Chapter 15 – Before leaving, Senior Brother Eight had something to ask for

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

"I want to be better prepared for my first trip down the mountain."


Xu Taiping smiled sheepishly.


Zhao Linglong also giggled upon hearing this.


"Relax a bit. Although there are evil spirits lurking below the mountain, most of them can be repelled by a simple 'Lamp Lighting Talisman.' As for demonic beasts, they mostly hide in the wilderness, cultivating in secret. If you don't provoke them, they won't bother you."


Senior Brother Qingxiao patted Xu Taiping on the shoulder.


"Take these."


He then handed several talisman scrolls to Xu Taiping.


"Senior Brother, there's no need to go to such expense; it's just an escort mission, and we won't need so many talismans."


Xu Taiping waved his hands repeatedly.


He could sense the strong spiritual energy fluctuations from the talismans in Qingxiao's hands; they were at least mid to high-grade Yellow Tier, if not Mystic Tier talismans.


"Taiping, just take them. Our Seventh Peak always gifts a few talismans to disciples heading down the mountain."


Zhao Linglong said while winking slyly at Qingxiao.


"Oh, right, it's a tradition of our Seventh Peak."


Qingxiao immediately caught on and stuffed the talismans into Xu Taiping's arms.


Zhao Linglong's clumsy lie couldn't fool Xu Taiping, but seeing their genuine concern for him, he was moved and accepted the talismans without further refusal.


"Thank you, Senior Brother, thank you, Senior Sister. I will not tarnish the reputation of the Seventh Peak on this trip down the mountain."


Xu Taiping said earnestly.


"What's the reputation of the Seventh Peak worth? Your primary concern should be your own safety. As for the sect's trial, do what you can. Even if you fail this time, there will be other opportunities."


Zhao Linglong corrected Xu Taiping.




Xu Taiping nodded with a smile.


He was well aware of this, but if the disciples of the peak repeatedly failed their missions, the Seventh Peak's annual share of spiritual pills and elixirs would decrease.


Conversely, if they completed more missions, the share of spiritual pills and elixirs allocated to the Seventh Peak would increase.


"Senior Brother Qingxiao, Senior Sister Linglong!"


As Zhao Linglong and Qingxiao began to remind Xu Taiping of things to be cautious about, an old man in plain clothes ran over quickly from the entrance of the Ascension Platform.


"Eight Junior Brother? What's he doing here?"


Zhao Linglong expressed her surprise.


"Junior Brother?"


Xu Taiping looked at Zhao Linglong and then at the old man, his face full of confusion.


"Eight Junior Brother, named Wu Liang, came up from the mountain just like you. However, he was over fifty when he participated in the Seven Peaks competition, and none of the peaks wanted to choose him. Our master took pity on him and accepted him into the Seventh Peak."


Qingxiao explained to Xu Taiping.


Xu Taiping immediately understood.


During the time he was recovering from his injuries, he had heard about this Senior Brother Wu Liang from Senior Sister Zhao Linglong.


"So, this is our Junior Brother Taiping?"


After approaching the group, Wu Liang looked at Xu Taiping with a beaming smile.


Although Wu Liang was only dressed in plain clothes, he was clean, and his hair and beard were neatly groomed, exuding an air of refined elegance.


"Taiping pays his respects to Senior Brother Wu Liang."


Xu Taiping immediately greeted him with a bow.


"There's no need for such formality."


Wu Liang lifted Xu Taiping's hands.


"Taiping, are you tasked with escorting the princess of White Tree Nation to Black Vulture Nation?"


He continued to ask Xu Taiping.




Xu Taiping nodded.


"My hometown happens to be in Black Vulture Nation. Before ascending the mountain, I even ran a small faction there. If you encounter any trouble in Black Vulture Nation, give this cloth bag to a beggar by the roadside, and someone will come to assist you."


Wu Liang said, handing over a patched cloth bag to Xu Taiping.


"Thank you, Senior Brother."


Xu Taiping expressed his gratitude.


He examined the bag closely and noticed that despite its ragged appearance, it was embroidered with a line of poetry in gold thread: "A fortune spent, yet hands not bound; in wind I dine, with wine I'm found."


And the bag was heavy and bulging.


Upon opening it, he found it was filled with gold.


"Senior Brother, this is…"


"Junior Brother, down the mountain, merit is not recognized as currency, but gold and silver will make things happen."


Before Xu Taiping could ask, Wu Liang interrupted him with a laugh.


"Old Eight, you're giving away gold and a token; you must have some favor to ask of our Junior Brother, right?"


Zhao Linglong teased, patting Wu Liang on the shoulder.


"You can't hide anything from Senior Sister."


Wu Liang scratched his head, smiling ingratiatingly at Zhao Linglong.


"Eight Junior Brother, it's Taiping's first time going down the mountain, don't cause him any trouble."


Qingxiao glared at Wu Liang.


"No, no, no, I just want Taiping to pass a message to my former subordinates, telling them that the thing they're looking for, I've hidden it in the cellar on Yangming Mountain."


Wu Liang waved his hands frantically.


"What thing?"


Zhao Linglong asked Wu Liang curiously.


"The token of our faction's leader and several secret manuals of our ultimate techniques. I left in such a hurry when I ascended the mountain that I didn't have time to explain these matters to them."


Wu Liang said with an embarrassed smile.


"You left behind the leader's token and the faction's secret manuals; are you sure your faction still exists?"


Zhao Linglong looked incredulously at Wu Liang.


"That's why, as soon as I heard Taiping was going to Black Vulture Nation, I hurried over."


Wu Liang scratched his head sheepishly.


"Senior Brother Wu, if it's just a message, I can deliver it for you."


After thinking it over, Xu Taiping eventually agreed.


"Do what you can; your mission is important. A year on the mountain is like three years below. It's been nearly ten years since he came to Yunlu Mountain; whether that faction still exists is uncertain."


Qingxiao shook his head.


"Right, right, right, do what you can, Taiping."


Wu Liang nodded repeatedly.


He wasn't insisting on Xu Taiping doing the task; it seemed he was just trying to do his part while leaving the outcome to fate.


"Understood, Senior Brother."


Xu Taiping nodded.


For him, the trial mission below the mountain was naturally of greater importance.


As for the saying "a year on the mountain, three years below," he had understood it long ago, so he wasn't too surprised.


"By this count, it's been nearly ten years since I left Green Bull Village. I wonder if Second Uncle and the others are still there."


He mused to himself for a moment.




After chatting for a while longer, a crane's call came from the sky.


Then, an enormous Immortal Crane flew from the horizon, landing directly on the Ascension Platform.


"Xu Taiping, the time has come; you may begin your descent from the mountain."


The Immortal Crane called out to Xu Taiping with a somewhat haughty female voice.


"Thank you, Elder, for guiding me."


Xu Taiping bowed to the Immortal Crane.


This Immortal Crane, adorned with three golden rings around its neck, indicated its status was on par with the ordinary elders of the sect, with a strength of at least the Demon King level.


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