Chapter 96 – Qi Yue Pavilion, Fairy Lingyue’s Second Letter

“But it was only when you fell into a coma due to extreme soul fatigue and were admitted to the Hundred Grass Hall that night that I sensed something was amiss.”

“The first thing that struck me as odd was your Senior Brother Four, who had awakened from his coma. I sensed the aura of the blade ghost on him.”

“Since you were already unconscious at the time, I couldn’t warn you and could only quietly observe the changes.”

“Later that night, your Senior Brother Four suddenly approached your bedside, seemingly preparing to wake you.”

“After confirming the blade ghost was stirring, I had planned to use Taiping’s body to confront it. However, despite all my calculations, I never anticipated that an evil spirit from this minor world could wield the blade realm, pulling me directly into it.”

“It was only then that I realized this blade ghost was not a mere obsession of an ordinary cultivator, but came from a cultivator who had broken through to the transformative realm.”

“Because only a cultivator who has broken through the transformative realm can comprehend the blade realm.”

“The so-called transformative realm cultivators are those who have surpassed the fifth level of cultivation.”

“For instance, the realms in your cultivation world are divided into Opening Realm, Gazing Abyss Realm, Profound Realm, and Spirit Refining, and after Spirit Refining, one can generally be referred to as being in the transformative realm.”

“According to my senses, your sect leader and great-uncle are currently in the Spirit Refining Realm, one in the early stage and the other at the peak. Yet both are a whole major realm away from a transformative realm cultivator.”

At this point, Xu Taiping couldn’t help but break out in a fine cold sweat on his forehead.

He simply couldn’t imagine what kind of existence it would be that was at least one major realm higher than his junior uncle.

Recalling the scene of sealing the blade ghost, a shiver of fear ran through his heart once more.

Putting aside his chaotic thoughts, he continued to read the letter in his hand—

“Once I realized this, it became clear that in my current state, I stood no chance within the blade realm.”

“So from that moment on, I pretended to fight the blade ghost with all my might while planning how to seal it.”

“There are many methods I know of to seal evil spirits, but under the current circumstances, only the Triad Ghost-Sealing Talisman was feasible.”

“Even with the Triad Ghost-Sealing Talisman, two conditions had to be met to seal the blade ghost: one, to make it reveal its true form, and two, to use the body of a cultivator as the prison.”

“Therefore, with no other choice, sister had to place her last hope on you, Taiping.”

“In order to enable you to use the Triad Ghost-Sealing Talisman to seal the blade ghost upon awakening, I spent the past three days searching for its weakness.”

“The weakness that would force the blade ghost to reveal its true form was found during this period.”

“After finding its weakness, I used up all my divine essence to draw a Triad Ghost-Sealing Talisman.”

“Then I entrusted Baiyu to leave you a letter, and that night, during my final confrontation with the blade ghost, I pretended my soul had perished, making it believe I was truly dead, thus completely lowering its guard against you.”

“In fact, I discovered something else about this blade ghost, but it’s related to another cultivation world, so let’s discuss it when I wake up.”

“What I’m about to address next is probably what you’re most worried about now—the backlash from the Triad Ghost-Sealing Talisman.”

At this point, Xu Taiping reached the bottom of the page and immediately pulled out the next one, continuing to read without blinking—

“Actually, if it weren’t for the most critical moment, I wouldn’t have considered using the Triad Ghost-Sealing Talisman, as the talisman itself is imperfect.”

“While it possesses great power against formidable ghosts and can seal them with minimal cost, the caster must pay a heavy price.”

“Firstly, the talisman will consume a large amount of the caster’s blood energy and True Qi. If the ghost sealed within is extremely powerful, the consumption will be even greater.”

“If the caster’s physical blood energy is not strong enough and their True Qi is not profound, they often fall into a deep sleep or even perish while sealing the ghost.”

“Fortunately, Taiping, your foundation in the Opening Realm and Gazing Abyss Realm is solid, and you have cultivated the Emperor’s Body Refining Technique, plus you have Dragon Gall Wine, so you should be able to hold on for a few days.”

“That’s why I ultimately decided to leave the Triad Ghost-Sealing Talisman for you.”

“Next, let’s talk about how to suppress the backlash from the Triad Ghost-Sealing Talisman.”

“There are three methods to suppress the backlash.”

“The first is to replenish blood energy and stabilize True Qi with elixirs, to compensate for the loss of blood energy in your body.”

“The second is to break through to the Profound Realm and use the strength of your own realm to suppress the backlash from the talisman.”

“The third is to completely eradicate the blade ghost.”

“The first method can only delay the damage from the backlash, but it’s the easiest for you to do right now.”

“Although you have Dragon Gall Wine, it’s meant for your cultivation and would be a waste to use on the talisman, so I’ve prepared a powder formula for you, as well as a pill formula.”

“This powder is called ‘Eight Treasures Powder,’ taken daily to stabilize your blood energy.”

“The pill is called ‘Qi Preserving Pill,’ which will keep the True Qi in your body from being taken by the talisman, and must be taken once every three days.”

“The specific formulas are on the last two pages of the letter.”

“However, unlike the Gathering Qi Pills and energy core opening soup you’ve purchased before, the ingredients for the Qi Preserving Pill and Eight Treasures Powder are very precious, and you’ll need to spend quite a few merit points to buy them.”

“Regarding the second method.”

“This medicinal soup is actually a temporary measure. The most important thing is to improve your cultivation and refine your muscles and bones. If you can advance your Gazing Abyss Realm to the intermediate stage, the loss of blood energy and True Qi will be reduced by at least thirty percent. If you reach the advanced stage, it can be reduced by eighty percent. If you break through to the Profound Realm, you won’t have to worry about the loss of blood energy anymore.”

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