Chapter 103 – Conversation with the Confucian Scholar

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

"Old man, school has just started, and I don't have any classes. What do you want me to come over for?"


At the eastern side of the Imperial Academy, Li Ziye was summoned by the Confucian Scholar and sat on the ridges of the field, pulling out a radish from the garden. After washing it clean, he munched on it and spoke.


"Just a casual chat."


Kong Qiu sat down opposite the young man and smiled, "How's the situation with your Elder Sister and Wangyu?"


"Not much to say."


Li Ziye crunched on the juicy radish and said, "I've asked Sister Youwei, but didn't get much. Matters of fate should be left to take their own course. It can't be forced."


"That's true, it can't be forced," Kong Qiu chuckled.


"Old man, why are you so concerned about this?" Li Ziye asked with a suspicious look.


"Can I not worry about my own children?"


Kong Qiu smiled, "Besides, your Elder Sister isn't betrothed to anyone yet. A talented young man and a beautiful woman, it's a good match."


"Worrying won't help."


Li Ziye continued to gnaw on the radish and replied, "Old Li has long wanted to find a good match for Sister Youwei, but to no avail. Old man, you might as well save yourself the trouble. Affairs of men and women can't be forced."


"Ha ha, that's true, let it be."


Kong Qiu laughed heartily, "What about you? Have you taken a fancy to any girl? I've heard that you've been quite fortunate recently, with a girl even taking the initiative to come to you."


"Are you talking about Zhu Zhu?"


Li Ziye sighed at the mention, "Zhu Zhu is indeed a good girl, but this is too sudden for me, I'm a bit overwhelmed."


"You'll get used to it over time."


Kong Qiu smiled, "Alright, enough small talk. Let's discuss something serious. Have you heard about the situation in the Desert North?"


"Are you referring to the eight factions of the Desert North sending troops to suppress the demons?" Li Ziye inquired.




Kong Qiu nodded solemnly, "They've failed again."


"As expected."


Li Ziye said helplessly, "Those demons are practically monsters, it's hard for humans to contend with them."


"I plan to send Confucian School disciples to the Desert North to help fend off those demons. What do you think?" Kong Qiu proposed.


"Send Confucian School disciples to the Desert North?"


Li Ziye was taken aback, "Old man, have you lost your mind? Isn't that sending them to their deaths?"


"Of course not."


Kong Qiu shook his head and smiled, "The Law Confucians will also go with them. If I'm not mistaken, the Heavenly Mandate Hall will also send people. With this, won't the resistance against the demons be stronger?"


"While it's true that every man is responsible for the fate of his country, that's just empty talk. If we send people and they can hold off the demons, fine, but if they can't, these Confucian School disciples will be sacrificed in vain. Old man, don't you care? They are your disciples and grand-disciples," Li Ziye advised.


"Of course, I care."


Kong Qiu spoke softly, "But think about it, if the people of the eight factions of the Desert North are driven to desperation by those demons, what will they do?"


Li Ziye frowned upon hearing this, and after a moment, as if realizing something, he exclaimed in shock, "They'll move south!"


"Exactly, so if the Confucian School can set an example for the world by actively helping the Desert North resist the demons, it will not only bolster the confidence of the eight factions to continue resisting the demons but also prevent them from daring to invade the Central Plains under the condemnation of the world," Kong Qiu explained.


"That makes sense."


After hearing the old man's words, Li Ziye expressed his admiration, "Indeed, the older the ginger, the spicier it is. By then, they'll contribute the effort, and we'll win the reputation. Not bad."


"So, we still need to send people."


Kong Qiu smiled, "As long as we send people, the Heavenly Mandate Hall, which prides itself on righteousness, will definitely send people too. Perhaps, the Buddhist Sect will also want to join in the fun. In the end, the pressure on our Confucian School won't be that great."


"Then just send them."


Hearing the Confucian Scholar's explanation, Li Ziye said nonchalantly, "Since you've already decided and there will be Law Confucians in charge, why bother asking me?"


At this point, Li Ziye suddenly paused, looking incredulously at the old man before him, "You… you're not thinking of having me go along, are you?"


"You guessed right."


Kong Qiu nodded and smiled, "That's exactly what I mean. You're full of ideas and good at adapting to situations, which is perfect to make up for the Confucian School disciples' overly rigid adherence to propriety and lack of flexibility."


"I'm not going!"


Li Ziye stood up abruptly, "I'm too weak; going there is just courting death. No, I absolutely refuse."


"Calm down, sit down and talk."


Kong Qiu stretched out his hand, pulling the young man back to sit down, with a kindly smile, "Wangyu will also go with you. With his protection, what's there to fear?"


"I still won't go."


Li Ziye shook his head vigorously, "The Desert North is so chaotic, and there are so many demons. If Little Red Riding Hood can't protect me in time, I'll end up as a snack for the demons. No, I won't go no matter what."


"It's not that dangerous."


Kong Qiu tried to persuade him earnestly, "The vast righteousness of the Confucian School, the Buddhist energy, and the divine light of the Heavenly Mandate Hall are all forces of extreme yang, which are perfect for restraining those demons. With so many experts around, you hardly need to do anything. Maybe you'll just go for a round, earn some credit, and come back."


"Old man."


Li Ziye looked at the old fellow before him with disdain, "Do you think I'm stupid? I don't believe a single punctuation mark of what you're saying."




Kong Qiu chuckled, "What if I told you that by going to the Desert North, you not only have a chance to find the fourth Medicine King but also likely to obtain enough Extreme Night Frost Dew to successfully forge your sword?"




Li Ziye's face showed skepticism, "You're not fooling me, are you? Old man, it's not ethical to deceive a junior like me at your age!"


"Of course not."


Kong Qiu smiled, "When have I ever deceived you? Let's not mention the fourth Medicine King for now. Just the matter of the Extreme Night Frost Dew, unless you go to the Desert North, when else will you be able to collect enough demon blood for your sword forging?"


"I'll think about it."


Li Ziye's face showed struggle upon hearing this.


The Medicine King and the Extreme Night Frost Dew were things he desperately wanted. If the old man wasn't deceiving him, he could consider a trip to the Desert North.


Kong Qiu wasn't in a hurry, sitting there with a smile, waiting for the young man's decision.


"Alright, when do we leave?"


After a long while, Li Ziye made up his mind and looked up to ask.


"In a month."


Kong Qiu smiled, "By then, the Law Confucians will select the most outstanding disciples of the Confucian School to head to the Desert North together."


"Old man, there's really no danger?" Li Ziye still asked with some concern.


"There will be surprises, but no danger," Kong Qiu replied.


"I feel like I'm still too weak. Old man, give me something for protection," Li Ziye said with a hopeful look.


"You already have it."


Kong Qiu smiled, "You don't need anything more from me. Go on, don't keep Wangyu waiting."




Li Ziye muttered, then stood up, dusted off the dirt from his clothes, and walked outside.


Outside the courtyard, Bai Wangyu saw the young man walking out and smiled, "Agreed?"


"You knew what the old man wanted with me?" Li Ziye asked suspiciously.




Bai Wangyu nodded and smiled, "The Law Confucian Master has already told me. It seems my guess was right, Brother Li really agreed."


"I can't just leave you behind!"


Li Ziye patted the shoulder of the little red cap before him, speaking with a righteous air, "We're brothers; you've got to cover for me when the time comes!"

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