Chapter 29 – Inside the manor, the people of Nuquan Manor slaughtered Fan Qi

Suchan's name was certainly familiar to Xu Taiping.


Not only to him, but to all disciples of Qingxuan Sect, whether they were from the lower or upper parts of the mountain, most had heard of Suchan's deeds, especially since he was the only disciple to have ever won the title of Sword Champion of the Nine Mansions.


However, beyond that, Xu Taiping didn't know much about Suchan himself.


"Suchan's cultivation level is uncertain to me, but this scabbard is no ordinary item. I can even sense an ancient aura from it. Using it as nourishment, along with the Ice Spirit Moonstone, might just produce a fine spirit weapon, or even an immortal weapon."


Fairy Lingyue's voice echoed once again in Xu Taiping's mind.


With such an evaluation from Fairy Lingyue, Xu Taiping was somewhat tempted.


"Taoist Priest Taiping, this may only be a scabbard, but my mother said it contains the secrets of Suchan's swordsmanship. Whoever possesses it could inherit Suchan's legacy," the Sixth Princess added, as if worried that Xu Taiping wasn't enticed enough.


An ordinary cultivator would surely be moved by the mention of Suchan's swordsmanship legacy within the scabbard, but for Xu Taiping, the allure of the scabbard itself was far greater.


"This is just a common scabbard with no secrets. However, you should consider it. With your current cultivation level and strength, Taiping, obtaining a spirit weapon of this quality grade to nourish the Earth Fruit is a rare opportunity, even if it's just a scabbard," Fairy Lingyue's voice resonated in Xu Taiping's mind once more.


Xu Taiping nodded silently.


He had already made a judgment in his heart, even without Fairy Lingyue's words.


Still, he wanted to confirm with the princess who needed to be killed and why before making a decision.


"Your Highness, let's return to Mandala Villa first. Once there, please inform me of who you wish to kill and why. Only then can I decide whether I can assist you," Xu Taiping said as he went to lead the horses.


The temptation of Suchan's scabbard was strong, but not enough to make him lose his senses.


Moreover, he wouldn't kill indiscriminately just for a scabbard.


"Do not worry, Taoist Priest. I would never ask you to commit an unjust act. The person in question truly deserves to die!" the Sixth Princess said, her tense expression relaxing as she assured Xu Taiping and followed him with a radiant smile, lifting her skirt as she went.




A stick of incense later.


The two rode out of Blood Spider Valley at a gallop.


Behind them, a group of villagers released from Blood Spider Valley were prostrating on the ground in gratitude.


And behind these villagers who had survived the ordeal, a great fire was blazing within Blood Spider Valley.


It was beyond anyone's imagination.


One of Black Vulture Nation's three great dens of evil, Blood Spider Valley, had been burned to the ground.



That night.


Green Snail Valley, Mandala Villa.


In the same small building as before.


Xu Taiping sat opposite the Sixth Princess.


"The man I ask you to kill is named Fan Qi."


After some pleasantries, the Sixth Princess put down her teacup, her expression turning serious as she began to recount the story to Xu Taiping.


"Fan Qi was once the mightiest general of White Tree Nation, but later, driven by personal greed, he defected to Black Vulture Nation. It was because of him that White Tree Nation suffered the massacre of nine cities, with corpses of our people strewn everywhere. That battle, crucial to our nation's fate, greatly weakened our country, causing us to lose much of our territory. Now we're confined to a corner in the south, facing the threat of national extinction."


"After Fan Qi came to Black Vulture Nation, to demonstrate his loyalty, he surrendered his military power to the emperor, retired from his martial life, and built Wrath Fist Villa in Huangmei Town, eight hundred li from Mandala Villa. There, he devoted himself to the study of martial arts and boxing, and established an arena of life and death. On the seventh day of each month, he personally presides over the arena, accepting challenges from warriors from all directions."


"However, since the arena was established ten years ago, Fan Qi has never been defeated. Countless warriors have died by his hand, and because of his fierce boxing and murderous intent, he is also known as Butcher Fan Qi."


"Over the years, to avenge the massacre of the nine cities, countless righteous warriors from White Tree Nation have gone to Wrath Fist Villa to challenge Fan Qi, but none have returned alive from the arena."


"Helpless, Fan Qi was once the top warrior of White Tree Nation, and now, after continuous breakthroughs on the arena, he has reached the level of a martial arts grandmaster. Now, only you cultivators from the mountain can kill him!"


At this point, the Sixth Princess gazed intently at Xu Taiping, her beautiful eyes unwavering.


"Does killing him have anything to do with your journey here?"


Despite the Sixth Princess's moving and persuasive story, Xu Taiping, who was clear about his purpose, hadn't forgotten the main reason for his trip.


He could help the Sixth Princess with her assassination, but the reason must be related to her journey.


Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to justify it to the Immortal Law Enforcement and the Hall of Seven Laws of his Qingxuan Sect.


Upon hearing this, a fleeting look of disappointment crossed the Sixth Princess's eyes.


Among the princes and princesses of White Tree Nation, she took great pride in her eloquence and debating skills. Seeing Xu Taiping unmoved by her story, she couldn't help feeling a bit defeated.


"Your question, Taoist Priest, is the second reason I want to kill Fan Qi."


However, the Sixth Princess quickly adjusted her mood, smiled faintly at Xu Taiping, and continued, "Whether or not Fan Qi can be killed is one of the conditions for my audience with the emperor of Black Vulture Nation."


Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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