Chapter 102 – I don’t like her

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

Imperial Palace, Bai Wangyu emerged pale-faced, looking worse for wear.


"Old Bai!"


Outside the palace, Li Ziye, who had been anxiously waiting, saw Bai Wangyu exit and immediately dismounted the carriage, stepping forward to ask, "How are you, everything okay?"


"I'm fine."


Bai Wangyu replied with a nod and silently boarded the carriage.


Li Ziye noticed Bai Wangyu's unusual demeanor but didn't press further, choosing to get into the carriage first.


The next moment, the carriage moved forward, heading towards the Li Garden.


"Old Bai, what's really going on? You look terrible."


Inside the carriage, Li Ziye looked at the silent Bai Wangyu with concern.


"It's nothing."


Bai Wangyu shook his head gently, "Brother Li, let's not talk about it. It's just some personal matters."


Li Ziye frowned slightly, about to say something, but seeing Bai Wangyu's weary expression, he refrained from pressing and nodded, "Then rest for a bit. We'll be at the Li Garden soon."




Bai Wangyu nodded and closed his eyes to rest.


Back at the Li Garden's inner courtyard, Bai Wangyu went straight to his room without uttering a word.


"What's gotten into him?"


Li Youwei asked, puzzled.


"I don't know either."


Li Ziye shook his head, "I couldn't get anything out of him; he's been like this since leaving the palace."


"Could it be that the Emperor forced him to do something against his will?" Zhu Zhu asked.


"Possibly. I need to ask him again."


Li Ziye couldn't let it go and was about to seek out Bai Wangyu for answers.


"Husband, don't go."


Zhu Zhu pulled him back, suggesting, "Let Elder Sister handle this."


"Sister Youwei? Why?" Li Ziye didn't understand.


"Women are more attentive."


Zhu Zhu rolled her eyes at him, thinking how her usually clever husband could be as dense as Bai Wangyu when it came to these matters.


"Alright, I'll ask."


Li Youwei nodded and walked towards Bai Wangyu's room.


Li Ziye watched Elder Sister's retreating figure, confused, "Zhu Zhu, are you sure Elder Sister can get it out of him? I feel like I should be the one to go."


"Husband, don't worry so much, just wait." Zhu Zhu said with a smile.


As they spoke, Li Youwei knocked on Bai Wangyu's door and then pushed it open to enter.


Inside, Bai Wangyu looked up at the visitor, "Miss Li, is something the matter?"


"It's nothing."


Li Youwei approached casually, asking, "How long have you been at the Li Garden?"


"Half a year," Bai Wangyu replied.


"Are you accustomed to it?"


Li Youwei sat down at the table and inquired.




Bai Wangyu nodded.


"How do the people at the Li Garden treat you?"


Li Youwei asked calmly.


Bai Wangyu was silent for a moment before whispering, "Like family."


"Then why keep secrets from us? Do you want us to worry?"


Li Youwei spoke softly, "Is that it?"


Bai Wangyu's body tensed, hands clenched, "No."


"Then tell me, what's the matter?"


Li Youwei poured herself a cup of tea and asked.


After hesitating, Bai Wangyu finally confessed, "His Majesty intends to arrange a marriage for me."


"Arrange a marriage?"


Li Youwei's eyebrows furrowed, "Whose daughter?"


"The eldest daughter of the King of Donglin."


Bai Wangyu answered and continued, "I refused."




Li Youwei was puzzled, "I've heard that the King of Donglin's eldest daughter is a renowned lady in the Capital City, and she's well-matched with you."


Bai Wangyu fell silent again, and after a long while, he said, "I don't like her."


Li Youwei was taken aback, not expecting such words from Bai Wangyu.


In the past, this leading disciple of the Confucian School would never reject an imperial marriage for such a reason.


It seemed that his half-year stay at the Li Garden had indeed changed him.


"Let it be. If you've refused, then you've refused. With your status in the Confucian School, His Majesty likely won't make things too difficult for you."


Li Youwei reassured, "Don't overthink it. What's done is done. Even if His Majesty is displeased, you have the Confucian School behind you. There's nothing to worry about."


"I understand."


Bai Wangyu sighed inwardly.


But his worry wasn't for himself or the Confucian School, but for the Li Garden!


He had grown too close to the Li Family recently, and he feared the Emperor's wrath might fall upon them.


"Speaking of which, you're not getting any younger."


Li Youwei sipped her tea and calmly said, "It's indeed time to consider personal matters, or else such situations may arise again in the future."




Bai Wangyu responded absentmindedly, not saying much else.


"Do you have someone you like?"


Perhaps out of curiosity, Li Youwei asked impulsively, then immediately regretted it. It wasn't her place to ask.


Bai Wangyu was startled, instinctively looking up at the woman before him, and blurted out, "Yes."


Their eyes met, the atmosphere froze for a moment, and then both awkwardly looked away.


"It's getting late. Young Master Bai, you should rest. I'll take my leave."


Li Youwei stood up and walked out without looking back.


Bai Wangyu also stood, watching her leave, his usually calm heart now rippling with emotion.


"Sister Youwei, what happened?"


Outside, Li Ziye was still waiting and quickly asked as Elder Sister emerged.


"He's fine, don't worry."


Li Youwei said and went straight to her own room.


"Sister Youwei, what's wrong now?"


Li Ziye was stunned. One mystery unresolved, and now another.


"Elder Sister said it's fine, so it must be."


Zhu Zhu seemed to understand something and smiled.


Those involved are often blind. Perhaps, after this ordeal, they'll see their own hearts more clearly.




Imperial Academy, in the small courtyard to the east.


Kong Qiu listened to the report from the Master of the Confucian School, his aged face showing a trace of emotion.


The Emperor's ambition was growing ever larger.


"Confucian Scholar."


The Master spoke gravely, "Wangyu refused the Emperor's marriage proposal. Could there be trouble?"


"Not for now."


Kong Qiu shook his head, "As long as I live, His Majesty won't move against the Confucian School."


The Master sighed in relief, "I thought Wangyu would agree to the match. I didn't expect him to refuse."


"It's good that Wangyu has his own convictions."


Kong Qiu spoke calmly, "In the future, he must shoulder the burden of reviving the Confucian School. If he can't withstand the pressure of imperial power, how can he support the entire School?"


"Confucian Scholar, will the Confucian School really face a catastrophe?" The Master asked with concern.


"All beings must face trials, and the Confucian School is no exception. The principle of prosperity followed by decline is something you should understand."


Kong Qiu sighed softly, "Not just the Confucian School, but Great Shang, Desert North, and the Heavenly Mandate Hall are the same. However, what I worry about most is the Li Family."


"The Li Family?"


The Master frowned, "How can a mere merchant family be compared with the Confucian School or Great Shang?"


"The Li Family is an unknown factor."


Kong Qiu gazed northward, "The change within the Li Family will determine the future of the Nine Provinces. I only hope the Emperor doesn't push the Li Family too hard. Otherwise, if the people's hearts grow cold, there will be no hope for light to return to the Nine Provinces."

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