Chapter 34 – Old Mountain Temple, it’s our turn to eat now

To Xu Taiping's surprise, even after devouring a large plate of mutton, the Sixth Princess showed no signs of disgust or displeasure towards him.


She even enthusiastically began to introduce him to the customs and culture of her Bai Shu Nation.


Had it not been for her swallowing the meat whole, Xu Taiping would have doubted whether she was truly free from the ghostly illusion.


"Although I know she's only tolerating this because she needs something from Taiping, the fact that she doesn't show any resentment in her eyes makes the Sixth Princess quite adorable. No wonder her guards are so devoted to her," the ethereal form of Fairy Lingyue, sitting beside Xu Taiping, mused with a chuckle as she watched the princess.


"She's quite different from the princesses I had imagined."


Xu Taiping nodded in agreement.


As he spoke, he poured a cup of greatly diluted Longdan wine, silently drizzled it over the roasted meat, and then cut off a piece to offer to the slightly tipsy Sixth Princess.


"Daoist, I really can't eat any more," the Sixth Princess protested, though she still took the meat and nibbled on it in small bites.


Her eyes were a bit hazy, showing signs of intoxication.


"The ghostly feast is almost over; their yang energy is nearly depleted, and the lurking specter should make its move soon," Fairy Lingyue remarked, glancing at the group across from them.


The group, including General Chu and Cao Qianhu, were still chatting and laughing, but their voices and movements had softened significantly, lacking their earlier vigor.


The temperature inside the temple had also noticeably dropped, causing many to shiver.


Xu Taiping nodded at her words.


"Thump, thump, thump."


Just then, a knocking sound came from outside the temple.


"Who's there?"


Despite feeling weakened, both General Chu and Cao Qianhu were instantly on alert.


"Kind heroes inside the temple, may my grandchild and I seek shelter from the rain?"


An elderly voice trembled from outside.


"I'll take a look."


General Chu and Cao Qianhu exchanged glances before quickly heading towards the temple door, feeling reassured with the Sixth Princess by Xu Taiping's side.




The temple door opened.


General Chu saw a drenched old man and a little girl wrapped in a straw raincoat standing outside.


"Why are you out here so late at night, old man?" General Chu asked warily.


"Because… because we can only go out to find food at night," the old man chuckled eerily.


Faced with such a strange smile and response, General Chu failed to notice anything amiss and simply turned to the Sixth Princess, saying, "Miss, this grandfather and grandchild seek shelter from the rain."


"Let them in, and share some of our food with them," the somewhat dazed princess nodded and agreed.


To Xu Taiping, however, they were not a grandfather and grandchild, but rather a "huffing and puffing" wild boar demon and a sinister-looking woman with pale skin and golden eyes, dragging a fluffy tail behind her.


"So it's a fox demon, no wonder she's so adept at illusions," Fairy Lingyue realized.


"A spirit transformed from a fox soul?"


As Xu Taiping watched the pig demon and fox demon being ushered in by General Chu, he couldn't help but ask Fairy Lingyue.


"Not necessarily. Some spiritual beings tainted with the aura of a fox demon can also turn into such creatures under the influence of the malevolent energy in the mountains," Fairy Lingyue replied.




At that moment, the pig demon kicked the temple door and then "huffed and puffed" at the entrance, drooling as it watched the people inside, clearly guarding against any escape attempts.


The fox demon, guided by General Chu, approached the table where the guards were feasting and looked around.


Eventually, her gaze settled on the Sixth Princess.


Like Xu Taiping, the princess's aura was concealed by Fairy Lingyue, and her tipsy appearance made her seem no different from Cao Qianhu and the others who had partaken in the ghostly food.


Seeing this, the pale-faced fox demon couldn't help but reveal a chilling smile.


And with her smile, the goat demon disguised as Chef Qian and the Buddha statues in the temple all revealed sinister grins, making the scene eerily sinister.


"Clap, clap, clap!"


After looking around, the fox demon ignored General Chu's invitation, clapped her hands, and sneered in a piercingly high-pitched voice, "My children, it's our turn to feast."




As soon as her words fell, the temple demons let out chilling laughter.


Hearing this laughter, everyone inside felt dizzy and extremely uncomfortable.


General Chu seemed to realize something was wrong. Despite his weakened state, he drew his sword and rushed towards the Sixth Princess, shouting with all his might, "Your Highness, run! Something's not right here…"




Before he could finish, he was struck on the head by the goat demon's club and collapsed to the ground with a thud.


"Bang, bang!"


At the same time, the clay statues that had been sitting on the altar jumped down and knocked out the few still-conscious guards with swift kicks.


"Leave that girl for me; the men are yours to enjoy," the woman said with a covered laugh, then ignored her demonic subordinates and walked straight towards the Sixth Princess and Xu Taiping.


"What a beauty. Once I consume your heart and liver and wear your skin, I'll surely enchant all the scholars and young masters," the woman crouched down and lifted the Sixth Princess's chin with her hand.


"Just remember to apply more makeup to cover up that fox stench of yours."


As the woman licked her lips, ready to bite into the Sixth Princess's neck, Xu Taiping, who had been feigning sleep with his chin propped up, lifted his head and coldly stared at her.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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