Chapter 124 – After the deceased

In the darkness outside Li Ziye’s tent within the Dantai clan.

Murderous intent!

Just as Dantai Jingyue was about to enter, she suddenly halted, sensing a bone-chilling murderous aura emanating from within.

Separated by a mere curtain, Dantai Jingyue and Bai Wangyu stood facing each other, the atmosphere tensely frozen.

The unmistakable murderous intent was unmasked, and Dantai Jingyue knew that if she took one more step, the person inside would surely strike.

Inside the tent, Bai Wangyu also coldly watched the woman behind the curtain, his eyes swirling with murderous intent, waiting for the Celestial Maiden to take that final step.

Three feet apart, the line between life and death.

The forbidden ground of the sword, within three feet, this moment was a clear portrayal.

Bai Wangyu stood motionless, his killing intent completely locking onto the Celestial Maiden, Genuine Qi surging within his Divine Hidden Technique, ready to fight to the death at a moment’s notice!

Outside, Dantai Jingyue understood this principle all too well, so she made no rash moves.

The tension grew heavier.

At a critical moment.

Inside the tent.

“Little Red… Hood.”

From behind, Li Ziye, who was in a coma, seemed to sense something, a pained expression crossing his face as he murmured faintly.

Bai Wangyu’s body shook, and he immediately turned to look.

“Brother Li.”

Instantly, the murderous intent dissipated.

Inside the tent, the Confucian Scholars, including Fahu, all breathed a sigh of relief, exchanging glances and silently communicating.

Chen Qiao’er stepped forward, pulling Bai Wangyu behind her, personally watching over this great disciple of the Confucian School.

Beside them, Li Qingshan quickly walked to the curtain, lifted it, and with a smile said to the woman outside, “So the Celestial Maiden herself graces us with her presence. My apologies for not greeting you from afar; I hope you’ll forgive us.”

“No need for formalities. I came to see how Instructor Li’s injuries were faring.”

Dantai Jingyue, feeling the murderous aura inside the tent dissipate, also relaxed and stepped inside, glancing at the Confucian School’s great disciple behind Chen Qiao’er, a fleeting look of concentration in her eyes.

The man who had just tried to kill her must be him.

Unexpectedly, these people from the Confucian School had quickly deduced that she was behind today’s events.


Even if they had their suspicions, they shouldn’t have confirmed it so quickly.

After a brief moment of thought, Dantai Jingyue regained her composure and turned her gaze to the young man on the bed.

Judging by the expressions of these people, Li Ziye was very likely not going to make it.

“The Celestial Maiden is kind-hearted.”

Inside the tent, Fahu spoke to the woman before him with polite tones, “Instructor Li was ambushed and is gravely injured. We are discussing ways to save him.”

“I have some medical knowledge. May I take a look at Instructor Li’s condition? Perhaps I can be of assistance,” Dantai Jingyue offered sincerely.

At her words, the atmosphere in the tent tensed once more, especially for Bai Wangyu behind Chen Qiao’er, whose eyes filled with a chilling intent, almost unable to restrain himself.

Sensing this, Chen Qiao’er immediately grasped his arm and gave him a warning glance, signaling him not to act rashly.

“If the Celestial Maiden is versed in medicine, then please examine Instructor Li.”

Fahu, noticing the heavy atmosphere in the tent, promptly spoke up to ease the tension.

Dantai Jingyue nodded, stepped forward to the bed, and reached out to feel the young man’s pulse.

After about a dozen breaths, Dantai Jingyue withdrew her hand, her expression growing serious, “Instructor Li’s condition seems very bad. His Five Viscera and internal Meridians are all damaged, and only a breath of internal Genuine Qi is keeping him alive. We must find a cure as soon as possible.”

“Does the Celestial Maiden have any suggestions?”

Li Qingshan asked with a forced smile, thinking to himself how the Celestial Maiden was truly a master actress.

Just as Dantai Jingyue was about to speak, suddenly, Li Ziye, still in a coma on the bed, began to tremble violently, and then spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.

Following that, a copper piece quietly fell to the floor.

Inside the tent, everyone’s expression changed at the sight.

“Brother Li!”

Bai Wangyu broke free from Chen Qiao’er’s hold and rushed forward.

Fahu and Li Qingshan also hurriedly stepped forward to check on Li Ziye’s condition.

“This is bad!”

After examining him, Fahu’s face darkened, “Instructor Li’s internal injuries have worsened, and he may not last much longer.”

The blood on the ground next to the bed was starkly vivid, and death seemed imminent. Even Fahu, who had entered the Five Realms, felt powerless to reverse the situation.

Next to the bed, Bai Wangyu watched the young man before him, whose life force was fading, his fists clenched tightly, the rage and hatred in his eyes surging, soon to become uncontrollable.

“Xiu Ru!”

Seeing his disciple on the verge of losing control, Fahu immediately called out, “Go check on the medicine being prepared for Instructor Li with your senior brother.”


Beside him, Wen Xiu Ru understood and quickly stepped forward, taking hold of his senior brother, “Let’s go, senior brother.”

Bai Wangyu was pulled out by Wen Xiu Ru, and inside the tent, the others let out a slight sigh of relief.

They were genuinely worried that Wangyu would lose control completely and strike at the Celestial Maiden.

Even though they had guessed that Li Ziye’s predicament was most likely the work of Dantai Jingyue, without evidence, they could not act rashly.

Especially since they were in the Desert North and had a mission entrusted to them by the Confucian Scholar, they absolutely could not be too impulsive.

After Bai Wangyu left the tent, the atmosphere inside eased slightly. Dantai Jingyue’s gaze fell upon the bloodstain on the ground, her brow furrowing as she bent down to pick up the fallen object.

The copper piece, tarnished with age, neither square nor round, was engraved with many patterns, some of which were no longer clear due to the passage of time.

The moment Dantai Jingyue recognized the patterns on the copper piece, a look of concentration flashed through her eyes.

Could this be?

Dantai Jingyue’s expression grew complicated.

This was truly a difficult choice.

If possible, she wished she hadn’t seen this copper piece.

But this was her father’s lifelong regret; she couldn’t just ignore it.

Well then.

Dantai Jingyue glanced at the young man on the bed, sighed softly in her heart, and decided to find another opportunity.

“Celestial Maiden.”

Fahu, noticing the changing expression on the woman before him, asked in confusion, “Is something amiss?”

Dantai Jingyue suppressed the turmoil in her heart and calmly replied, “This object may belong to my Dantai clan. May I take it back for closer examination?”

Upon hearing this, Fahu’s brow furrowed slightly, but he did not inquire further and nodded, “Of course.”

“Thank you!”

With that, Dantai Jingyue expressed her gratitude and promptly left without further delay.

After the Celestial Maiden left, those inside the tent exchanged puzzled glances.

What was with the Celestial Maiden?

In the distance, within a felt tent.

“It’s it!”

The Great Sovereign of Dantai looked at the copper piece his daughter had brought back, his aged face showing excitement, “Back then, a benefactor saved my life, and I had nothing to repay him with, so I gave this object to the benefactor as a token. Twenty years have passed, and I never thought I’d see it again in my lifetime.”

Beside him, Dantai Jingyue, hearing her father’s confirmation, her expression sank completely.

This was the outcome she least wanted to see!


After a long while, the Great Sovereign of Dantai looked at his daughter and spoke earnestly, “Save him!”

Hearing her father’s request, Dantai Jingyue was not too surprised and calmly said, “Father must think carefully. This person may very well become a great threat to our Dantai clan in the future.”

“I understand.”

The Great Sovereign of Dantai sighed softly, “But he has the token left by the benefactor. I cannot be ungrateful. Save him.”

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