Chapter 62 – The Book of Heaven Reopens

Capital City, under the cover of night.

A demon appeared, and as Li Ziye faced peril, Bai Wangyu emerged once again.

However, this time, even the usually tranquil eldest disciple of the Confucian School showed a hint of murderous intent on his face.

Behind them, Li Ziye and Zhu Qingge exchanged glances before simultaneously retreating thirty feet away.

On the street, a cold wind blew as Bai Wangyu’s right hand formed a void grip, summoning the Taiyi Sword back into his palm.

“Disciple of the Confucian School!”

Ahead, amidst the black fog, the demon let out a chilling laugh as dark energy surged around it before charging forward.

Bai Wangyu, unfazed, swept his Taiyi Sword across, unleashing a righteous energy that spread like a tidal wave.


The first move, a claw strike, clashed with the ancient sword, the opposing auras eroding each other with a continuous hissing sound.

At close quarters, the demon extended its other claw, dark as ink and flashing with a blinding metallic luster, its fleshly body as formidable as divine weapons.

Bai Wangyu snorted coldly, his left hand forming a sword with two fingers, channeling a vast righteous energy that met the demon’s claw head-on.

With a thud, the shockwave sent debris flying on the street, a stark contrast of light and darkness.

“The Gentleman’s Breeze!”

With the second move, Bai Wangyu let out a cold shout as dazzling white light enveloped him, his sword energy piercing the darkness, sweeping the skies with a single strike.

The ancient sword, with its overwhelming sword energy, created a sandstorm within a thirty-foot radius.

Sensing the danger, the demon’s expression shifted slightly as it gathered an endless chill in its claws, bracing against the incoming attack.


In the earth-shattering collision, the demon grunted, stumbling back several steps, its claws dripping with blood.

Outside the fray, Li Ziye was shocked by the scene.

Little Red Riding Hood was so powerful!

The monster that he and the Crown Prince of the Southwest couldn’t defeat, Little Red Riding Hood managed to injure severely on his own.

Beside him, Zhu Qingge also showed a hint of surprise as he watched the battle.

The eldest disciple of the Confucian School truly lived up to his reputation.

Judging by his cultivation, he wasn’t far from unlocking the third Divine Hidden Technique.

Among the younger generation, only those four Unparalleled Arrogances known to the world could be mentioned in the same breath as him.

Back in the battle, after severely injuring the demon with one move, Bai Wangyu didn’t pause, stepping forward and instantly closing the distance to the demon.

“Imprisoning Ground!”

With a deep shout, Bai Wangyu reached out and grasped the demon’s throat, slamming it to the ground with a thunderous impact.

In an instant, a vast righteous energy surged from the two of them, forming a cage that trapped the demon.

Three moves to quell the storm, Bai Wangyu sheathed his sword, ready to take the imprisoned demon back to the Confucian School.

However, at that moment, a powerful palm strike tore through the sky, shattering the cage with a single blow.

The sudden turn of events shocked the three onlookers.

Bai Wangyu’s expression changed, and he attempted to intervene, but it was too late!


Amidst the dissipating cage, the demon broke free, retreating more than thirty feet in the blink of an eye.

“Human, leave your name behind!”

From within the surging black energy, the demon spoke.

“Confucian School, Bai Wangyu!” he replied coldly.

“Cackle, live well, for next time, your flesh and blood will be mine!”

With a grating laugh, the black energy dispersed, and in the next breath, it vanished into the night.

“Old Bai, what was that thing?”

On the street, Li Ziye came to his senses, stepping forward and asking anxiously.

“Demon feasting on humans, the Great Night descends.”

Bai Wangyu spoke gravely, “If I’m not mistaken, that must be the demon mentioned by the Confucian Scholar!”

“A demon?”

Li Ziye was taken aback, and after a moment, he exclaimed in shock, “Don’t make fun of me for being uneducated; are there really demons in this world?”

In both his past and present lives, he had never heard of demons existing in the world.

Bai Wangyu didn’t elaborate further but turned to the Crown Prince of the Southwest beside Li Ziye, bowing with a fist and saying, “Your Highness, I ask that today’s events remain confidential.”

Zhu Qingge nodded slightly, understanding, “I understand.”

He was well aware of the panic that would ensue if word of today’s events spread.

“Thank you.”

Bai Wangyu acknowledged, then turned to Li Ziye, “Brother Li, let’s go back.”


Li Ziye nodded, bid farewell to the Crown Prince of the Southwest, and then walked towards Li Garden with Little Red Riding Hood.

The autumn night was cool, and as the two walked side by side, they spoke less than before.

“Brother Li, I know you have many questions, but I don’t know much either. If you want to understand these matters, you’ll have to ask the Confucian Scholar,” Bai Wangyu said after a while, calmly breaking the silence.

“This world, it’s becoming more and more incomprehensible to me.”

Li Ziye sighed lightly, “I used to think I could change the whole world, but now I realize I don’t even know what this world is like.”

“Not only does Brother Li not know, but throughout the ages, how many sages have truly seen the world clearly?” Bai Wangyu said softly.

“I don’t like it.”

Li Ziye looked into the darkness ahead, “I don’t like this feeling. The world should be clean, with at most minor disputes, not these filthy things.”

“Then Brother Li should change it.”

Bai Wangyu spoke earnestly, “Change the world, make it the clean world you envision.”


Li Ziye was slightly surprised, “I couldn’t even defeat that demon just now, how can I change the world?”

“Don’t rush the moment.”

Bai Wangyu said softly, “As long as Brother Li holds firm to his beliefs, one day, you will be able to change this world.”

“Old Bai, it’s a pity you were born in this era.”

Li Ziye looked at the man before him, and after a long while, he spoke with emotion, “If you were born a few thousand years later, you would be the most successful motivational speaker.”

Bai Wangyu listened to the young man’s usual nonsensical talk without minding it.

Since the Confucian Scholar believed in Brother Li’s ability, he believed as well.


As they conversed, a peculiar bell sound suddenly rang out above the Capital City, not loud, but clearly reaching every corner of the city.

“The bell!”Bai Wangyu sensed something, his gaze shifting toward the direction of the Imperial Academy, his face showing a look of shock.

“What’s with the bell?”

Li Ziye also heard the sudden tolling of the bell in the night and asked in confusion.

“When the bell tolls, the Heavenly Tome opens.”

Bai Wangyu spoke gravely, “The Confucian Scholar has opened the Heavenly Tome ahead of time. It seems he too has detected the presence of the demon.”

“Heavenly Tome?”

Hearing about this so-called Heavenly Tome for the second time, Li Ziye’s expression grew even more puzzled, “What exactly is the Heavenly Tome?”

“A fragmented stele of mysterious origin, its history unknown to all.”

Bai Wangyu replied, then looked at the youth beside him and said, “Brother Li, your chance has come. Haven’t you always wanted to unblock all eight meridians? The Heavenly Tome is open. As long as you can pass the Confucian Scholar’s test and inscribe your name on the Heavenly Tome, not to mention unblocking all the meridians, even advancing to the Five Realms in one step is not impossible.”

“Cough cough, what did you say?”

Li Ziye almost choked on his own saliva upon hearing this, “Advance to the Five Realms in one step? Why do I feel like you’re pulling my leg?”

“It’s true.”

Bai Wangyu said earnestly, “Do you know who was the last person to inscribe their name on the Heavenly Tome?”

“I don’t know.”

Li Ziye shook his head.

“The Temple Master of the Divine Oracle Temple, Fu Jinglun!”

Bai Wangyu declared solemnly, “Back then, Fu Jinglun was just a scholar who came to study at the Imperial Academy. His talent and insight shocked even the seasoned Instructors of the Academy. It was then that the Heavenly Tome opened, and Fu Jinglun became the only person to pass the Confucian Scholar’s test, successfully inscribing his name on the Heavenly Tome and advancing to the Five Realms in one step, stunning the world.”

Li Ziye listened to the story that sounded like a myth from Bai Wangyu’s mouth, finding it hard to believe.

Not practicing martial arts, he was unaware of the difficulties of the martial path.

He had suffered so much and endured so much pain, and now he had only just stepped into the latter phase of the First Realm.

Now he was being told that the Temple Master of the Divine Oracle had advanced to the Five Realms in one step, which was simply… nonsensical.

“What about the others? There must be more than just Fu Jinglun who have inscribed their names on the Heavenly Tome, right?” Li Ziye suppressed the turmoil in his heart and asked with curiosity.

“The Heavenly Tome opens once every hundred years. Only those who have seen the Heavenly Tome know exactly how many names are inscribed on it.”

Bai Wangyu said calmly, “Once Brother Li passes the Confucian Scholar’s test, you can see for yourself.”

“With my level of cultivation, who can I defeat? Old Bai, you seem to have a good chance. When the time comes, help me take a look.”

Li Ziye spoke with a mix of disappointment and anticipation.

Although he felt he had little chance, he would be very happy if Bai Wangyu could seize this opportunity.

However, it could only be Bai Wangyu; he didn’t like the others!

“Brother Li need not worry. The Confucian Scholar’s test doesn’t have much to do with the level of cultivation.”

Bai Wangyu consoled him, “When Fu Jinglun passed the test, his cultivation was about the same as Brother Li’s, not even having opened the second Divine Hidden Technique. So, Brother Li just do your best without overthinking it. As for me, the Confucian Scholar has said that my name will not appear on the Heavenly Tome, and this opportunity is more important for Brother Li. How could I compete with Brother Li? If possible, when the time comes, I will do my utmost to fend off one or two opponents for Brother Li, lending you a helping hand.”

“Old Bai, you’re really too kind!”

Li Ziye was moved to tears by Bai Wangyu’s words.

His father was Old Li, but the one who truly knew him was Bai Wangyu!

He was thankful to the heavens for bringing Bai Wangyu into his life.

Honglu Temple.

Under the moonlight, Yan Xiaoyu stood in the courtyard dressed in a moon-white divine robe, his gaze fixed in the direction of the Imperial Academy, the corners of his mouth slightly curved.

The Temple Master’s calculations were indeed correct.

The Heavenly Tome had truly opened ahead of time.

His second purpose for coming to the Capital of Great Shang was this Heavenly Tome!

But he was not just here to inscribe his name.

He was here to seize the Heavenly Tome!

With the Divine Temple’s century-long plan, as long as he could get close to the Heavenly Tome, with the Temple Master’s ability to reach the heavens, he would surely be able to bring the Heavenly Tome back to the Divine Oracle Temple.

Once the Divine Temple obtained the Heavenly Tome, coupled with the Divine Oracle Sword, it wouldn’t be long before the entire Nine Provinces would bask in the glory of the God of Light!

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