grimaced in pain.

Not to mention Xu Taiping, who had to endure ten times the pain.

Even from this distance, Qingxiao and the others could still clearly see Xu Taiping, who was kneeling on one knee, trembling.

“This kind of competition is unfair!”

Zhao Linglong was very angry.

“When did this competition ever say it had to be fair?”

Jin Hezhi asked with a smile.


“Sit down.”

Zhao Linglong wanted to argue, but Qingxiao held her shoulder and made her sit down.

At this time, Ji Wuyou was only more than ten steps away from Xu Taiping.

At this distance, his flying sword could kill Xu Taiping in one blow.

But Ji Wuyou didn’t want to do that.

“I can’t let you die so easily after I’ve lost an arm, can I?”

Ji Wuyou looked at Xu Taiping with resentment in his eyes.

Then, he put one of his fingers into his mouth, bit the fingernail with his teeth, and then tore it off with force.


As the saying goes, the pain of losing a finger is felt in the heart. At this moment, Xu Taiping finally cried out in pain due to the tenfold excruciating pain.

Zhao Linglong in the stands couldn’t bear to look and covered her eyes.


Seeing this, Ji Wuyou laughed wildly again, and then slowly stepped towards Xu Taiping, with a distorted smile, and whispered in his ear, “Kneel down and lick the dust off my boots, and I will consider letting you die more easily.”

As he said this, he deliberately raised his voice so that everyone in the surrounding stands could hear.

Those who knew Ji Wuyou knew that he enjoyed torturing his opponents more than defeating them.

At this, Xu Taiping slowly raised his head.

At this moment, his face was pale, and large beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.


He asked Ji Wuyou.

“It depends on your performance.”

Ji Wuyou squinted and stood up.

He put his boot, covered in dust and blood, in front of Xu Taiping.

Seeing this, Qingxiao and the others in the stands couldn’t bear to look and wanted to turn their heads away.


But before they could avert their gaze, Xu Taiping, who had been crouching, suddenly pulled out a long knife from his waist and slashed upwards at Ji Wuyou’s arm.

Because it was so sudden, Ji Wuyou didn’t have time to summon his flying sword and could only rely on his protective True Qi to defend himself.

But how could the True Qi he hastily activated withstand the blow that Xu Taiping had been preparing for so long?


With a breaking sound, Xu Taiping’s knife cut through Ji Wuyou’s protective True Qi and severed his last arm.


Ji Wuyou’s screams echoed through the Sword Control Platform.

At the same time, Xu Taiping’s body trembled suddenly, and he experienced a brief dizziness.

But that was all.

“Ah… It’s impossible. You’ve been affected by my two injury curses. Hurting me is hurting yourself. The pain you’re feeling should be ten times mine!”

Ji Wuyou, who was enduring the pain as he flew back to the edge of the platform, looked at Xu Taiping with an incredulous expression.

“Ten times?”

Xu Taiping smiled.

He really wanted to say that even the pain ten times greater than his at the moment couldn’t compare to the three parts of the excruciating pain he felt when he soaked in the bone-cleansing and marrow-cleansing soup at the beginning.

Not to mention the pain he endured when he later learned the body-refining technique taught by Fairy Lingyue.

“This little pain is not enough.”

He shook his head, then lifted the knife and walked step by step towards Ji Wuyou.

“You can’t fool me. You’re just forcing it. You must be forcing it!”

Ji Wuyou roared with a distorted face, forcibly activating the True Qi in his body, causing his flying sword to rise from the ground and then using the sword to cut his flesh and blood from his body, one by one.

The scene of blood splattering was unbearable to watch.

But even so, Xu Taiping didn’t stop his steps and walked straight towards him.At this moment, not only Ji Wuyou, but also the crowd of disciples at the edge of the arena, had faces filled with confusion.

“Could it be that there was never a Twin Harm Curse?”

“Impossible, the one who cast the curse would definitely know if the other party was affected by the Twin Harm Curse.”

The area was abuzz with discussions.

“You can’t kill me, if you do, you’ll die too, you’ll die from the pain!”

Amidst the discussions, Ji Wuyou on the stage let out a ferocious roar.

Faced with Ji Wuyou’s threat, Xu Taiping continued to advance without halting his steps.


Just then, the desperate Ji Wuyou suddenly showed a look of madness, allowing all the true essence within him to pour out, and then he propelled the flying sword in front of him. With a sword carrying immense might, he thrust towards Xu Taiping.

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