Chapter 121 – Frenzied

“Yue’er, are you certain that Li Ziye will become a threat to the Dantai clan in the future?”

In the felt tent lit by the raging fire of the night, an old man with a pale face leaned against the bed, looking at his daughter with a weary expression, “The losses suffered by our Dantai clan today are not small, just to kill a youth, is it worth it?”

“It’s worth it.”

In front of the bed, Dantai Jingyue calmly said, “My killing of the Li Family’s heir is not just based on intuition. Judging from the Li Family’s rise over the past decade, Li Ziye is very likely the true instigator. The eight tribes of the Desert North will eventually move southward, and an unexpected variable must be eliminated early. Even a lion must use all its strength to hunt a rabbit, I don’t want any accidents, so even if there are sacrifices today, this person must be removed.”

Upon hearing this, the Great Sovereign of Dantai fell silent. After a long while, he sighed lightly and said, “Well, if you think it’s worth it, I can’t say much. After today’s events, think carefully about how to stabilize the people from the Confucian School.”

“Father, rest assured.”

Dantai Jingyue glanced at the blazing fire around her and said, “In this game, both father and daughter have personally participated. What can the Confucian School suspect? Even if they eventually guess it was my doing, there will be no evidence.”

“Great Sovereign, Celestial Maiden!”

At this moment, those who were putting out the fire outside finally managed to extinguish the surrounding flames and rushed in to rescue.

“Father, let me help you out.”

Dantai Jingyue said softly, looking at her father on the bed.


The Great Sovereign of Dantai nodded and struggled to get up, walking outside with her support.

Outside the nearly destroyed tent, Dantai Jingyue helped the Great Sovereign out, and the warriors of the Dantai clan immediately knelt down to admit their guilt.

“Put out the fire first.”

Dantai Jingyue uttered a command, then a murderous intent flashed across her face, “Additionally, capture the assassin with all your might, and if there is resistance, execute them on the spot.”

The key to this chaotic situation was to distract the attention of the Confucian School’s experts.

By the time they realized what was happening, Dantai should have already succeeded.


The Dantai warriors took the order and quickly got up to leave, executing the Celestial Maiden’s command.

“What about Dantai Zhen? Should he be sacrificed as well?”

The Great Sovereign of Dantai looked into the distance, frowning.

“No, Dantai Zhen cannot die yet.”

Dantai Jingyue shook her head and said, “When the Dantai clan moves south in the future, I will still need him. His escape route has been arranged by me.”

“That’s good.”

The Great Sovereign of Dantai nodded and said softly, “Yue’er, I know everything you do is for the sake of the Dantai clan, but there is such a thing as going too far. If possible, don’t push things to the extreme.”

“I understand,” Dantai Jingyue replied.

The night was dyed with blood.

In the distance, the youth plunged his sword into the earth, seemingly exhausting his last bit of strength. Even at the final moment, he refused to fall.

“A worthy opponent, what a pity!”

Dantai Zhen sighed softly. Different stances meant they could not walk the same path.

Regrettable as it was, the mission was complete, and it was time to prepare for escape.

With that thought, Dantai Zhen turned to leave.

But just then!

Ten meters away, a wildly violent aura suddenly soared into the sky, shocking everyone present.


The horrifying scene that unfolded before Bai Wangyu, who arrived a step too late, drove him into a frenzy. His Genuine Qi surged to the sky, and his black hair whipped wildly in the wind.

He couldn’t bear to think, nor did he dare to imagine, what would happen if the youth he had spent a year with met with an accident.

Bai Wangyu’s eyes had turned blood red, filled with veins.

Beside him, Wen Xiu Confucian was pushed back several steps by the impact of the Genuine Qi, his face showing shock.

Big brother!

Under the night sky, that demonic and frenzied figure, with hair wildly dancing and an aura as turbulent as raging waves, clearly showed that Li Ziye’s mishap had completely robbed Bai Wangyu of his senses.

“You all must die!”

With the Taiyi Sword in motion, a righteous and violent energy burst forth. Bai Wangyu swung his sword, and the sword energy spread a hundred meters wide. Instantly, the heads of three assassins flew off, blood spurting several feet high.

The Hunchun Genuine Qi roared and surged, filling a ten-meter radius. The normally most gentle righteous energy had become extremely violent. Anyone who approached was deterred by this terrifying aura, unable to move.

Ten meters away, Dantai Zhen also felt the astonishing change in the young man ahead, his expression changing.

This is bad!

Without further thought, the demonic figure had already swooped in, the ancient sword slashing down with a thunderous impact.

Dantai Zhen’s pupils contracted, and he instinctively raised his curved saber to block the incoming strike.

With a thunderous clash, the two Genuine Qi forces collided, and the immense power that erupted made it difficult for Dantai Zhen to withstand the terrifying impact. Blood spilled from his mouth as he staggered back several steps.

Both at the third realm, yet their strength was worlds apart. The frenzied Bai Wangyu showed no mercy in his moves, each one without a hint of his usual compassion.

“You, deserve to die a thousand deaths!”

Ten steps away, Bai Wangyu took a step forward, his presence like thunder, his aura like a flood. In an instant, he was upon Dantai Zhen, his sword swinging down with a violent sword energy, intending to shred the man before him!

The normally compassionate elder brother of the Confucian School was now a figure of terrifying killing intent. Even from a distance, one could clearly feel the chilling murderous aura.

The frenzied Bai Wangyu had forgotten what compassion was, what the way of the Confucians was. With his sword soaked in blood, anyone who approached was shown no mercy!

Around him, the assassins who had been lying in ambush all rushed out, trying to protect Dantai Zhen.

However, as they approached, their heads were sliced off by the terrifying sword energy, and the gushing blood dyed the night a deep red.

At this moment, even Wen Xiu Confucian, who was behind, was shocked by the elder brother’s crazed side, his mind reeling.

It was known that on normal days, the elder brother was the most gentle and elegant, rarely angry, and even when his junior brothers were disrespectful, he would just smile it off.

But today, everything seemed to have changed.

In the midst of battle, with loyal soldiers shielding him, Dantai Zhen tried to escape. He didn’t expect that just as he was about to leave, the blood-stained white-robed figure killed his way through again, decapitating the blocking soldiers and grabbing Dantai Zhen’s face, slamming it to the ground.


With the severe impact, Dantai Zhen spat out blood, suffering another heavy blow.

Up close, Bai Wangyu raised his ancient sword, aiming straight for the man’s heart.

In a critical moment, Dantai Zhen’s curved saber came across, clanging against the sword’s edge.

However, after only a moment’s pause, the Taiyi Sword forcefully cut through the curved saber, piercing into Dantai Zhen’s chest.


The long sword entered the body, bringing out a glaring spray of blood. Blocked by the curved saber and deviating half an inch from the heart, Dantai Zhen narrowly escaped death. With a muffled groan, he endured the severe pain in his chest and punched out in a counterattack.

As the punch neared, Bai Wangyu didn’t dodge or evade, grabbing Dantai Zhen’s fist and then forcefully twisting.


With rage consuming him, the completely irrational Bai Wangyu brutally broke the other’s arm. Bone pierced through the skin, blood spurted out, and in an instant, both their faces were stained red.

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