Chapter 129 – Elixir of Life Monument

Inside the tent, the Great Sovereign of Dantai watched the young man before him with a complex expression.

He didn’t doubt the truth of the young man’s words; such matters were not difficult to verify.

The benefactor must have really gone to the Western Regions to challenge the Temple Master of the Divine Oracle Temple.

What moved him was how incredibly clever the young man was.

The words just spoken seemed to carry no demands, yet he found himself compelled to offer up the treasure of the Dantai clan.

“My Dantai clan does indeed possess a divine object capable of contending with the Great Brightness Sword,” the Great Sovereign of Dantai sighed softly, “Very well, for the safety of our benefactor, I am willing to lend our clan’s Elixir of Life Monument to aid him.”

Upon hearing this, Li Ziye’s face immediately showed gratitude. He stood up and bowed respectfully, “Thank you, Great Sovereign.”

“Youth is to be feared indeed!”

The Great Sovereign of Dantai’s expression was one of emotion as he said, “Instructor Li, in consideration of this old man’s feelings, should you and my daughter Jingyue ever be at life-and-death odds, could you perhaps show mercy just once?”

Li Ziye’s eyes narrowed slightly; the promise the elder before him was asking for was no small matter.

Dantai Jingyue was not easy to deal with, and his chances to eliminate her were sure to be few. Any act of mercy could potentially cost him his own life.

However, the Elixir of Life Monument was still in the hands of the elder before him, and he had no choice but to agree.

Li Ziye sighed inwardly, looked at the elder, and once again bowed respectfully, “Although the younger generation does not know why the Great Sovereign has such concerns, since you have asked, I shall agree.”

Seeing the young man make the promise, the Great Sovereign of Dantai looked outside the tent and called out, “Jingyue, you may come in.”

Standing before the tent, Dantai Jingyue heard her father’s voice and immediately stepped inside.

Bai Wangyu and Wen Xiuru followed suit upon seeing this.

Inside the tent, the Great Sovereign of Dantai, looking at his daughter who had just walked in, said directly, “Jingyue, immediately dispatch clan experts to escort the Elixir of Life Monument to the Divine Oracle Temple in the Western Regions to assist our benefactor.”

Dantai Jingyue was shocked upon hearing this and didn’t immediately understand why.

“Not long ago, our benefactor set off for the Divine Oracle Temple in the Western Regions to challenge the Temple Master. I am worried that he will suffer greatly at the hands of the Divine Temple’s Sword of Light,” the Great Sovereign of Dantai continued to explain.

“The Confucian School is willing to send an expert to help with the escort,” Li Ziye offered his condition in front of the three, saying.

The Great Sovereign of Dantai hesitated for a moment but decided not to quibble over such details and nodded, “That’s fine, an extra expert adds an extra layer of assurance.”

“Thank you, Great Sovereign. We will take our leave first to discuss with the Confucian School’s head about the specific candidate.”

Li Ziye responded respectfully and then glanced at the two people behind him, signaling them to leave quickly.

He could almost feel the murderous gaze of Dantai Jingyue.

Bai Wangyu and Wen Xiuru, catching the signal, immediately stepped forward to help him up and left the Great Sovereign of Dantai’s tent together.

Outside the tent, Bai Wangyu looked at the young man beside him and could no longer suppress his shock, “Brother Li, did you really manage to borrow those twelve stone steles?”

“The Great Sovereign of Dantai has personally promised it, could it be false?” Li Ziye replied.

“Brother Li, impressive!”

Beside him, Wen Xiuru spoke with admiration. This time, he was truly convinced.

It was like pulling teeth from a tiger’s mouth!

To go to someone’s doorstep and demand their treasure, only Brother Li could be so bold and domineering in this world!


Behind them, inside the Great Sovereign of Dantai’s tent, Dantai Jingyue looked at her father and said in a deep voice, “This is clearly that boy’s scheme, why would you agree to it?”

The Great Sovereign of Dantai closed his eyes wearily and said, “I cannot stand by and watch our benefactor come to harm. Besides, we are only lending it, not giving it away. After the benefactor’s battle with the Temple Master of the Divine Oracle, the Elixir of Life Monument will be returned. If you are worried, you can send more experts to escort it.”

After hearing her father’s words, Dantai Jingyue sighed lightly in her heart. It was done, and there was no use in saying anything more.

She didn’t believe that Li Ziye only wanted to borrow the Elixir of Life Monument.

This man’s schemes ran deep, and even she dared not underestimate him.

It seemed she would have to find another opportunity to eliminate this great threat.

Far away, Li Ziye had just returned when the news reached the Confucian School’s head and others, who then hurried over.

“Young man, did you really manage to borrow those twelve stone steles?”

Yao Guihai, always impatient, asked urgently upon entering.


Inside the tent, Li Ziye picked up his medicinal soup and took a sip, grimacing from the bitterness.

What was this stuff? Herbs or horse dung?

“Young fellow, did you really manage to borrow those twelve stone steles?”

Before he could swallow the medicine, Chen Qiao’er also walked in and asked.

“Cough! Cough!”

Li Ziye couldn’t hold back any longer and coughed out the medicine. It was unbearably bitter.

He heard this was a secret medicine of the Dantai clan; it wasn’t meant to poison him at the hands of Dantai Jingyue, was it?

“Li lad, did you really manage to borrow those twelve stone steles?”

Finally, Fa Ru and Li Qingshan hurried into the tent, anxiously asking.

“How many times is that now?”

Li Ziye opened his numb mouth and looked at Wen Xiuru beside him, asking.

“The third time,” Wen Xiuru replied with admiration, “Brother Li is truly divine. Just now, you said that the head instructor had asked before, and the instructors would ask at least three more times. Sure enough, not one less.”

“Hmm, I truly am a prophet,” Li Ziye stroked his non-existent beard, reflecting.

“Are you itching for a beating again, young man?”

Chen Qiao’er adjusted her glasses and spoke indifferently, “Come on, what’s going on?”

“Alright, I’ll make a long story short.”

Li Ziye leaned back on the bed and said, “You all should know about Old Zhang heading to the Western Regions to challenge that scholar. Coincidentally, the Great Sovereign of Dantai owed Old Zhang a life-saving favor, so I took the opportunity to borrow those twelve stone steles to counter the Divine Oracle Temple’s Great Brightness Sword.”

“A plan to kill two birds with one stone, indeed impressive,” Li Qingshan immediately understood upon hearing the explanation and exclaimed, “Not only did you borrow the twelve stone steles with a legitimate reason, but you also lent a hand to the Sword Enthusiast. Young man, this time you’ve truly impressed me, Li Qingshan.”

“There’s another matter, which is why I asked the head and the instructors to come.”

Li Ziye looked at the four people before him and calmly said, “This time, I deliberately secured a spot for the Confucian School among the Dantai clan’s escort for the Elixir of Life Monument to the Western Regions. Head, three instructors, this spot was hard-won. You should weigh carefully who to send as the most suitable candidate.”

“Young man, this time the Confucian School and the entire Great Shang owe you a favor!” Fa Ru looked at the young man on the bed and said earnestly.

They wanted to understand the specific abilities of those twelve stone steles, so they had to find an opportunity to get close to them.

With the Li family’s young man securing this spot for them, even if they couldn’t find the right moment on the way to the Western Regions, by the time the Sword Enthusiast battled the Temple Master of the Divine Oracle, they would be able to understand the abilities of the twelve stone steles.

As the saying goes, know thyself, know thy enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. One day, if the Desert North Eight Tribes and Great Shang go to war, they wouldn’t be unprepared when facing Dantai Jingyue.

Li Ziye looked at Fa Ru before him, silent for a moment, then said, “Head, could you also agree to a request of mine?”

“Speak freely,” Fa Ru nodded.

“Please bring Old Zhang back alive!” Li Ziye said with unprecedented seriousness.

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