Chapter 51 – Break the deadlock, the big gift given by Senior Brother Eight

That night.


Reeking of alcohol, Xu Taiping and Oriole returned to the inn.


But just as he was about to go upstairs, two beggars suddenly blocked his path, extending their broken bowls and pleading:


"Kind sir, please show some mercy and spare a couple of copper coins."


"Sir, we haven't eaten for days."


"Scram, scram, scram! You dare beg from me, looking for a beating?"


A drunken Oriole waved his fists at the two men.


However, the beggars were not frightened away and continued to follow them, chattering nonstop.


"Stop following us."


Xu Taiping glanced back at them, deliberately releasing a bit of his aura.


The two beggars immediately retreated a few steps in fear.


But as Xu Taiping turned around, the younger beggar quickly grabbed a handful of mud from the ground and smeared it on Xu Taiping's clothes.


"That's for you rich folks looking down on us!"


After hurling these words, the two beggars, bowls and sticks in hand, turned and fled.


"Forget it, let's just go back and wash up. Don't stoop to their level."


Xu Taiping was about to give chase when Oriole grabbed him and pushed him back towards the inn.


"Alright then."


Xu Taiping glanced at the retreating figures of the beggars and then nodded his head.




In the inn room.


Xu Taiping changed out of his mud-stained clothes.


But instead of immediately washing them, he pulled out a mud-covered note from the pocket.


Unfolding the note, it read clearly:


"Everything is ready. Meet tomorrow at the hour of Shen at the Fulu Street Sweet Soup Shop."


After reading it, Xu Taiping conjured a flame at his fingertips and burned the note to ashes.


"I'll have to properly thank Eighth Senior Brother when I get back."


He sighed deeply.


Indeed, the two he had encountered at the entrance of the inn were from the Beggar Sect established by his Eighth Senior Brother.


On his first day in the capital, he had handed over the money pouch given to him by his Eighth Senior Brother to a seemingly reliable beggar.


Initially, he had thought it was just a favor for his Senior Brother and didn't think much of it.


But after making contact with the higher-ups of the Beggar Sect, he discovered that this seemingly insignificant faction had countless informants within the Black Vulture Nation's capital.


To thank him for passing messages, the Beggar Sect had gathered a lot of useful information for him in the capital, such as the guard shift times at the city gates and potential hiding spots.


"Now that we've established communication inside and outside the city, as long as we can rescue the Sixth Princess from the imperial city tomorrow, we can smuggle her out without anyone noticing."


He muttered to himself as he changed his clothes.


"The biggest trouble now is how to keep Oriole occupied."


After changing, Xu Taiping looked out the window.


"Taiping, don't forget tonight, we still need to shroud the imperial city in a great fog."


Fairy Lingyue's voice suddenly echoed in Xu Taiping's mind.


"I'm getting ready."


Xu Taiping nodded and then popped a Gathering Qi Pill into his mouth.




The next morning.


A thick fog enveloped the imperial city and its surrounding areas.


But since the Black Vulture Nation's capital was already in a foggy season, no one found the fog unusual.


Hongyun Restaurant, private room.


"Taiping, you took so long in the privy. Did you lose your breath and sneak off to cry?"


Oriole, sitting by the window, teased Xu Taiping with a chuckle as he returned to the room.


"Just washed my face."


Xu Taiping replied indifferently and sat down directly opposite Oriole.


A Go board and two boxes of black and white pieces were on their table.


"Remember, if you lose this game, you're joining me at the Wanhua Tower tonight."


As he spoke, Oriole grabbed a handful of pieces from the box and placed his hand over the board.


Xu Taiping took out two pieces from the box.


Oriole released his hand and saw an even number, so he placed the box of white pieces in front of him and said:


"You go first."


Xu Taiping nodded, picked up a black piece from the box, and without hesitation, placed it on the board with a "clack."


"Double three?"


Oriole glanced at the position of the piece and smirked:


"Seems like you're not satisfied with the last game, Taiping. Opening with double three, are you planning to go for the kill right away?"


As he spoke, he too placed a piece on the board.


Xu Taiping followed with another "clack," placing his piece on the central point.


Oriole's face, usually nonchalant, suddenly turned serious as he began to stroke his chin and ponder deeply.


"Big Brother Oriole, if I win this game, could you give me one of those Nine Mansions' Unrestricted Talismans?"


Xu Taiping asked with a smile.


The Nine Mansions' Unrestricted Talisman was a proof of identity, only given to cultivators recognized by the Nine Mansions.




Oriole grinned and then placed a piece on the board:


"But only if you can beat me!"


So, as the fog thickened outside, the sound of the game pieces echoed within.


Amidst these sounds, a figure hurried out of the restaurant, striding quickly toward the imperial city.


That silhouette, if not Xu Taiping, then who?


"Fairy Lingyue, I lost the last two games. Can you beat him this time?"


In the midst of the fog, Xu Taiping, while putting on a human skin mask, asked Fairy Lingyue in his mind.


At this moment, it was actually Fairy Lingyue in the gourd who was playing the game, using the eyes of Xu Taiping's clone to follow the moves.


"Don't worry, watch me beat him until he spits blood."


Fairy Lingyue was also sitting in front of a Go board in the gourd, with the same arrangement as in the restaurant.


"Then I'll leave it to you, Fairy Lingyue. My clone can only last for the time it takes half an incense stick to burn."


Xu Taiping nodded, then took out the Concealing Grass from the gourd, held it in his palm, and vanished from the spot.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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