Chapter 112 – Wolf pack

On the grasslands, swift horses galloped fiercely.


Warriors of the Helian tribe bent their bows and nocked their arrows, chasing after the game that sprinted across the wilderness.


In winter, prey was scarce, so whenever an animal appeared, several people would eagerly give chase.


The Great Sovereign of Helian led the hunt himself, and every warrior of the Helian tribe was eager to perform well and earn his favor.


The grassland was home to wild horses, gazelles, and hares. After an hour or two, most of the Helian warriors had made their kills, their enthusiasm soaring.


As the tribe's foremost warrior, Ao Qiong's strength was indeed formidable. While others were still hunting small game like hares and foxes, Ao Qiong had already slain a wild horse.


Hearing of the warriors' successful hunts, the Great Sovereign of Helian was in high spirits and distributed fine wine to those with the most kills as encouragement.


In stark contrast to the Helian warriors' fervor, Li Ziye and his two companions were clearly just along for the ride, idly wandering for half a day without even catching a rabbit.






They would never hunt in this lifetime!


Li Ziye pulled out some dried meat from nowhere and stuffed it into his mouth.


He was a bit hungry, having skipped breakfast.


"Do you want some?" he offered, passing the dried meat to the others.


"Thank you, Brother Li," Bai Wangyu and Wen Xiuru said, each taking two pieces without hesitation.


Helian Lanruo, watching their carefree demeanor, grew anxious.


"Young Master Bai, let's go hunt some game," she urged.


"I'm not adept at hunting," Bai Wangyu said with a smile. "Besides, our second junior brother is better with a bow and arrow than I am. Why don't Princess Lanruo and Xiuru go together?"


Hearing this, Wen Xiuru immediately objected, "I've not practiced recently and have grown rusty."


He had no intention of being their shield.


"I'll help you," Helian Lanruo insisted, anxious. "Young Master Bai, hunting is a custom of the Helian tribe. It would be looked down upon to return without any game."


Bai Wangyu, seeing the princess's anxious expression, reluctantly agreed. "Alright, then let's go hunt some game."


After speaking, Bai Wangyu turned to the others, "Brother Li, Xiuru, let's go."


"Ah, being the third wheel makes me feel bad," Li Ziye complained as he lazily caught up on horseback. "Xiuru, I think coming here was a mistake."


Wen Xiuru chuckled, "Let's just hunt a hare each to fulfill our duty."


Helian Lanruo, observing their lack of enthusiasm, grew even more anxious. These men seemed to have no competitive spirit at all.


The men of her grasslands took pride in who could hunt more and fiercer game.


But these three were content with just hunting a hare to get by.


Helian Lanruo didn't understand the disciples of the Confucian School, nor their broader vision.


Since the founding of the Confucian School by the Confucian Scholar, the goal was not to foster competition among the disciples, but rather, to save the world.


Different visions lead to different perspectives.


Bai Wangyu and Wen Xiuru, as two of the most outstanding disciples of the Confucian School, were already burdened with the great mission of saving the world and enlightening others. How could they compete with the Helian tribe for momentary victory?


As for Li Ziye, he was someone who wouldn't stir without benefit. If not for the promise of a reward from Little Red Riding Hood, he wouldn't have bothered coming at all.


On the grasslands, the four of them moved together, searching for game while engaging in idle chatter.


Suddenly, a sharp arrow whistled through the air, aimed straight at Bai Wangyu ahead.


"Eldest senior brother, be careful!" Wen Xiuru called out from the side, alerting him.


Bai Wangyu frowned and deflected the incoming arrow with a wave of his hand.


This person was like a bad penny!


Soon after, Ao Qiong rode up, looking apologetically at the young man in white. "Sorry, I've been chasing game and my shot went astray. Are you hurt?"


"It's nothing," Bai Wangyu replied indifferently. "An arrow like that can't harm me."


"That's good to hear," Ao Qiong said, a glint of light passing through his eyes as he casually flicked something behind Bai Wangyu's horse and rode off.


Ao Qiong's subtle action went unnoticed by the group.


"That arrow was intentional," Wen Xiuru said after Ao Qiong had left.


"I know," Bai Wangyu nodded.


Hearing their conversation, Helian Lanruo's face showed guilt. "Young Master Bai, I apologize for the impoliteness of my tribesman."


"It's not the princess's fault," Bai Wangyu said with a smile.


"People take advantage of the kind," Li Ziye remarked indifferently. "Old Bai, are we being too polite, making others think we're easy to bully?"


"Brother Li, let it go," Bai Wangyu said, turning his gaze to the young man beside him. "We have important matters to attend to in the Desert North. It's best not to conflict with the locals here. Otherwise, if we miss our true purpose, it's the innocent commoners who will suffer."


"Fine," Li Ziye replied coldly. "But this is the last time. Otherwise, I won't care about any important matters; I'll make sure they pay!"


"Mhm," Bai Wangyu softly acknowledged, touched by the sentiment.


He knew that Brother Li's anger stemmed from his intolerance of seeing him wronged.


Although Brother Li often teased him, at critical moments, he was undoubtedly the most trustworthy person.


As the four conversed, the sun moved westward in the sky, and noon had passed.


"Huff puff."


Suddenly, Bai Wangyu's horse became restless, its eyes reddening and breathing heavily.


"Old Bai, what's wrong with your horse?" Li Ziye was the first to notice and asked.


Bai Wangyu looked at his horse, about to say something when the animal let out a shriek and bolted forward.


"Not good, Old Bai's horse is spooked!" Li Ziye immediately gave chase.


Wen Xiuru and Helian Lanruo hurried after them, not daring to let the two fall behind. On the vast grasslands, being alone and losing one's way could spell disaster.


As they pursued across the grasslands, they unknowingly distanced themselves from the main group.


With the sun setting, there wasn't much daylight left in the short winter days.




After an unknown period of chasing, a loud wolf howl echoed from the north, reverberating across the wilderness.




Helian Lanruo's face paled upon hearing the call of the grey wolf. On the grasslands, if there was one animal to fear, it was the wolf.


Wolves never roam alone; the presence of one meant a pack was nearby.


And a wolf pack was so fearsome that even the fiercest tigers and leopards dared not provoke them.


Nearby, Li Ziye and Wen Xiuru tensed up at the sound of the northern wolf howl.


"Young Master Bai, forget the horse, we need to get back!" Helian Lanruo regained her senses and urgently called out to Bai Wangyu, who was struggling to calm his frightened mount.


"It's too late," Li Ziye said, squinting towards the north, speaking softly.


Beyond the rolling hills of the northern grasslands, greedy green eyes appeared. The most dreaded wolf pack of the plains finally made its presence known.


In the next moment, like a flood of beasts, the wolf pack charged towards the four with a frenzied rush.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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