Chapter 101 – Imperial Edict

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

The cold winter seemed to stretch on endlessly.


Whether in the Desert North or the Central Plains, it was evident that this year's winter was much longer than usual.


Over a month had passed since the New Year festivities, yet snow still fluttered from the sky, and the fire basin within the house burned ever more fiercely.


The only piece of good news was that after nearly four months of recuperation, Little Red Riding Hood's injuries had finally healed substantially. Although not fully recovered, he could at least wield a sword and practice a few moves.


Thus, in the inner courtyard, a figure in white robes danced with his sword, his righteous aura sweeping through his moves, each one embodying the grand principles of the Confucian School.


From the front of the room, Li Youwei watched Little Red Riding Hood practicing with his sword in the courtyard. Even without understanding martial arts, she could feel the righteousness within his swordplay.


"The sword reflects the man, and the man reflects the sword. His swordsmanship is too rigidly upright," remarked Slovenly Zhang from the opposite corridor, his gaze fixed on Bai Wangyu in the courtyard.


"That might well be the main reason for his impending calamity," Qin E'nuo said with a serious tone. "But what I don't understand is, where does his calamity come from?"


Disciples of the Confucian School usually live in harmony with the world, and Bai Wangyu was no exception. Without contention or strife, where could his calamity stem from?


"If I'm not mistaken, it's her," Slovenly Zhang said, his eyes shifting to the woman standing in front of the opposite room.


Hearing this, Qin E'nuo followed his gaze, and her expression shook as she said, "You mean, Bai Wangyu is fond of—"


She didn't finish her sentence, as her heart was filled with turmoil.


If the cause of Bai Wangyu's calamity was indeed her, one could only imagine the upheaval that the Li Family would face.


If something were to happen to both her and Bai Wangyu, Li Ziye would likely lose his mind completely.


"I've stayed in the Li Garden long enough to notice some clues," Slovenly Zhang sighed softly. "He probably has a fondness for her, calm and gentle, very much in line with his character."


"And her?" Qin E'nuo asked, looking at the woman across from them.


"It's still hard to tell," Slovenly Zhang replied softly. "But there's definitely a favorable impression due to gratitude. Bai Wangyu has saved Li Ziye so many times, anyone without a heart of stone would feel some appreciation. Of course, the affections of the young are too complex, and I, an old man, don't quite understand them."


"Young Master," a servant boy came running from outside the inner courtyard, calling out urgently, "There's an imperial edict from the palace, summoning Young Master Bai."


Upon hearing this, Bai Wangyu immediately halted his sword.


"Summoning Old Bai to the palace?" Li Ziye, hearing the servant boy's words, was taken aback and asked, "Whose command?"


"The Emperor's command," the servant boy replied.


"Why would the Emperor summon you to the palace at this time?" Li Ziye asked Bai Wangyu, his face showing confusion.


"I'm not sure," Bai Wangyu shook his head slightly and said, "But since it's the Emperor's summons, it must be for an urgent matter."


"I'll accompany you," Li Ziye said, then turned to the servant boy, "Prepare the carriage."


"Yes," the servant boy responded and quickly left.


"Let's go."


Li Ziye accompanied Little Red Riding Hood as they left for the imperial palace.


"How strange," Qin E'nuo mused from the opposite corridor, puzzled, "Why would the Emperor suddenly summon Bai Wangyu to the palace?"


"Such a sudden call, it's unlikely to be good news," Slovenly Zhang said gravely.


In front of the Li Garden, Li Ziye and Bai Wangyu boarded the carriage and set off in the direction of the imperial palace.


Half an hour later, in front of the imperial palace, Bai Wangyu alighted from the carriage and walked into the palace.


Li Ziye waited outside, his expression betraying his concern.


This imperial edict had come too suddenly, without any warning!


In the palace, within the Shou'an Hall.


The Emperor sat before a chessboard, gazing at the game and asked indifferently, "Faru, what do you think of this game?"


"Your Majesty's chess skills are beyond me," Faru replied, suppressing the turmoil in his heart.


"Alright, you may leave," the Emperor said calmly.


"Yes, Your Majesty," Faru stood up, bowed, and then turned to leave.


As Faru exited the Shou'an Hall, Bai Wangyu happened to walk in.




Bai Wangyu was startled to see the person before him and was about to inquire about the matter when a little eunuch interrupted him.


"Young Master Bai, please hurry, the Emperor is waiting," the eunuch said.




With no other choice, Bai Wangyu nodded and passed by Faru, stepping into the hall.


Inside the Shou'an Hall, Bai Wangyu knelt before the Emperor, who was sitting in front of the chessboard, and said, "Your servant, Bai Wangyu, greets Your Majesty."


"Sit," the Emperor gestured with his hand.


"Thank you, Your Majesty," Bai Wangyu stood up and walked over to sit opposite the chessboard.


"How are your injuries?" the Emperor asked calmly.


"They are no longer a concern," Bai Wangyu replied.


"That's good. It's your turn, make your move," the Emperor said, looking at the chessboard.


Bai Wangyu, upon hearing this, looked at the chess game before him, his expression growing tense.


A dead end?


"The game that Faru left unfinished naturally falls to you, his disciple, to continue," the Emperor explained.


"Understood," Bai Wangyu nodded, picked up a black piece, and placed it in the center of the board.


Instantly, the situation for the black pieces became even more disadvantageous.


"Your chess skills seem to be even less than Faru's," the Emperor commented.


"I'm sorry, Your Majesty," Bai Wangyu said quietly.


"Don't worry, you're still young," the Emperor said, seemingly offhandedly. "Just now, I discussed your marriage with Faru."


Bai Wangyu's expression changed, marriage?


"Faru said that as long as you agree, he has no objections," the Emperor looked at the young man before him and said, "There are many daughters of nobles and royals in the court, is there anyone you fancy?"


"Your servant has not yet considered this matter," Bai Wangyu replied, trying to suppress the shock in his heart.


"A man must eventually take a wife," the Emperor said calmly. "I have already selected someone for you, the eldest daughter of the King of Donglin, a virtuous and gentle character, quite a match for you. I have also spoken to the King of Donglin, and he is very willing to give his daughter to you in marriage."


"Your Majesty!" Bai Wangyu stood up immediately, kneeling and said, "Your servant has no plans for marriage yet!"


"Oh?" the Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, "Is there someone you like?"


Bai Wangyu clenched his hands and then nodded, "There is."


"I see," the Emperor smiled, "Whose daughter is she? Speak, and I will grant you the marriage."


"Your Majesty, I am still unsure of her feelings, so I cannot say for now," Bai Wangyu replied, biting his lip.


"The person who can make the greatest disciple of the Confucian School care so much must not be an ordinary girl. Very well, I won't ask further," the Emperor said indifferently. "You may leave."


"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Bai Wangyu bowed respectfully once more, then stood up and left.


Outside the Shou'an Hall, Bai Wangyu felt as if he was on the verge of collapsing, his back drenched in cold sweat.


Inside the hall, the Emperor watched the chess game before him and ordered, "Find out the identity of that girl."


"Yes!" A shadow in the darkness responded respectfully and then vanished.


"The Confucian School, huh," the Emperor sneered, placing a chess piece down, bringing the game to an end, with the white pieces utterly defeated.


The weapon of the state, how could it be wielded by others.

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