Chapter 96 – Zhu Zhu

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

The eight tribes of Desert North, as expected, failed to reach an agreement to move south.


Dantai Jingyue wasn't surprised at all. Convincing the chieftains of the seven tribes was no easy task; it would take more time and opportunity.


Besides, it was the dead of winter, not a time for war. Even if they were to move south, they would wait until the next year when the grass was lush and the supplies were plentiful.


She had waited so many years; a moment longer would not make a difference.


"This woman, she's a madwoman!"


In front of the tent, the Huyan chieftain watched Dantai Jingyue's departing figure and said in a deep voice.


"I must admit, her proposal is quite tempting."


Beside him, the Helian chieftain spoke calmly, "But the price is terrifying."


"Let's not think about that for now."


From behind, the Helian chieftain emerged from the tent and said indifferently, "Dantai Jingyue has agreed to send troops to help us resist the demons. Perhaps, after repelling the demons, the grasslands can return to peace, and we won't have to risk a war with the Central Plains' Royal Dynasty."


"That makes sense, let's go."


The Helian chieftain nodded, then turned and left.


The negotiations among the eight tribes were not smooth, but in the end, they more or less reached an agreement to join forces against the invasion of the demons.


However, the words of Dantai Jingyue had planted a seed in the hearts of the chieftains of the Desert North, a seed that was slowly germinating and growing.




Great Shang.


In the Capital City, with the arrival of the cold winter, several snowfalls had occurred, making this year's winter seem colder than usual.


The New Year was just around the corner.


In the inner courtyard of the Li residence, Li Ziye sat on a small stool in front of the door, lost in thought, for some reason not wanting to do anything.


There were always a few days each month when he felt irritable.


"Brother Li, why aren't you practicing your swordsmanship today?"


Seeing him, Bai Wangyu also took a small stool and sat beside him, asking curiously.


"I'm in a bad mood," Li Ziye said gloomily.


"What's wrong?"


Bai Wangyu asked with a puzzled face, who could have provoked this ancestor?


"Probably lost confidence in practice."


Just then, Hong Zhu passed by with a tray of fruit, stuffed a piece of dried fruit into her mouth, and said, "Is that, little guy?"


"A little."


Li Ziye nodded unhappily, "I've been practicing for two months, and I still can't master the fourth move."


"Brother Li, don't rush."


Bai Wangyu whispered comfortingly, "Hang in there. Once my injuries get a bit better, I'll help you practice."


"It's always you who treat me the best, Old Bai."


Li Ziye said gratefully, "When will you be better?"




Bai Wangyu said with difficulty, "Probably another two or three months."


Beside them, Hong Zhu, listening to their conversation, had a strange look on her face.


This Little Red Riding Hood was too good to the young master; could there be something between them?


Thinking this, Hong Zhu felt a chill and quickly left with her tray of fruit.


"Younger Brother."


Just as Hong Zhu left, Li Youwei came from outside the inner courtyard and saw the two sitting in a row, saying, "Someone is looking for you outside."


"Looking for me?"


Li Ziye looked puzzled and asked, "Who is it?"


"I don't know her, it's a girl."


Li Youwei said with a smile, "She's very pretty, and has a nice figure. Younger Brother, go quickly, don't keep the lady waiting."


"Sister Youwei doesn't know her?"


Li Ziye became even more puzzled upon hearing this; Sister Youwei had met all the girls he knew.


Thinking this, Li Ziye got up and walked towards the outside of the inner courtyard.


Beside him, Bai Wangyu, who had been idle for two months due to his injuries, also stood up, wanting to follow and see the excitement.


"What are you doing?" Li Youwei saw this and frowned lightly, saying.


"Just taking a look," Bai Wangyu said.


"What's it to you, going to get in the way?"


Li Youwei said irritably, "Just sit here and space out!"


Hearing this, Bai Wangyu gave an awkward smile, not daring to retort, and sat down obediently.


Beside him, Li Youwei saw the empty stool left by Little Red Riding Hood and, having nothing else to do, also sat down.


"You say, when did Younger Brother meet that girl? How come I don't know about it?" Li Youwei said somewhat strangely.


"Brother Li is growing up; it's normal for him to have his own secrets," Bai Wangyu said.




Hearing these two words, Li Youwei suddenly felt a sense of loss as a parent and sighed, "Yes, Younger Brother is growing up. When he was little, I was the one who bathed him; I know every hair on his body."




Bai Wangyu, hearing the vigorous words of the woman beside him, couldn't help but gasp.


Li Youwei glanced at the person beside her and said, "Is it strange?"


"Not strange, not strange at all."


Bai Wangyu quickly shook his head.


"Elder Sister is like a mother; you wouldn't understand these feelings."


Li Youwei turned her gaze away and sighed softly, resting her chin on her hands, "Mother died early, so as the elder sister, I naturally have to take care of my two brothers. But Qingzhi has always been sensible and didn't need my worry. Compared to him, Younger Brother was naughtier and often got beaten by Qingzhi. Adoptive Father didn't care, so I had to step in as the elder sister. That's why I care a little extra for Younger Brother."


"Brother Li is fortunate to have such a good sister like Li Youwei," Bai Wangyu said softly.


"Who do you think that girl could be?"


Li Youwei seemed not to hear Little Red Riding Hood's words and continued to talk to herself.


"Just wait for Brother Li to come back, then we'll know," Bai Wangyu replied.


"No, I have to go see."


Li Youwei said and immediately got up, ready to go to the front courtyard.


"Miss Li."


Seeing this, Bai Wangyu quickly reached out to hold her back, saying, "Don't rush; what if that lady has serious business with Brother Li? It's better not to disturb them."


Hearing this, Li Youwei thought for a moment and nodded, "You make sense."


After speaking, Li Youwei felt her arm being held and said indifferently, "Don't want your hand anymore?"


Bai Wangyu was startled and quickly withdrew his hand, saying awkwardly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to."


Li Youwei didn't mind and sat back down on her stool, sitting there absent-mindedly waiting.


What would Younger Brother's future wife be like?


Someone transcendent like Qin E'nuo?


Or mature and sexy like Changsun Nanqiao?


Or quiet like the little courtesan?


It's so hard to decide!


No, just let Younger Brother marry them all; after all, the Li Family can afford it.


While Li Youwei was worrying about Li Ziye's lifelong matters, in the front courtyard, Li Ziye was also puzzled as he walked over.


He was a decent person, never having done anything outrageous, nor had he bullied men or dominated women. Why would a girl come looking for him?


In the main hall of the residence, a woman draped in a red cloak sat there, her face exceptionally beautiful, even aggressive, not inferior to the famous Ninth Princess of Great Shang.


At first glance at the woman, Li Ziye felt wary.


This look, she was clearly not easy to talk to.


"Li Ziye?"


The woman saw the young man enter the hall, her beautiful face showing a smile, and said.


"That's me."


Li Ziye nodded and asked, "And you are?"


"Zhu Zhu."


Zhu Zhu stood up, smiling, "Your betrothed who hasn't crossed the threshold yet."




Li Ziye was startled upon hearing this, feeling a draft through his teeth, and quickly said, "Miss, you might be mistaken. I've never been betrothed, and my old man would never arrange a marriage for me without my consent."


Old Li knew his temperament and wouldn't arrange a marriage without his permission. This lady must be mistaken.


"There's no mistake."


Zhu Zhu smiled, "The legitimate son of the Li Family of Yuzhou City, Li Ziye. If you are him, then there's no mistake. From today on, I'll be living here."


"Wait, wait, just a moment."


Li Ziye couldn't process all this information at once, feeling overwhelmed, and quickly signaled to a young maid outside.


The maid saw this and immediately approached.


"Quickly fetch Sister Youwei, tell her something's wrong, I can't handle this!" Li Ziye whispered urgently.


The maid understood and hurried towards the inner courtyard.


In the main hall, Zhu Zhu seemed to have heard their conversation, the corners of her mouth curling slightly, but she did not point it out, waiting patiently.


In the inner courtyard, the pretty maid rushed over and said urgently, "Miss, the young master is in trouble, he can't handle it, he's asking you to come quickly!"


Li Youwei was taken aback and immediately got up and headed outside.


Bai Wangyu's face also showed curiosity; was there a woman even Brother Li couldn't handle?


Thinking this, Bai Wangyu also got up curiously and followed quietly.


In the main hall, Li Ziye saw his elder sister arrive and immediately went up to her as if he had seen a savior.


"What's going on?" Li Youwei asked with her eyes.


"Big trouble."


Li Ziye looked back at the woman in the hall, who was quietly drinking tea, and whispered, "She says she's my betrothed who hasn't crossed the threshold yet and wants to stay in the Li garden. Sister Youwei, did father get his head stuck in a door? When did he arrange such a marriage for me?"


"That shouldn't be."


Li Youwei was shocked and said, "Adoptive Father knows your temperament; he wouldn't make such a decision without consulting you."


"Exactly, so I find it unbelievable. Sister Youwei, please help me sort this out, I can't handle it!"


After speaking, Li Ziye turned back and smiled at the woman in the seat, "Miss Zhu Zhu, I have something to attend to and must leave for a moment. My elder sister will entertain you."


"Sister Youwei, it's all yours, I'm out of here."


After a quick signal, Li Ziye didn't dare stay any longer and quickly made his escape.


In the main hall, Zhu Zhu watched the woman before her, her beautiful and aggressive face showing a smile, and stood up, saying, "Elder Sister, hello. I'm Zhu Zhu, Li Ziye's betrothed who hasn't crossed the threshold. From now on, we're family."


Li Youwei hadn't recovered yet and couldn't help but feel a jolt in her heart.


No wonder Younger Brother ran away; this was no ordinary tough nut!


"Brother Li?"


Outside the main hall, Bai Wangyu came face to face with the fleeing Li Ziye, asking in confusion, "What's going on? What about the guest?"


"The guest my foot, Old Bai, come with me to avoid the storm outside the mansion. A tough nut has arrived, and even Sister Youwei might not be able to handle it."


Li Ziye said and hurried towards the mansion gate.


"That powerful? Who is it?"


Bai Wangyu curiously looked towards the main hall and asked.


"What are you looking at, let's go!"


Li Ziye grabbed him and quickly left the Li garden, taking two steps at a time.

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