Chapter 107 – Charge!

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

In the northern frontier of Great Shang, disciples from the Confucian School galloped past on horseback. After days of travel, they were about to leave the borders of Great Shang.


"We're approaching Bei Zhang Plains ahead!"


Atop his swift steed, Bai Wangyu looked out at the vast wilderness before them and said, "Bei Zhang Plains mark the border between Great Shang and Desert North. Once we reach there, we'll be close to Desert North."


"Which tribe's territory will we reach first?" Li Ziye inquired.


"The Helian tribe."


Bai Wangyu replied, "The Helian tribe is located at the southernmost edge of the eight tribes of Desert North and is one of the most powerful among them. Once we're in Desert North, we'll rest with the Helian tribe before heading to the front lines."


"Do the people of the Helian tribe know we're coming?" Li Ziye asked curiously.


"They do."


Bai Wangyu responded, "Before we set out, the Law and Confucianism leader had already sent a letter to the Great Sovereign of the Helian clan, who replied welcoming us."


"That's good to hear."


Li Ziye felt relieved. He was worried that the people of Desert North might be unreasonable, and despite their good intentions to help, they wouldn't be welcomed.


"Brother Li, Brother Li, how about we have a race to see whose horse is the fastest and who can reach the Helian tribe first?" suggested Wen Xiuru, looking ahead at the Bei Zhang Plains that were drawing closer.




Bai Wangyu, hearing the proposal, didn't refuse and turned to the youth beside him with a smile, "Brother Li, let's have a competition."


"Let's bet a hundred taels of silver!"


Li Ziye said with a laugh.


"Haha, agreed! Let's go!"


Both of them accepted the challenge and immediately spurred their horses into a wild sprint forward.


"Hey, no fair!"


Seeing this, Li Ziye quickly slapped his horse's hindquarters and hurriedly chased after them.


"These kids, it's great to be young."


At the front of the group, the Law and Confucianism instructor watched the three break away from the group and speed off, sighing helplessly.


"Law and Confucianism, you're not old either, in the prime of life!"


Li Qingshan timely delivered a compliment with a smile.




Beside him, Yao Guihai showed a look of disdain and muttered under his breath.


Li Qingshan heard it and gave him a big eye roll, saying, "I won't stoop to argue with someone as vulgar as you."


"Old fogey, who are you calling vulgar!" Yao Guihai retorted angrily.


"Are you looking for a fight?" Li Qingshan said disdainfully.


"Let's fight then, I'm not afraid of you!" Yao Guihai shouted back angrily.


"Instructor, I'll go catch up with those three to make sure they're safe," said Chen Qiao'er from the back, unable to stand the bickering any longer. She immediately spurred her horse and chased after the three ahead.


On Bei Zhang Plains, three fast horses sped across the boundless wilderness, their speed increasing ever more.


After leaving the territory of Great Shang, the three drew closer to the eight tribes of Desert North.


Suddenly, a barrage of arrows whistled through the air, aiming directly at the vital points of the three riders without warning.


"Watch out!"


At the forefront, Bai Wangyu immediately warned, sweeping his palm to deflect the cold arrows flying towards them with a surge of righteous energy.


Behind, Wen Xiuru heard the warning, his expression tensed, and he too waved his hand to deflect the arrows close to him.


"Righteous Qi!"


At the back, Li Ziye saw the arrows flying towards him and unleashed his powerful move to block the incoming arrows.


"Who dares to trespass into the Helian tribe's territory!"


At that moment, fifty paces ahead, figures emerged from the desolate bushes, brandishing scimitars and hard bows, and charged forward, surrounding the three riders.


"We are disciples of the Confucian School, here by the order of the Confucian Scholar to assist the eight tribes of Desert North in repelling demon creatures," Bai Wangyu said politely to the Helian warriors before him.


"Disciples of the Confucian School? Never heard of it. Brothers, seize them!" the leader of the group commanded loudly.




The surrounding Helian warriors, upon hearing the command, immediately advanced with scimitars to capture them.


"Guests should be treated with respect, especially since we've come to help. You don't even offer a welcome and instead resort to force?" Li Ziye said indifferently, looking at the advancing Helian warriors. "Old Bai, it seems we're being treated as easy targets, which is really troubling. I hate being forced the most."


"Brother Li, don't be rash. Peace is paramount," Bai Wangyu quickly cautioned.


"I'm not being rash."


Li Ziye grinned and said, "They're the ones who don't value peace, attacking without reason. I certainly don't want to be tied up and captured like a slave."


As he finished speaking, Li Ziye slapped his horse and leaped forward, charging into the fray. In the blink of an eye, he single-handedly took down more than a dozen men.


"Brother Li, impressive!"


From horseback, Wen Xiuru gave a salute and smiled.


"Keep it low-key."


Li Ziye grinned and said, "We're here to help, not to be bullied. If we don't show them some strength, they'll really think we Central Plains folk have no backbone."


"Brother Li, they're just ordinary soldiers who might not know we were coming. Why bother with them?" Bai Wangyu spoke softly.


"Little Red Riding Hood, you're too naive."


Li Ziye glanced at the groaning men on the ground and said with a half-smile, "Clearly, we're not yet in the Helian tribe's territory, and these men were waiting here. Obviously, someone arranged this deliberately, probably to intimidate us."




Bai Wangyu was shocked and incredulous.




Li Ziye nodded and looked ahead, saying, "Just watch, there's bound to be more drama to come."




As Li Ziye's words fell, the ground ahead suddenly began to shake violently. At the edge of the wilderness, a large group of horsemen approached, led by a woman dressed in animal hide armor, with a short knife at her waist, exuding a heroic yet enchanting demeanor.


"See, I told you they were coming."


Li Ziye spread his hands and said, "Shall we take them all down too?"


"No, we can't."


Bai Wangyu, sweating with fear, said, "We can't let this escalate further."


"That's not up to us."


Li Ziye smiled and stood by his horse, in no hurry.




At that moment, over fifty Helian cavalry arrived and, without a word, surrounded the three once again.


"Dare to harm our Helian people, seize them!" the leading woman ordered without asking for reasons.


"See, I said it wasn't up to us."


Li Ziye, smiling instead of angry, said, "Old Bai, Wen Xiuru, let's see who can take down more."


"I'm ready."


Having left the Confucian School, Wen Xiuru also revealed his penchant for excitement. He leaped off his horse, unsheathed his ancient sword, and charged forward. Even without drawing his sword, he displayed formidable combat prowess.


The two engaged in battle, quickly entangling with the Helian cavalry.


"Brother Li, Wen Xiuru!"


From horseback, Bai Wangyu saw this and changed color. Finally, without hesitation, he too charged into the fray.


Suddenly, the three joined forces, battling the Helian cavalry.


"The Gentleman's Breeze."


In the midst of battle, Wen Xiuru and Bai Wangyu simultaneously used Confucian martial arts. Their sheathed swords crossed, and in an instant, a powerful surge of righteous energy erupted, transforming into a tidal wave that sent more than ten cavalry flying.


"Damn, you two are teaming up, that's cheating!"


Li Ziye exclaimed in surprise and quickly kicked a cavalryman flying, gathering his Qi to prepare his own powerful move.


Unexpectedly, at that moment, a mighty palm force came from afar, like an endless ocean, with waves reaching the sky.


"Righteous Chapter, Overwhelming the Abyss!"


With the cold voice, a world-shattering palm descended, and the remaining cavalry around the three felt the terrifying force and their faces changed.




A thunderous explosion resounded, and more than thirty cavalry were blown away, spitting blood.


Li Ziye, Bai Wangyu, and Wen Xiuru exchanged glances, all with shock in their eyes.


Instructor Chen was even more ruthless than them!


The next moment, on the plains, Chen Qiao'er arrived on horseback, reining in her horse before the three and said indifferently, "To struggle with just a few men, don't ever say I taught you."


"Sister Qiao'er is mighty and domineering."


Li Ziye immediately offered a compliment, with a flattering smile, saying.


"Instructor Chen."


Bai Wangyu and Wen Xiuru also paid their respects in unison, respectfully saying.


"There's still one left, Bai Wangyu, it's up to you. Take her down so we can continue on our way," Chen Qiao'er instructed calmly.


Bai Wangyu, hearing this, looked at the Helian female general nearby, who was already somewhat petrified, with a troubled expression.


At this moment, Li Ziye, seeing this, quietly approached Wen Xiuru, the second disciple of the Confucian School, and whispered, "Wen Xiuru, has your big brother ever fought a woman?"




Wen Xiuru shook his head and smiled.


Hearing this, Li Ziye grinned and immediately shouted, "Old Bai, it's up to you, go for it!"

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