Chapter 41 – Life and Death Challenge, I, Fan Zhong, have no regrets

"Fan Qi not only tempered his body into copper skin and iron bones but also gained control over every muscle and bone. Ordinary fighters can hardly hurt him now. His previous moves were just probing Fan Zhong; you see, he didn't even use his full strength."


Huang Que stroked his chin, his expression serious as he assessed the situation.


"I think what's truly terrifying about Fan Qi is that even knowing Fan Zhong is weaker, he remains so cautious, never underestimating his opponent," Xu Taiping murmured.


As he spoke, his gaze remained fixed on the arena, unwilling to miss any detail of the clash between the two men.


Huang Que glanced at Xu Taiping with a deep look.


At that moment, a wave of commotion rose again from the courtyard.


Looking up, he saw Fan Zhong, with only one leg left and his chest a bloody mess, thrust off the ground with a "boom" and leaped back onto the stage.


"They're still going at it."


"He could just ask for mercy; the master would probably spare him."


The crowd buzzed with conversation.


The life-and-death arena didn't end with a fall from the stage; victory was determined by life or death. As long as Fan Zhong was alive, he still qualified to challenge Fan Qi. But if he conceded and Fan Qi accepted, he could still leave the stage alive.


Clearly, though, Fan Zhong had no intention of doing so.


"I am very disappointed in you," Fan Qi said as he assumed his fighting stance, looking disdainfully at the heavily panting Fan Zhong across the stage.


"After resorting to the self-harming Explosive Acupoint Technique, your punches and kicks are still so feeble. The Fan family has really gone downhill over the years, producing nothing but trash!"


When he said "trash," Fan Qi emphasized the word, his voice booming like thunder over the arena.


Instead of anger, Fan Zhong laughed.


"Yes, compared to you, we are all trash. You are a once-in-a-century genius of our Fan family, once the idol of countless junior disciples. But what has this genius done? You betrayed Baishu Nation, betrayed the Fan family, betrayed the thousands of citizens who once cheered for your triumphs in the city! Your hands are stained with the blood of Baishu's people, you've shamed our junior disciples for decades, and you've left our ancestor unable to rest in peace!"


As he spoke, his veins bulged, and his words rang with the weight of tears and blood.


"I've grown tired of this rhetoric. If you have nothing new to say, then throw your punch," Fan Qi said, unmoved by Fan Zhong's words.


Not only was he unmoved, but the killing intent and anger in him grew even stronger, as oppressive as the unending rainy skies, suffocating.




After his roar, Fan Zhong's expression calmed, and he took a deep breath, expelling a turbid breath from his chest. Then, assuming his fighting stance, he declared resolutely, "Today, I, Fan Zhong, do not seek victory, but to restore the honor of our Fan family's boxing!"


As soon as he finished speaking, three bursts of blood mist exploded around him.


Then, his internal energy visibly surged at an astonishing rate, the cyclones it stirred up sending waves of energy sweeping through the courtyard.




As the crowd marveled at Fan Zhong's sudden increase in power, his figure turned into a blur and vanished from where he stood, reappearing beside Fan Qi.


With one leg planted on the ground, he twisted his body and threw a punch at Fan Qi.


This was the most straightforward yet most powerful punch in the Fan family's boxing, called "Breaking the Cauldron."


Fan Qi didn't dodge but met Fan Zhong's fist with an identical punch.




The fists collided.


Fan Qi only staggered slightly, while Fan Zhong's entire arm shattered.


Despite the increase in power, vision, and speed from the Explosive Acupoint Technique, Fan Zhong's physical conditioning and understanding of boxing were far inferior to Fan Qi's.


But even with only one leg left, Fan Zhong showed no fear or hesitation.




The moment his arm broke, he leaped up from the ground, and the acupoint on his temple burst open.


Fan Zhong unleashed the final explosion of the Explosive Acupoint Technique.


Instantly, an incredibly fierce aura spread from him.


He concentrated all his power into his remaining leg and roared, "Today, if I can die for the Sixth Princess and the people of Baishu Nation, I, Fan Zhong, have no regrets!"


As his words ended, he brought his leg down with terrifying force towards Fan Qi's head.




Facing this attack, Fan Qi still chose to meet it with a "Breaking the Cauldron" punch.


But now, his robes billowed, and his aura of murderous intent and rage seemed tangible as it followed his fist, smashing viciously towards Fan Zhong.




Another loud noise.


Fan Qi's normally unshakable form was pushed back a step by Fan Zhong's leg.


Fan Zhong's thigh shattered, his chest was pierced, and then he was sent flying from the stage like a cannonball, crashing heavily to the ground outside with a "thud."


But this time, he did not stand up again.


The miracle of the weak overcoming the strong did not occur.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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