Chapter 62 – The intention to kill arises, the eyes are hard to clean, and the mind is hard to calm

Liu Zijin stared blankly at the bowl of white rice before her, then recalled Xu Taiping’s words, “You wouldn’t dare die.”

With that, she still reached out to lift the bowl and, with tears streaming down her face, began shoveling rice into her mouth.

“Senior Sister Zi Jin, you descended the mountain after the Seven Peaks competition, right?”

Xu Taiping watched Liu Zijin eat as he asked.


Liu Zijin nodded vigorously.

“Originally, I was supposed to represent the Fifth Peak in the Seven Peaks competition.”

Her expression turned somewhat gloomy.

Xu Taiping nodded, then let out a long sigh:

“After watching the Senior Brothers’ contest that day, I’ll come to see you off. If I’m late, please wait for me, Senior Sister Zi Jin.”

Liu Zijin gave Xu Taiping a deep look, then shook her head, “Taiping, we met by chance, there’s no need to go to such lengths.”

She faintly sensed that Xu Taiping was planning something, but couldn’t be sure. Regardless, she didn’t want to involve him.

Xu Taiping shook his head:

“Looking back, if it weren’t for Senior Sister Qingmei informing me of that Evil Ghost’s weakness, I would have likely died at Green Bamboo Residence three years ago. A small kindness deserves a wellspring of gratitude, let alone a life-saving grace.”

Three years prior, if Liu Qingmei hadn’t told him that Evil Ghosts feared alcohol, he would have had no chance of victory in that battle.


On the way down the mountain.

“Taiping, have you decided?”

Fairy Lingyue’s voice echoed in Xu Taiping’s mind.

“I’ve decided.”

Xu Taiping silently nodded in response.

“Why still help those sisters?”

Fairy Lingyue asked again.

“It’s not about helping someone in particular.”

Xu Taiping shook his head, then looked up at Senior Brother Qingxiao waiting for him in the pavilion ahead, his tone calm, “Out of sight, out of mind, they say. If you don’t think or look, it’s as if nothing happened. But after seeing Senior Sister Zi Jin, whether I open my eyes or close them, I see Lu Chen’s detestable face. If I don’t eliminate him, my eyes won’t be clear, my heart won’t be at peace.”

Hearing this, Fairy Lingyue chuckled lightly, “Then eliminate him.”

“Junior Brother.”

At that moment, Qingxiao below also spotted Xu Taiping.

“Second Senior Brother.”

Xu Taiping quickened his pace and descended.

“How did it go?”

Qingxiao casually inquired.

“She’s willing to eat.”

Xu Taiping replied.

“Then the Master of the Fifth Peak should thank you properly.”

Qingxiao said with a smile.

“The Master of the Fifth Peak values Senior Sister Zi Jin so much, yet couldn’t keep her on the mountain?”

Xu Taiping asked, puzzled.

“The Master of the Fifth Peak is honest and dislikes factional disputes. Lu Chen’s father, Lu Zimu, may seem less prominent than the Master of the Fifth Peak, but in reality, his word carries more weight.”

Qingxiao spoke with a hint of helplessness.

“Why doesn’t anyone object if the Sect Leader is so nepotistic?”

Xu Taiping curiously inquired, his first time delving into the internal strife of the sect.

“Because he’s strong. Below the Junior Sect Master of Qingxuan Sect, no Peak Master can withstand his sword,” Qingxiao said seriously.

“Moreover, with Qingxuan in decline, the respect the other eight Mansions of the Nine Mansions show is partly due to the Junior Sect Master and partly due to Sect Leader Zhou’s sword. That’s why many Peak Masters dislike his ways, but are powerless to change them.”

He then added another sentence.

Hearing this, Xu Taiping suddenly understood.

“At the end of the day, the cultivation world respects the strong.”

Inexplicably, his sense of urgency to improve his cultivation speed intensified.

“These matters, we can discuss, but never mention to others.”

Qingxiao then reminded Xu Taiping.

“Of course.”

Xu Taiping nodded.

“By the way, the Seven Peaks competition is coming up soon, and one of the events is a sword formation. How about you join in?”

Qingxiao asked Xu Taiping.

“But Senior Brother, I haven’t learned the sword.”

Xu Taiping was a bit worried.

“You just need to hold a non-critical position in the formation; using a sword isn’t necessary.”

Qingxiao said with a smile.

“If that’s the case, I should have no problem.”

Xu Taiping nodded.

“Then I’ll enter your name into the roster for the competition.”

Qingxiao nodded with a smile.

“By the way, Senior Brother, do you know where Lu Chen has been assigned to on the mountain?”

Xu Taiping suddenly asked Qingxiao.

“I’m not sure of the specifics, but Elder Lu has good relations with the Master of Nanming Pavilion, so he should have arranged for Lu Chen to be placed in Nanshan under Nanming Pavilion’s jurisdiction,” Qingxiao casually replied.

“Why ask?”

He curiously asked Xu Taiping.

“I was just wondering.”

Xu Taiping replied with a dismissive smile.

Qingxiao nodded without thinking much of it but reminded Xu Taiping before descending the mountain:

“The Peak Master recently found an Elder to teach you swordsmanship; pay attention these next few days, he might come to you.”


Xu Taiping nodded, though he found it strange:

“The Peak Master actually went out of his way to find an Elder to teach me swordsmanship?”


A few days later.

Qi Yue Pavilion.

“Xu Taiping, you’re really something. I flew for days and nights, and you only give me half a cup of Dragon Gall Wine?”

Inside the stone building in the backyard, Baiyu poked the half cup of Dragon Gall Wine on the table with his wing, looking indignant.

“Drink or not? If not, I’ll give it to Ping’an.”

Xu Taiping, sitting across the table, pretended to take back the half cup of wine.

“Don’t you dare!”

Before Xu Taiping could take the cup, Baiyu quickly shielded it with his wing and downed the wine in one gulp.


After finishing the half cup of Dragon Gall Wine, Baiyu cried out like an old drunkard.

“Did you find it?”

Xu Taiping rested his chin on his hand and asked Baiyu.

“Heh, guess.”

Baiyu smirked mischievously.

“Fairy Lingyue, this kid told me a few days ago that you…”


Xu Taiping was cut off mid-sentence as Baiyu covered his mouth with a wing.


Fairy Lingyue emerged from the gourd at that moment.

“I meant to say, I found that kid Lu Chen’s whereabouts down the mountain!”

Before Xu Taiping could speak, Baiyu quickly answered.


Xu Taiping was done with the banter.

“Nanshan, Heduling, Fengxiao Villa.”

Baiyu didn’t keep him guessing.

Xu Taiping immediately took out a map.

“Not far from the Seven Peaks.”

He located Fengxiao Villa on the map.

“Correct, with my current flying speed, it would take at most an hour to reach.”

Baiyu nodded.

“Did you memorize the details of the villa?”

Xu Taiping asked again.

“It’s all in my head.”

Baiyu tapped his head with his wing, then gave Xu Taiping a look of wisdom.

“However, if my senses are correct, Lu Chen is accompanied by two formidable beasts, both of which should be at the Demon King Quality Grade. Though they’re far from the Peacock King, their auras are not weak.”

He added another piece of information.

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