Chapter 197 – Central Prison

The prison from a thousand years ago wasn’t much different from the one in Old Lingdun.

A gloomy and enclosed underground space, cramped cells, cold runic iron bars, and walls built with large chunks of bluestone like bread, with a dim gas lamp every few meters.

The air was slightly damp, carrying the rotten stench of a sewer.

Perhaps to dispel the damp and foul smell, there were blazing fire pits in the corridor outside the bars, where the firewood crackled as it burned.

The sound of gunfire was incessant to the ear.

The prison seemed quite large, with the sound of gunfire coming from afar.


The dark spiritual energy inside the prison was extremely dense, so thick that it seemed to warp people at any moment.

Kay ignored the gunfire outside, greedily taking in a few breaths.

The rich dark spiritual energy made him feel very comfortable.

Although his thigh had been shot through, it didn’t hinder him from suddenly pulling out a dagger and effortlessly slashing the throats of two elite members of the Clark family in the same cell.

Coincidentally, in the cell opposite him were Rena and Anthony, the old butler.

Seeing the changing scene, the old butler firmly held Rena’s hand, finally relaxing.

Suddenly pulled into the cursed space amidst fierce battle, both of them had a look of shock and bewilderment in their eyes.

However, they naturally also saw Kay, who had just killed someone in the opposite cell.

Although they didn’t know who this blue-skinned stranger was, they knew he was a friend, not a foe.

Through the iron bars, Anthony asked, “Young man, what exactly is going on here? Where is Mr. Zolo?”

Kay was treating the gunshot wound on his leg, the “X serum” providing him with superhuman healing abilities, visibly mending his torn flesh.

Hearing the question, he looked up at the two, his tone slightly odd, “Zolo? Hmm… he should be arriving soon.”

Saying this, Kay looked at the old butler who seemed to be testing the strength of the iron bars and stopped him, “Oh, right. He told us to stay in the cell and not go out, or we might run into trouble. The jailers outside… they can’t be killed…”

Hearing this, Anthony pondered for a moment, visibly startled, and quickly asked, “Was it Mr. Zolo who activated the cursed space just now?”

Kay had no intention of hiding anything and casually replied, “Yes.”

Upon hearing this,

Rena and Anthony were both shocked.

They had thought it was an accident, thinking it was too coincidental that they were swept into the cursed space during the heat of battle.

Was it actually man-made?

And wasn’t this a “T-level” space? Listening to the tone of the strange man before them, it seemed that Mr. Zolo knew some “secrets” that others did not.

At this moment, Rena, looking at Kay treating his wound, said, “Sir, the through-and-through wound on your leg carries elemental damage, which will prevent the wound from healing. I have a targeted healing potion here. If you need it…”

Before she could finish, Kay unceremoniously flashed a brilliant smile, “Thank you.”

Rena tossed the potion over, nodding, “I should be thanking you… By the way, sir, how may I address you?”

She was well aware that the man before her was very strong; if he hadn’t stayed behind, they wouldn’t have been involved at all.

His injury was because of her.

As Kay poured the potion on his wound, he introduced himself, “Miss Rena, you can call me Kay.”

He paused, then shook his head dismissively, “You don’t need to thank me. ‘Zolo’ asked me to come in his stead and to protect Miss Rena.”

Saying this, he revealed a light smile on his face, glancing at Rena, “If you want to thank someone, thank him later.”

“Oh… we should all be grateful.”

Rena felt a bit puzzled upon hearing this.

Even that Mr. Zolo didn’t have much of a relationship with her.

If it was because of her aunt, it seemed a bit far-fetched.

Mr. Zolo seemed too kind to her?

Rena thought for a moment and said, “I’m sorry for involving you in such a troublesome incident.”

Kay just smiled noncommittally.


As the young lady spoke, Anthony, the butler, naturally wouldn’t presume to interrupt, instead listening silently on the side.

He was also secretly guessing Kay’s identity.

Suddenly, something came to mind, and Anthony, testing the waters, asked, “Mr. Kay, if I may be so bold, are you the one who injured Gage before?”

As a butler, Anthony naturally handled all the family’s intelligence.

He knew far more than Rena did.

In fact, when he saw Kay’s sudden outburst, he had an inkling.

Such a formidable professional couldn’t be a nobody.

And there weren’t many professionals in Old Lingdun who could perform the “Step of Void.”

Then, he thought of the recent intelligence about the mysterious lone ranger with the nickname “Hyena,” the one who had slaughtered the “Steel Cannon Hunting Group” and nearly killed “Gun King” Gage with a ghost-like technique.

Although the intelligence suggested that the “Hyena” was only a first-order professional, which was a bit below the man before him, there seemed to be no one else who would dare to oppose the inner city’s major families.

Kay glanced at the old butler, seemingly pondering for a moment, then simply uttered one word: “Yes.”

With that, Anthony’s pupils shrank slightly, his heart churning with shock.

The “Hyena” himself wasn’t a big problem; the intelligence also indicated he was a lone ranger with no significant background.

But he was involved in a huge trouble,

That was the “SS wanted criminal Su’en”!

Rumor had it that the two had an extraordinary relationship.

Moreover, there was now news that “Su’en” was also involved with a reactionary organization, entangled in troubles too vast to fathom.

That was the kind of trouble that any major family would die from if they got involved!


Rena, still not understanding, looked at the old butler with a puzzled expression, who seemed to have a different tone.

Anthony didn’t know how to explain, his expression complex for a moment before he murmured to himself, “So it’s your excellency…”

He looked at Kay, then thought of something else.

If he could guess his identity, so could others.

He directly voiced his concern, “Thank you for your righteous intervention, sir. However, this might cause trouble now. The Oliver and Clark families have close ties with the military in the inner city, and there might be people from the umbrella organization among their troops. If they get out alive, it could cause a lot of trouble…”

“Get out alive?”

Kay shook his head, interrupting his worries, and stated directly, “No. If that guy intends to do this, they won’t be able to get out alive.”


Anthony thought Kay was unaware of the prowess of top professionals; after all, there were only a few third-order professionals in the whole of Old Lingdun.

His concern did not diminish but grew stronger as he explained, “But… the elites from the two families are very strong. ‘Sword King of Wind and Thunder’ Nero is extremely powerful, even I am not sure I can defeat him. And the Three Calamities Elders, if they join forces, no second-order professional can stand against them…”

Kay shrugged, his expression suggesting agreement, and said casually, “Mr. Anthony, I quite agree with you.”

Anthony was even more puzzled.

But after a pause, Kay’s tone suddenly changed, his eyes deepening, and he slowly said, “Although I also think it’s impossible. But when that guy says he’ll do something, he always makes it happen.”

Upon hearing this, Anthony’s brow furrowed.

Too many unexpected events had occurred today, making him feel somewhat unreal.

He suddenly thought, could it be… they plan to use this cursed space?

But this is a “T-level” space, a dead end for enemies, and isn’t it the same for them?


Meanwhile, the sound of gunfire in the corridor outside was getting denser.

The prison was not only filled with their group of outsiders but also NPC jailers and prisoners.

It sounded like a large group of people was fighting the jailers, apparently trying to violently break out of prison and escape.

Almost all cursed spaces have a common method of resolution, which is to fight one’s way through.

Hearing the increasing commotion outside, Kay remained calm, but Rena and Anthony, the butler, were quite puzzled.

Rena asked, “Mr. Kay, should we go out now?”

Kay shook his head, “No. Those jailers outside aren’t strong, but that guy said, don’t kill them, killing them will bring big trouble.”

Hearing this, Rena thought for a moment and asked, “Does Mr. Zolo… know the information about this cursed space?”

Kay spread his hands, “Don’t look at me. I don’t know much more than you do.”

But before they could talk further, Anthony suddenly looked alert and warned, “Someone’s coming.”

After waiting a moment, Rena and Kay could distinguish footsteps approaching their corner cell amidst the gunfire.

The footsteps were steady, without a hint of haste.

As they got closer, they heard a conversation from outside.

It seemed to be a dialogue between NPCs in this space.

“Jailer Chief! There’s been a large-scale prisoner riot in areas one and two, please instruct!”

“Hmm, hold your positions. There will be a shock troop to handle that. I need to interrogate a few prisoners.”



As soon as the voice fell, a man wearing a dark blue prison uniform with a ferocious iron mask approached.

Judging by the epaulettes on his shoulder, he was the jailer chief who had just spoken.

The masked man came to Kay’s cell, jingling a bunch of keys, and as he unlocked the door, he said, “Sorry for the delay, had to deal with some things.”

Kay recognized the visitor as Su’en at a glance, and although not too surprised, he was still curious, “How did you become the jailer chief?”

“It saves a lot of trouble with this identity.”

Su’en explained nonchalantly.

He opened Kay’s cell, then turned to unlock the opposite iron door.

Because he hadn’t removed his mask, Rena didn’t recognize him and tentatively asked, “Mr. Zolo?”

Su’en seemed to ponder for a moment, deliberately not revealing his identity, and chuckled, “Yes, Miss Rena.”

But Anthony, the butler, scrutinized the mysterious masked man, his eyes showing gravity.

Why was everyone else a prisoner, and he was an NPC?


Su’en led the three out of the prison.

Only then did Kay and the others see several armed jailers in the corners of the prison corridor, who didn’t seem very intelligent.

With Su’en, the “jailer chief,” leading them, they walked past without anyone stopping them, which surprised Kay and the others.

The dark corridors were cramped, giving a sense of oppression everywhere.

After walking for a while and seeing no one around, Su’en finally explained, “These first-level jailers aren’t strong, but killing them would be troublesome. The jailers on the lower levels are very strong, and once they act, none of the escapees will survive. Especially those who have killed jailers.”

Hearing this, Kay and the others finally understood.

Instinctively, Anthony asked, “Mr. Zolo, how strong are the jailers below? How many levels does this prison have?”

He felt that as the strongest combatant present, it was necessary to understand the enemy’s strength and the basic information about this space.

Su’en pondered for a moment before responding with two words: “Very strong.”

Thinking for a while, he explained in a way they could understand, “This prison has five levels. According to ancient classifications, prisoners below the third order are held on the first level where we are now. The prisoners on the second level, as recorded, are all ‘beyond order’ beings. Although much of their energy has dissipated over time, there are beings beyond the third order on the second level. I don’t know about the third and fourth levels. But I do know there’s an unbeatable presence on the fifth level. And this prison is special; its exit is on the fifth level. So whoever wants to get out has to go underground.”

Listening to this series of explanations, Kay and the others behind him were all astonished.

There were descriptions of “beyond order” and unbeatable beings…

Rena asked, “So… is this really a T-level space?”

Su’en nodded nonchalantly, “Yes.”


Anthony’s face twitched, his eyes filled with doubt.If someone could read minds, at this moment they would surely hear him thinking: Your Excellency must have some misconceptions about the “T-level space”?

T-level signifies no survivors.

The content you described does fit this rating.

But your tone is so casual… as if discussing a “D-level” space!

Moreover, what surprised them even more was, since it’s a “T-level,” where did this guy get his information?

Kay seemed to know something but didn’t ask.

For some reason, Rena felt a strange sense of familiarity when she saw what was happening before her.

There had been someone like this in the past, always numbly calm at any critical moment.

Even in desperate situations, they could instill an indescribable sense of trust.

Thinking of something, she directly asked, “Mr. Zolo seems quite familiar with this space?”

Su’en replied indifferently, “Hmm, I’ve been here a few times before.”

Been here…

A few times?

If someone claimed they had come out alive from a “T-level” space, anyone would think they were bragging.

Not only have you been here, but you’ve also been here “a few times”?

Hearing this quantifier, the gazes of Kay and the others simultaneously turned very peculiar.


Su’en knew that his experiences, if spoken aloud, would seem unbelievable to others.

He had previously thought of using the “false identity” tactic, wanting Kay to take Zolo’s place to create an alibi.

And during the time he freed up, he wasn’t idle either.

He went to the Oliver family and killed a few people, showing his face;

Then he came early to the cursed space to scout.

Su’en had the items given by Mr. Mirror; he could have directly entered, found the prison “Lady Sereya.”

With those tokens, getting out safely wouldn’t be a big problem.

But he always felt that, since this was a T-level space, it would be a waste to just come here for business.

And with the All-Seeing Eye, he naturally could see all the information about this cursed space.

【Central Prison of Dawn City】

Details: A super-large cursed space, T-level; once the central prison of Dawn City, it held countless extremely vicious criminals; to stay alive, one must stay in their cell and not wander; otherwise, the jailers will kill all the escapees; without the pardon of that warden, you will never be able to leave the space; requires a specific spell to open; once the space is opened, it will draw in all life forms within a three-kilometer radius.

The moment Su’en saw the space’s feature of “drawing in all life forms within a three-kilometer radius,” an idea popped into his head: a death trap!

This was a cursed space that could be called unsolvable.

Those who enter can only stay in their cells, and breaking out would result in being killed as an “escapee.”

But staying in the cell, one can do nothing.

Either die trapped or be killed.

So, there’s actually only one way out, and that’s to break out and push through.

But in reality… it’s impossible!

After chatting with Mr. Mirror before, Su’en also knew that as time passed, the difficulty of the cursed space would decrease due to energy dissipation and the loss of certain laws, and the NPCs inside would weaken.

Over this past millennium, the remnants of fifth and sixth-order sorcerers in the space probably only had the strength of second or third-order, or even lower.

This was also why the cursed space NPCs Su’en had encountered before were not of high order.

But this place was very close to that “space channel,” with dense dark energy, preserving the cursed space well. After all, it was a city that once had “demi-god” level beings, and this Dawn Central Prison held many super-powerful beings.

When Su’en previously scouted, he had seen NPCs above third-order just on the second floor of the prison.

On the third and fourth floors, he estimated, there were at least fourth-order, maybe even fifth-order existences…

So, pushing through was simply impossible!

Moreover, if he didn’t do something, by the time Rena and the others arrived, their team would also be doomed.

Isn’t this the perfect opportunity to solve many problems?

After meeting and conversing with “Lady Sereya,” he became even more certain of his plan; he wanted to use the space to deal with those troubles.

And the young master of the Oliver and Clark families didn’t disappoint, hearing that Rena was about to be annihilated, he indeed came personally to “kick someone while they’re down.”

Then the previous scene unfolded.


As they walked, suddenly, Anthony was the first to notice something, his expression grave, “Someone’s coming. They’re probably targeting the young lady.”

Su’en’s tone remained calm, “Hmm… perfect.”

PS. The second chapter isn’t finished yet, will post later.

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