Chapter 39 – Life and Death Challenge, the knight who comes to meet death

"No wonder Brother Huangque reminded me so many times; it turns out he was entrusted by Second Senior Brother."


Xu Taiping finally resolved the doubts in his mind about Huangque, feeling an inexplicable warmth in his heart.


"Thank you, Second Senior Brother, thank you, Brother Huangque."


He bowed towards Huangque's departing figure, silently expressing his gratitude to the two.


Nevertheless, he would still challenge Fan Qi with martial skills tomorrow. Not only for Senior Brother Su Chan's scabbard but also to further hone his own martial skills, as such opportunities were rare.


"With Second Senior Brother's good friend watching, I must not lose face for him or our Seventh Peak tomorrow."


While thinking this, he turned and returned to the inn.


Tonight, he would continue his cultivation.




The next day.


According to the calendar outside the mountains, it was May 15th.


Huangmei Town, just like the day before, was shrouded in continuous drizzle, but this did not dampen the townspeople's enthusiasm to watch the life-and-death arena.


Fortunately, the Angry Fist Manor was large and accommodating, opening its doors wide and welcoming all comers.


"Your Highness, I just saw Fan Zhong."


Atop the viewing platform constructed by Angry Fist Manor for the life-and-death arena, General Chu spoke in a serious tone to the Sixth Princess, who had already taken her seat.


"Why is he here?!"


The Sixth Princess was visibly surprised.


"He knew Your Highness would have to face this challenge, so he has been waiting here for days, just to fight on your behalf."


General Chu spoke with a hint of respect in his eyes.


"But he's no match for Fan Qi; isn't this just a senseless death?"


The Sixth Princess said agitatedly.


In her view, if even Taoist Taiping was not confident, how could Fan Zhong possibly stand a chance against Fan Qi? Moreover, Fan Zhong lacked Taoist Taiping's life-saving skills and would surely die upon entering the arena.


"Not just him, Qi Yan, Wang Zhenghao, He Yuan, Di Yi, all the rangers of Baishu Country who have received Your Highness's grace over the years have come to repay your kindness."


Cao Qianhu now approached the Sixth Princess, speaking with a grave tone.


The Sixth Princess fell silent.


She held the little monkey tightly in her arms.


"Your Highness, I've mentioned Taoist Taiping to them. Upon learning that he cannot use his magic in the life-and-death arena, they wish to exhaust as much of that old thief's inner strength as possible before Taoist Taiping's turn."


General Chu continued.


Hearing this, the Sixth Princess buried her head in the little monkey.


General Chu's words were clear; these people had come to die for her.


Stripped of her title, she was just a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, schooled in the arts of music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. It was normal for her to feel overwhelmed at this moment.


"Your Highness, you know their character well. We cannot stop them, and neither can you. In their eyes, dying for Your Highness is an act of righteousness."


Cao Qianhu added solemnly.


"I will remember each and every one of them, engraving every match in my mind, never to be forgotten."


After a long while, the Sixth Princess lifted her head, wiped away the tears on her face, and her eyes regained their determination.


What she didn't say out loud was:


"I will forever remember the humiliation and unwillingness of today."


As a princess facing the calamity of her nation's downfall, there was little she could do.




Below the life-and-death arena.


"After signing this death contract, you either leave the arena alive or are carried off dead."


A young man waved a Contract Scroll in front of everyone.


Those who often watched the life-and-death matches in town knew that this young man was actually Fan Qi's grandson, Fan Ye.


"Those willing to enter the arena today, come quickly and sign the death contract."


Fan Ye continued.


"Make way, make way, don't block the path!"


Just as Xu Taiping was about to step forward, he was pushed aside by a burly man.


"What a nuisance!"


The man glared at Xu Taiping, then grumbled as he walked up to Fan Ye and swiftly stamped his handprint.


"Where did this reckless kid come from? Get to the back."


"Little child, this isn't a place for fun, don't come here to cause trouble."


"Just that, just that, your mother is calling you home for dinner."


Before Xu Taiping could take another step, several more warriors quickly approached and pushed him aside.


"Isn't it said that there are few participants in the life-and-death arena each month?"


Xu Taiping looked puzzled at the people eagerly signing the death contract.


According to his prior understanding, the number of warriors challenging Fan Qi in recent years should have been decreasing.


"Little Taoist."


After everyone had signed the death contract, Fan Ye called out to Xu Taiping.




Xu Taiping nodded and quickly walked over.


"Once you sign the death contract, either you die or the arena master dies. Have you thought this through?"


Fan Ye didn't immediately hand over the pen to Xu Taiping but instead confirmed with him solemnly.


"I've thought it through."


Xu Taiping took the pen from his hand directly.


He quickly wrote down his name, then stamped his handprint, and silently returned to his place.


"Xu Taiping."


Fan Ye looked at the name on the last death contract, sighed, and muttered:


"Why are there so many people coming to die this month?"




Not long after everyone signed the death contract, a sudden commotion erupted in the spectator seats of the arena.


Following the crowd's gaze, Xu Taiping saw a tall, elderly man with white hair, wearing a ghastly mask and old leather armor, stepping onto the arena.


Once on the stage, the old man spread his arms, his voice carrying an indescribable aura of solemn killing intent:


"Welcome to Angry Fist Manor. As always, on the life-and-death arena, it's either your death or mine. Whether you are an old enemy of mine or a warrior seeking a breakthrough in the martial path, you may come up and compete with me for life and death. If you win, not only will my head be yours, but everything in Angry Fist Manor will be yours as well."


Even without any deliberate display, the killing intent emanated like gusts of wind, sweeping across the entire courtyard of the life-and-death arena.


With such a domineering aura, even though he wore a mask, no one in the audience doubted his identity.


"This dense and profound killing intent must have been forged through blood and battle. For Fan Qi to have reached such an age without being eroded by this killing intent, his cultivation is indeed formidable."


The Fairy Lingyue inside the gourd muttered to herself at this moment.


Xu Taiping nodded in agreement.


Besides this, he was now certain that the old man on the stage was completely different from the one he had encountered on the street, both in stature and temperament.


Of course, even if Fan Qi were that old man, he would still give it his all.


"The first challenger in this life-and-death arena, Fan Zhong."


At that moment, Fan Ye announced the name of the first challenger.


Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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