Chapter 56 – The couple who break the deadlock and repay kindness

Within the royal treasury of the Black Vulture Nation.

“This is it.”

Xiang Nantian emerged from a pile of gold and silver, holding a box in his hand.

“Had I not sensed the aura emanating from you, Taiping, I might never have remembered that this item was among the treasures here.”

He spoke as he handed the box to Xu Taiping.

“Indeed, this is the other half of the teleportation token.”

Xu Taiping opened the box to find exactly that, and couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise.

“With this half of the teleportation token, your journey this time, Taiping, is truly worthwhile.”

Fairy Lingyue’s voice also echoed in Xu Taiping’s mind at this moment.

It seemed she had been hesitant to speak earlier, perhaps out of wariness of the two individuals before her.

“Elder Xiang, Elder Haitang, are you truly willing to gift this item to me?”

Xu Taiping sought confirmation from the two.

They exchanged smiles upon hearing his question.

“This item cannot begin to repay the favor you’ve done us by lifting our seals, Taiping.”

Haitang shook her head with a hint of embarrassment.

“Let’s do this instead.”

Xiang Nantian pondered seriously for a moment before slapping his forehead and saying:

“My wife and I have always been loners, but for your sake, Taiping, we’ll make an exception. Should you ever encounter insurmountable trouble, we can act as your protectors just this once.”

After saying this, he forced a drop of blood from his fingertip and drew a rune in the air with it.

“This is a good proposal.”

Haitang nodded in agreement, drawing a rune in the air with her blood as well.

Xu Taiping was somewhat unfamiliar with the term ‘protector’ and wasn’t sure how to respond.

“Taiping, a protector, once bound to you, will safeguard your life at all costs. These two individuals are highly skilled cultivators. Having them as your protectors, even just once, is a tremendous fortuity,” Fairy Lingyue reminded him.

Considering Fairy Lingyue’s high regard for them, it was clear how advanced their cultivation was.

Xu Taiping thought it over and then, without any pretense, expressed his gratitude:

“If I truly encounter difficulties in the future, I would ask Elder Haitang and Elder Xiang to lend me a hand.”

He then extended his hand to receive the two talismanic seals.


Xiang Nantian laughed heartily at the sight.

“My wife and I dislike being indebted to others. It’s best that you accept.”

Haitang was also smiling at this point.

“By the way, during the time I feigned death, if you return to report, you will surely face difficulties. They’ll say that I have died and that you failed to fulfill the agreement.”

The astute Haitang suddenly thought of a potential issue, remembering that Xu Taiping had been entrusted by his sect to escort her.

“Then let’s just consider this mission a failure. It’s not a big deal.”

Xu Taiping was quite open-minded about it.

“How could that be acceptable?”

Xiang Nantian shook his head repeatedly upon hearing this.

“Haitang, how about I accompany Little Taiping to the Qingxuan Sect? I can explain things to the sect leader myself.”

He sought Haitang’s opinion.

At these words, Xu Taiping involuntarily shuddered.

“You might not even make it to the mountain before the sect leader rushes out to meet you. Do you not know what our reputation is like?”

Haitang glared at Xiang Nantian.

The gentle and amiable Haitang in front of Xu Taiping was like a fierce tigress in front of Xiang Nantian.

“Hehe, Haitang, I was just saying.”

Xiang Nantian scratched his head with a smile, his eyes full of affection for Haitang.

“Really, there’s no need for such trouble. This is just one of my training missions. If it’s not completed, there will be other opportunities.”

Xu Taiping spoke up again.



However, as soon as he spoke, the couple simultaneously rejected his suggestion.

Xu Taiping realized that both were the type of people who would seek revenge for a grudge and repay a favor until death.

“Do you have any blank talisman paper on you, Taiping?” Haitang suddenly asked Xu Taiping.

“I only have finished talismans; I don’t actually have any blank talisman paper.”

Xu Taiping shook his head.

“Then just give me any talisman.”

Haitang reached out her hand to Xu Taiping.


Although unsure of what Haitang intended to do, Xu Taiping still handed her a Lamp Lighting Talisman.

After receiving the talisman, Haitang’s index and middle fingers came together in a sword-like gesture, and with a swipe over the talisman, she erased the pre-drawn runes.

“To think that someone in this world still knows this technique,” Fairy Lingyue remarked, impressed by the sight.

“Is it difficult?”

Xu Taiping asked Fairy Lingyue in his mind.

“It’s not difficult per se, but unless one is particularly adept at talismans, it’s not easy to erase another’s drawn runes so effortlessly,” Fairy Lingyue replied.

“Come, let’s send a message to the Qingxuan Sect together.”

After effortlessly drawing a new talisman with her blood, Haitang looked up at Xiang Nantian.


A moment later.

“Taiping, take this.”

After an intense exchange, Xiang Nantian and his wife solemnly handed over the talisman containing their conversation to Xu Taiping.

“Thank you so much.”

Xu Taiping took the talisman, inadvertently wiping the sweat from his forehead.

If possible, he would rather not let anyone from the Qingxuan Sect hear the conversation between the couple recorded on the talisman.

“Additionally, you might not be aware, Taiping, but most cultivators from the Nine Mansions view my wife and me as outcasts, enemies even. So, for your own good, try not to mention us after returning to the Qingxuan Sect, and certainly not the matter of breaking our seals. Just say that I sent this talisman after awakening, in gratitude for your escort,” Haitang reminded Xu Taiping.

“Thank you, Sister Haitang. I’ll handle these matters with discretion,” Xu Taiping nodded.

“But in my eyes, Sister Haitang and Brother Xiang are not outcasts; you simply act according to your own principles,” he added.

This wasn’t flattery but a reflection of his recent observations and experiences.

The couple exchanged a smile upon hearing this.

“Did you know? A long time ago, a sword cultivator said the same thing to us.”

Xiang Nantian looked at Xu Taiping with a smile.

“Could it be… Senior Brother Suchan?”

Xu Taiping ventured a guess.

“That’s right.”

Haitang nodded with a smile.

This wasn’t the first time the couple had mentioned Suchan, indicating the great significance he held in their hearts.

“So it’s not just the disciples of the Qingxuan Sect, but also cultivators from other sects who hold this Senior Brother in high regard,” Xu Taiping mused to himself.

His curiosity about this Senior Brother Suchan grew; he wondered what kind of person he truly was.

He’d have to ask Senior Brother Qingxiao when he got back.

Thinking this, Xu Taiping’s gaze fell upon the surrounding treasures, and he asked somewhat sheepishly:

“Sister Haitang, Brother Xiang, may I take some of this gold and silver?”

Xu Taiping wanted the gold and jewels as nourishment for the Earth Fruit.

Upon hearing this, Xiang Nantian and his wife were momentarily taken aback, then nodded in unison:

“Take whatever you like!”


Several days later, at dusk.

Lion’s Slope.

After Xu Taiping burned the feather left by Elder Yunye to ashes, it wasn’t long before the cry of a crane resounded from the sky.


Soon, amidst the howling wind, Elder Yunye’s massive form descended upon the top of Lion’s Slope, then looked down at Xu Taiping with eyes that were slightly less indifferent than their first meeting.

“Come aboard. It’s good that you’ve returned safely.”

Elder Yunye nodded at Xu Taiping, his tone much softer than when they first met, implying that it was alright that the mission was incomplete.

It was a natural assumption to make.

The awakening of the Haitang couple had been kept secret by themselves, and with their abilities, keeping something hidden was no challenge, even from a sect leader, let alone an elder.

Thus, aside from Xu Taiping, no one else was aware of the matter. Everyone simply believed that the Sixth Princess had failed in her assassination attempt, and the capital of the Black Vulture Nation was under martial law.

However, Xu Taiping did not argue and simply nodded in response:

“Thank you, Elder, for coming to guide me back.”

He decided to save his explanations for when he reported back at the Merit Hall.

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