Chapter 198 – Madman

The Oliver and Clark families had brought their elite forces, and with their superior equipment, they quickly slaughtered the jailer NPCs on the first floor, leaving them in disarray.

Once the main force had gathered, they began searching for a way to break the curse that enveloped the space.

The first floor of the prison was laid out in a circular pattern, and the two families together had nearly a thousand people.

Even if they tried to avoid it, they would easily run into each other.

Su’en had originally planned to take his people to the next floor to settle down before dealing with these guys.

Now it seemed they were going to be intercepted ahead of time.

Before they even saw anyone, the old butler Anthony noticed something amiss and stepped in front of the group, saying gravely, “Mr. Zolo, I’ll hold them off. Please take the young lady and leave first!”

Su’en shook his head and said, “There’s a very powerful guy hidden among them. Even you, Mr. Anthony, can’t win against him.”

At these words, Anthony asked in confusion, “Are you talking about ‘Storm Sword King’ Nero Redgrave? If it’s him, even if I can’t win, I have a chance to hold him off for a while.”

“No, that person… is much more powerful than Nero.”

Su’en didn’t elaborate further but instead revealed his plan, “The entrance is where I mentioned earlier. When you get the chance, break out. There are monsters below, so don’t wander off. With the ‘Writ of Bail’ I gave you, you should be captured by the jailers on the second floor. Don’t resist, just wait for me in the cell.”

Upon hearing this, Rena realized that Su’en was planning to stay behind alone.

She shook her head, her face set with determination, “Mr. Zolo, we can help you!”

The young lady had completely shed her naivety; she no longer felt at peace with others sacrificing themselves for her.

She knew that at this moment, only by working together could they possibly have a chance to survive.

Su’en glanced at her and said, “If you stay here, you will die.”

Rena’s tone remained unwavering, “Mr. Zolo, I’ve been ready to die for a long time…”

Before she could finish, Su’en interrupted her, “No, what I mean is… staying here, you might be killed by me.”

With that, the atmosphere suddenly shifted from serious to strange.

All three of them tensed up.

What did he mean by that?

Su’en didn’t explain further, only turning to Kay and saying, “Kay, remember, when you see my eyes turn red, no matter what, take everyone and leave.”

He knew that only his old friend would believe him unconditionally.

As he spoke, Su’en removed the mask from his face, revealing his handsome features. However, the faint smirk in his eyes added a touch of devilish charm.

“Are you sure?”

Kay frowned upon hearing this.

After a pause, he added, “I think there’s something off about your state.”

He hadn’t noticed it with the mask on, but now that they had walked a bit, he realized that there was something very strange about Su’en’s aura.

It was as if a murderous intent that couldn’t be suppressed was being released indiscriminately, and even walking beside him, one could feel a chilling sensation.


As Su’en spoke, his throat seemed to betray his excitement, emitting a low growl like that of a wild beast, “Hehehe… My body has never been so thrilled. Just thinking about killing them all, my blood is boiling…”

That feeling was as if the monster beneath the human skin was about to break free.


In that instant, Anthony clearly felt the change in Su’en’s emotions.

Even as a third-tier professional, he felt a chill down his spine.

He frowned and asked, “Mr. Zolo, are you sure you’re alright? Your mental state is very strange…”

He sensed carefully and realized that the strange aura around Su’en was not just mental power; his dark spiritual power was surging out like waves.

This was completely different from the calm and composed “Mr. Zolo” they knew before!

Hearing this, Su’en reined in his emotions, and his expression suddenly returned to normal, as gentle as before.

He said, “No, I’m very clear-headed right now, it’s just that my body is excited. I’m brewing a very dangerous secret technique, so I can’t quite control my aura right now… Sorry for scaring you.”

Hearing this, Kay didn’t say anything more.

He believed in Su’en.

If this guy said he was confident, then he definitely was.

Although Anthony and Rena still had their doubts, they didn’t say anything else.

Because at that moment, the people from the two big families had already surrounded them.


Danze Junior and another young master, Eli, were inexplicably trapped in the cursed space, filled with panic.

They had only come to watch the farce of the Reiss family’s main house, hoping to profit from their misfortune.

Even if it was a hunt in the wastelands, it was their subordinates who went, not them personally.

But they never expected…

That things would turn out like this.

Before coming, they had heard that this was a suspected “T-level” cursed space, extremely dangerous.

Now trapped within, how could they not be afraid?

Moreover, a casual investigation revealed that the jailer NPCs on the first floor were easy to handle, but the second floor was much more problematic.

The teams sent to scout didn’t return at all!

The elite squads led by second-tier professionals disappeared without a trace, directly annihilated below.

One could imagine that even if this space wasn’t “T-level,” it was at least “S+”.

Even with third-tier professionals, the chances of survival were not high.

Now, looking at Su’en and his group, they didn’t immediately take action.

From the abnormal behavior of that blue-skinned creature earlier, even a fool could tell that the opening of this space was related to these people.

Moreover, if they weren’t planning on a mutual destruction, then the other party likely knew the way out.

Upon meeting, Eli immediately asked with a cold face, “Rena, did you drag us in here? Damn it, do you realize what you’re doing?!”

Rena frowned upon hearing this because she herself didn’t understand what had happened.

She glanced at “Mr. Zolo” not far from her and saw that the expressionless gentleman did not make a statement.

Facing the enemy, she had no reason to speak, so she kept silent with a dark face.

From a distance, Danze Junior, seeing that Rena didn’t speak, didn’t dare to provoke her further, fearing that she might have a “mutual destruction” plan.

It was easy to kill these few people now, but after that, how would they get out?

He could only try to persuade her with kind words, “Miss Rena, I think there’s some misunderstanding here. We can talk it out, everything is negotiable.”

And the heavily made-up young lady beside him had already turned pale with fear, “Oh, my God… Rena, I’m your sister! I just came to have a look, why did you drag me into this? Tell me, how do we get out of this damned cursed space…”

They played good cop, bad cop, and the sympathy card, which was headache-inducing to listen to.

Su’en narrowed his eyes and suddenly realized what these people had been babbling about for so long.

Although he hadn’t sensed anyone approaching, his threads had detected a “stealthy” individual heading towards Rena.

Probably fearing exposure, the person wasn’t moving quickly.

It seemed they planned to capture the young lady first.

And those guys on the other side were still babbling to buy time.


Having spotted the enemy, Su’en sneered and said, “Mr. Anthony, can you hold off that Nero for me later? I’m about to make a move.”

“I can.”

Anthony agreed, but looking at the hundreds of enemies opposite, he frowned, “But there are too many enemies, I can’t guarantee how long I can hold them off.”

“No, you just need to hold off that one.”

Su’en’s murderous aura grew stronger, “The rest… I’ll kill!”

Anthony frowned upon hearing this.

He looked at the enemy, outnumbering them by a hundredfold, and immediately felt it was absurd.

In this surrounded situation, if he said it was a fight to the death, he could understand.

But this guy actually said he was going to kill?

He himself, a third-tier professional, wouldn’t dare to say such a thing, so where did he get the confidence?

Then he saw that crazed look, and suddenly realized why he had felt something was off.

No matter how you looked at it, the Zolo in front of him seemed like… a madman.

A complete madman!

A flicker of worry crossed Anthony’s mind. Was it really right to trust this man?

But at that moment, before he could think further, Zolo suddenly stretched out his hand and chanted softly, “Caged Sparrow!”

With a sinister smile on his face, he pulled with his hand,


Threads in the air solidified, and a transparent figure was yanked out.

It was a second-tier assassin wearing a special alchemical cloak.

To be able to elude the perception of a third-tier professional, one could imagine how skilled this assassin’s stealth techniques were.

Anthony guessed the identity of the newcomer and felt a chill, “The ‘Blade of Nightfall,’ Ibn Jariad!”

A top-tier assassin ranked fifth on the Old Lingdun professional hit list, someone who had once assassinated alone and severely wounded a third-tier professional. The cloak he wore was the infamous assassin’s divine gear, the “Assassin’s Cloak of Invisibility.”

But the assassin that even he hadn’t detected was discovered by “Zolo”?

At that moment, Anthony finally understood the strange energy fluctuations he had sensed before; it was these invisible hairs.

But this…

Wasn’t this a puppeteer’s technique?

How did Zolo know this technique?

And… it was the highly recognizable “Witch’s Hair”!

Could it be…

Thoughts raced through Anthony’s mind.

Reality didn’t wait for him to think further.

And in the blink of an eye, a fierce cold flame burst from Zolo’s body, and the dark golden octopus spears on his back suddenly unfolded.





A series of sharp sounds.

The black poison stingers at the tips of the octopus spears shot out, and the trapped assassin had no time to react. The octopus spears directly targeted the assassin’s vital points: eyes, neck, waist, groin…

Assassins, in order to be agile, would not wear full-body heavy armor.

But this Ibn Jariad, in addition to vital point armor, also had a layer of bio-skin with strong defense. Normally, even if a second-tier professional failed in an assassination, this rune skin would be enough to save his life.

Moreover, his skills were top-notch!

“This guy reacts so fast!”

Trapped, Ibn saw the incoming spears and sensed trouble.

Only a top-tier assassin could appreciate how swift the octopus spears were, requiring an extremely high level of skill.

But his reaction was also extremely fast. He twisted his body, using a bizarre counter-joint technique, “crack” “crack,” quickly dislocating some joints.

Although this would cost him some mobility, the twisted body allowed him to move a bit within the threads, avoiding most of the vital points.

Just hold on for a moment, and his teammates would act, giving him a chance to break free from these threads!

However, what Ibn didn’t expect was that even though the octopus spears with cold flames didn’t hit the vital points, they easily pierced through the rune skin.

It was a piercing that felt like a complete overpowering of laws.

Su’en’s current understanding of second-tier laws was beyond the comprehension of others. Now, with the 【無侍】 cold flames enhancing it, the penetration and defense-breaking ability was not something ordinary second-tier professionals could withstand!

After several stabs, Ibn could no longer move, and a few more spears finished him off.

His neck was pierced, and blood spurted out.

The assassin didn’t even have time to wait for his companions to rescue him before he was pierced by the octopus spears and killed on the spot.



Anthony, watching from the side, changed color. He was about to act when the assassin was already killed.

Not detecting the assassin was one thing.

What surprised him more was the signature technique of controlling threads and the octopus spears.

In the whole of Old Lingdun, only one person had this technique.

That was… the SS wanted criminal Su’en.

This Mr. Zolo was actually Su’en!

How could it be?

Beside him, Rena’s eyes were full of shock and confusion.

But at this moment, she finally understood where that familiar feeling came from.

Although Kay knew Su’en was strong now, watching him act also made his pupils shrink, and he was horrified, “He’s become this strong?”

This “Blade of Nightfall,” Ibn, was a big name in the industry. This veteran assassin was stronger than him in many ways, and now he was killed in a single encounter?

…….As Su’en made his move, the reaction of the people opposite was extremely quick.

The moment the spider spear pierced the assassin, an ice arrow cunningly appeared just a meter away from Su’en.

The blue ice arrow moved in a bizarre manner, seemingly steady to the eye, but it wasn’t uniform in speed. After being fired, it accelerated in three bursts, each faster than the last. After three explosive accelerations, it was even faster than a sniper bullet!

Had Su’en not killed that Ibn with a single strike just now, this arrow would have been enough to pose a serious threat to him. Even if it wasn’t fatal, he would have had to turn back to dodge.

Unfortunately, the kill was too quick, and the arrow hardly posed any threat to Su’en.

His eyes clearly captured the trajectory of the arrow as it was released.

Though the arrow was fast, it wasn’t faster than his perception.

Su’en was also well aware of the methods of the mysterious “Ice Calamity Elder” from the secret society, Iori Landis.

After using the spider spear to kill the assassin, he slightly tilted his head and watched as the ice arrow, carrying a chill, grazed past his face, muttering to himself, “Tsk tsk… [Kaione’s Frost Bow], huh!”

The ice arrow missed its target and hit a wall several meters away.

In an instant, a fierce cold burst forth, and the temperature around plummeted significantly.

With a “boom,” the terrifying cold exploded, instantly turning the entire wall into an ice barrier.

It even extinguished the braziers in the corridor in an instant.

Had this arrow hit a person, it would have likely frozen them into an ice pop instantly.

As the attack was launched, Anthony, who had transformed into a demonic sheep butler, charged forward.

Now that he knew Zolo’s identity, he also knew that Su’en had the Black Scythe!

With him to distract and the Black Scythe in hand, they might be able to kill “Wind Thunder Sword King” Nero.

Once they killed this most troublesome Tier 3 professional among the enemies, the situation would instantly improve!

“That’s Su’en!”

“Damn it, watch out for his Black Scythe!”

“Be careful of invisible targets!”


Recognizing that the attacker was Su’en, everyone from the two great families was shocked.

Especially the high-tier professionals, who were constantly watching Su’en’s every move, fearing the sudden appearance of the Black Scythe.

“Hmph! I’ve been waiting for you!”

Danze Junior naturally knew that he couldn’t let Su’en use the Black Scythe.

He confidently took out a chessboard, pinched the sorcerer’s seal, and a hexagram array appeared.

A huge black and white checkered chessboard suddenly materialized.

A beam of light enveloped Su’en from afar.

Forcibly pulling him into the chessboard.

Su’en had killed a man and didn’t immediately make a move, just waiting for this guy.

He looked around at the changing scenery, not surprised in the least.

“Tsk tsk… finally here, huh?”

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