Chapter 61 – Reflecting on the cliff, will the wicked be punished by heaven?

Main Peak.


At the entrance to the Cliff of Reflection.


"Junior Brother, I'll wait for you here. Only one person at a time can visit the Cliff of Reflection at the Hall of Seven Laws."


In the resting pavilion at the entrance, Qingxiao instructed Xu Taiping.


"Senior Brother, I hope this won't cause you any trouble?"


Xu Taiping confirmed with Qingxiao once more.


"It won't."


Qingxiao shook his head.


"The crime Liu Zijin committed is forgivable, not utterly unforgivable. With the Fifth Peak's Master advocating for her, it's normal for her to have visitors."


He added another explanation.


"Thank you, Senior Brother."


Xu Taiping nodded his head.




Qingxiao suddenly called out to Xu Taiping.


"What is it, Senior Brother?"


Xu Taiping looked at Qingxiao, puzzled.


"You haven't developed feelings for Liu Zijin, have you?"


Qingxiao hesitated for a moment but decided to voice his concern.


Xu Taiping couldn't help but laugh.


"Rest assured, Senior Brother, I have no romantic feelings for Senior Sister Zijin. It's just that I made a promise to her sister. Now that she's about to be expelled from Yunlu Mountain, I have to come and see her no matter what."


He explained to Qingxiao with an open and honest face.


Xu Taiping felt a sense of injustice for the sisters Zijin and her sister's plight.


"That's very good."


Qingxiao nodded, his eyes showing a hint of relief.


"I heard from a disciple of the Fifth Peak that Liu Zijin has been fasting lately. Now that her energy core is shattered, if she continues without food, she might not last until she descends the mountain. Your visit is a good opportunity to persuade her."


He advised Xu Taiping once more.


"I will do my best to persuade her."


Xu Taiping nodded earnestly.




Cliff of Reflection.


After passing through numerous checkpoints set up by the Hall of Seven Laws, Xu Taiping finally saw Liu Zijin in a cave on the cliff.


Liu Zijin was sitting cross-legged on a stone bed, dressed in a white robe, her long hair disheveled, staring blankly at the stone wall in front of her.


Even when she heard someone approaching, she didn't turn around but said in a wooden tone:


"There's no need to bring me food anymore."


"Junior Sister Zijin, it's not about bringing food, someone has come to see you."


The disciple from the Hall of Seven Laws who led Xu Taiping replied.


Hearing this, Liu Zijin turned her head in surprise.


Then she saw Xu Taiping standing behind the disciple.


"It's been a long time, Senior Sister Zijin."


Xu Taiping greeted Liu Zijin with a faint smile.


Seeing that it was Xu Taiping, a smile appeared on Liu Zijin's pale face.


"It's been a long time, Junior Brother Taiping."


She smiled back at Xu Taiping.


However, her smile was filled with bitterness.


"I'll wait for you on the stone bridge ahead. You two have the time of one stick of incense to talk."


The disciple from the Hall of Seven Laws handed a food box to Xu Taiping and then patted Xu Taiping's shoulder meaningfully.


This disciple, originally from the Fifth Peak, had been asked by the Peak Master to take good care of Liu Zijin when she was confined.


"Thank you, Senior Brother."


Xu Taiping took the food box and thanked the disciple from the Hall of Seven Laws.


"Are you also here to persuade me to eat?"


Liu Zijin asked Xu Taiping with a smile.


"If you don't eat, with your energy core destroyed, I fear you won't last until you're sent down the mountain, Senior Sister."


Xu Taiping sighed and set down the food box.


"If I can't last, then so be it. I can't avenge my sister, and living like this is meaningless."


Liu Zijin said dejectedly.


"Why didn't you just hand over the Dust-Seeking Fragrance directly to the Immortal Law Enforcement?"


Xu Taiping leaned against the cave wall, asking Liu Zijin with some confusion.


"According to the laws of the Hall of Seven Laws, if a disciple on the mountain kills an Outer Disciple below, the most severe punishment is to expel him from the mountain. In a few years, he could return by passing the Seven Peaks selection."


Liu Zijin sneered, then asked Xu Taiping with eyes full of resentment:


"Such a trivial punishment compared to the agony my sister endured is nothing."


"So you decided to punish Lu Chen in your own way?"


Xu Taiping frowned and asked.


Liu Zijin nodded, then smiled viciously:


"I lured him to my place, sealed his energy center, and confined him for three days and nights, torturing him. But just as I was about to take his life, he accidentally broke the seal with his stored power and used his life-saving technique to escape."


By the end of her story, her eyes were filled with intense regret and resentment.


"You've seen the Dust-Seeking Fragrance, Taiping. The torment I inflicted on Lu Chen, does it compare to what my sister suffered?"


Liu Zijin suddenly looked at Xu Taiping again.




Xu Taiping answered without hesitation.


He had seen the Dust-Seeking Fragrance; the ordeal of Liu Qingmei was indescribable, and after her death, Lu Chen didn't stop there but threw her near the Tiger Demon's lair, making her a ghost slave to the Evil Ghost.


"But your current situation is certainly not what your sister Qingmei would have wanted to see."


Xu Taiping tried to persuade her.


"Xu Taiping, I have no sister anymore, she's gone."


Liu Zijin looked at Xu Taiping, tears in her eyes.


Her broken gaze showed no sign of life.


"But Lu Chen isn't dead yet, is he?"


Xu Taiping's fingers gently tapped the cave wall before looking up at Liu Zijin.


Liu Zijin's expression froze at his words.


"He's not dead, Liu Zijin, how can you dare to die?"


Xu Taiping's tone grew firmer, his gaze piercing as he added.


This time it was Liu Zijin's turn to fall silent.


"Yes, how can I dare to die?"


She murmured to herself, looking up.


"Senior Sister Zijin, live well. Only by living can you find the chance for revenge."


Xu Taiping's tone softened again.


As he spoke, he opened the food box and placed the food on the table.


"But now that my energy sea is broken, reduced to Mortal Bones, how am I qualified to seek revenge on him?"


Liu Zijin's smile was bitter.


"My grandfather often told me, evil will eventually meet its fate. Just live well, and perhaps one day you'll hear the news of Lu Chen's death."


Xu Taiping smiled and pointed to the sky.




Liu Zijin laughed helplessly.


"This heaven, does it care about the suffering of us commoners?"


She shook her head with a despondent look.


But then, her pupils contracted, and she looked at Xu Taiping nervously:


"Taiping, you…"


"Senior Sister Zijin, eat."


Xu Taiping interrupted Liu Zijin, pushing the bowl full of white rice towards her.

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