Chapter 110 – The most handsome is always the eldest senior brother

In the cold night, a chilling wind swept through, biting to the bone.


Among the seats, the disciples of the Confucian School wore grim expressions, for Chang Yu had lost his match, and it was a loss they found hard to accept.


If it had been a fair contest, a loss would have been acceptable. But to lose in such a manner was something they simply couldn't swallow.


At the forefront of the banquet, Law and Confucianism's expression was also dark. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Bai Wangyu rise from his seat behind him.


"Wangyu, you…" Law and Confucianism exclaimed in surprise.


"Law and Confucianism, Great Sovereign, allow me to challenge this brave warrior of the Helian tribe."


Without waiting for a response, Bai Wangyu strode towards the center of the banquet.




Beside the Great Sovereign of Helian, Helian Lanruo's face showed a trace of urgency as she saw Young Master Bai step forward. "The people of the Confucian School are guests from afar. Let's not continue these contests and risk damaging our good relations."


She knew of Ao Qiong's prowess, and this Young Master Bai, who looked no more than a scholar incapable of trussing a chicken, stood no chance against him, even if he possessed some martial skills.


"A contest between men will not harm our relations."


The Great Sovereign of Helian chuckled, "Lanruo, watch carefully. Ao Qiong may well become your husband in the future. A princess of the Helian tribe should marry the strongest warrior."




Helian Lanruo's expression changed as she retorted, "I will choose my own husband!"


"Ha ha!"


The Great Sovereign laughed heartily, "We'll discuss this matter later. For now, let's watch the contest."


In the middle of the banquet, Ao Qiong looked at the young man in the white robe who walked out, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "You are the senior disciple of the Confucian School."


Bai Wangyu said calmly, "I am Bai Wangyu, I ask for your guidance, sir."

With these words, Bai Wangyu took off the Taiyi Sword on his back and threw it to Wen Xiuru sitting at the table, saying lightly, "Just now, you had a match with my junior brother and exerted a lot of energy. I won't use a sword or my right hand to make it fair."

After speaking, Bai Wangyu put his right hand behind his back, extended his left hand, and said, "Please!"

Among the guests, the disciples of the Confucian School looked at the attitude of their eldest senior brother and exchanged glances.

They knew that their eldest senior brother was angry.

Using the same method to deal with others, they did not expect that their usually calm and friendly eldest senior brother would be so domineering when angry.

"Ao Qiong, this kid is too arrogant, teach him a lesson!"

"Yes, teach him a lesson!"

"Ao Qiong, we support you, let this kid see the strength of the warriors of the Helian tribe!"

Around them, people from the Helian tribe saw the arrogant attitude of the Confucian School disciples in front of them, and they were all furious, shouting loudly.


In the center of the banquet, Ao Qiong eyed the young man in white robes who had stepped forward, his eyes narrowing slightly. It was the first time he had seen someone so brazen before him.


"Since that's the case, be careful!"


Ao Qiong, determined to teach this man a lesson, responded with a deep voice and suddenly burst forward, closing the ten-step distance in a blink.


At close quarters, Ao Qiong unleashed a punch with astonishing force, three times more ferocious than before.


Ao Qiong, the top young warrior of the Helian tribe, was formidable both in external strength and internal cultivation.


Yet, as the punch neared, Bai Wangyu stood unmoved, flipped his palm to condense Qi, and with a thunderous palm, blocked the attack.


The violent surge of energy swirled around them, and as Ao Qiong's punch was thwarted, his expression changed. He immediately swept his leg in a kick.


As the relentless assault came, Bai Wangyu remained as immovable as a mountain, his fingers condensing Qi into a sword, piercing the air and targeting his opponent's knee.


Suddenly, Ao Qiong felt his right knee sink, throwing him off balance.


In a critical moment, Ao Qiong slapped the ground with his right hand and swept his left leg with borrowed force, his movements ruthless and unforgiving.


The advantage of external strength was evident in close combat, and Ao Qiong knew his strengths, so his attacks were fierce.


But he had underestimated the strongest disciple of the Confucian School.


As the assault continued, Bai Wangyu stood firm, bending backward to dodge the attack while once again targeting the knee joint of the left leg with his fingers.




A sharp pain shot through Ao Qiong, who, enduring the agony, grabbed at his opponent's arm, hoping to use his strength to throw him off.


Unexpectedly, as Ao Qiong exerted his strength, he felt a sense of futility, as if trying to shake a mountain, unable to move Bai Wangyu an inch.


The disparity was clear.


Before the crowd, the Great Sovereign of Helian watched the battle with a somber expression.


Ao Qiong was in trouble!


Up to this point, the great disciple of the Confucian School hadn't moved an inch, indicating a fundamental gap in strength between the two.


Among the seats, the strong warriors of the Helian tribe also recognized this, remaining silent.


Ao Qiong was likely to lose!


The gap was simply too vast.


Who would have thought the great disciple of the Confucian School would be so powerful!


"Chang Yu, and the rest of you."


All eyes were on him as Bai Wangyu, while blocking Ao Qiong's offensive, swept his gaze over the disciples of the Confucian School present and calmly stated, "Watch carefully. This is how we of the Confucian School should wield our martial arts!"


As he spoke, a righteous aura surged around Bai Wangyu, stirring the winds and clouds like tumultuous waves.


"With the 'Vast Righteousness Chapter,' command the seas and face the abyss."


With a light shout, Bai Wangyu pressed his hand against Ao Qiong's chest, and suddenly, an immense righteous energy burst forth, boundless as the ocean, deep as the abyss, unshakable by any ant.


With a thunderous sound, Ao Qiong was sent flying like a kite with its string cut, soaring over the heads of the crowd and crashing outside the banquet.


With one palm, Bai Wangyu had established his might, leaving everyone present in awe.


Among the seats, the disciples of the Confucian School all stood up and bowed respectfully, "Thank you, eldest senior brother, for the martial instruction."


"Ao Qiong!"


From behind, several men of the Helian tribe rushed forward to check on Ao Qiong.


At the main seat, the Great Sovereign of Helian's expression soured as he witnessed the scene. To harm his people on his own territory was to show little regard for him as the Great Sovereign of Helian.


"He's fine."


In the center of the banquet, Bai Wangyu spoke indifferently, "He hasn't even been injured. In martial contests, it's customary to stop at the first touch. I had no intention of hurting anyone."


Hearing this, everyone immediately turned to look at Ao Qiong.


There, ten paces away, Ao Qiong sat up with a look of disbelief, without a single scratch on him.


The great disciple of the Confucian School had demonstrated such control over his martial strength that it left all present in shock.




At the front of the banquet, Li Ziye immediately began to applaud.


He, Li Ziye, would like to be called Little Red Riding Hood, the strongest poser!


Beside him, Wen Xiuru also showed a smile and joined in the applause.


The eldest senior brother was indeed worthy of the title.


He still had a bit more to learn.


"Truly impressive!"


At the main seat, the Great Sovereign of Helian praised, now fully aware that the great disciple of the Confucian School had shown mercy. The gap between Ao Qiong and this man was like heaven and earth.


Beside the Great Sovereign of Helian, Helian Lanruo watched the young man in white robes, who was the center of everyone's attention, with a glint of admiration in her eyes.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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