Chapter 173 – Secret Technique: Caged Bird

After the update, the reading experience will be better in twenty minutes.

Su’en also knew what the “Sand Demon” Horus was surprised about.

“Double Overlap” is not just as simple as pulling the trigger four times in a row. This firearm secret not only requires very high firearm skills and proficiency, but also requires extremely high reflex speed, strength, and endurance of the shooter’s muscles.

Su’en’s own firearm skills may not be as good as the “Blind Detective” Bill, but in terms of physical strength, there is no gunner in the entire Old Lingdun who can reach his current level.

He is not lacking in skills, his firearm proficiency is high enough, and his body is strong enough.

So he could barely fire four shots.

But even so, after using the “Fourfold Overlap,” Su’en also felt a burning pain in the flexor muscles of his forearm, as if a few muscle fibers had broken.

It’s worth it to be able to take down this tough guy in seconds.

And it’s no big deal, with super strong cell activity, those minor injuries are healing rapidly.


After killing two second-tier professionals with one shot, “Grey Mist” immediately appeared on the two bodies.

Su’en took it in.

“Obtained ‘Horus Walk’ memory fragments *3”

“You have gained a small amount of ‘pharmacology knowledge’”

“You have mastered a large amount of ‘wilderness survival combat experience’”

“You have mastered a large amount of ‘earth alchemy formula fragments’, alchemy casting experience +25”

“Spirit power +0.8”

The memory of a professional wilderness hunting team leader, harvesting a large amount of wilderness knowledge, is not bad.

And the female sorceress gave Su’en a little surprise.

When he stripped the two assistants from the Black Tower Academy, Su’en had a feeling of taking off from the ground. Now, after stripping a formal teacher, a large number of solid theoretical and practical memory fragments poured into his mind, filling in too many holes in his “skill tree.”

“Obtained ‘Virginia Eddie’ memory fragments *5”

“You have gained a piece of information: ‘Danze Young Master is really not restrained at all, actually making a move in front of so many people… It seems like he has a special fondness for mature women…’”

“You have gained a large amount of ‘comprehensive alchemy knowledge’”

“You have mastered some ‘intermediate enchantment knowledge’”

“You have proficiently mastered ‘second-tier rune drawing skills’”

“You have mastered a large amount of ‘fire element formula fragments’”

“You have mastered the fire element spell [Fire Vine Entanglement], alchemy casting experience +41”

“Spirit power +0.9”


The spiritual power of a sorcerer is usually higher, and the soul strength is higher, so the quality of the stripped fragments is more complete.

After digesting those memory fragments, Su’en instantly felt a sense of relief in his pores, and his face was radiant: “The memory fragments of the Black Tower Academy’s magic instructor are really of extremely high quality!”

He had been studying alchemical theory knowledge all along.

Runes, spell formulas, every aspect of alchemy requires a lot of time.

Now that he has advanced to the second tier, he needs to master second-tier knowledge, which raises the difficulty level.

Su’en always feels like he doesn’t have enough time.

Because he can always control his focus, his learning efficiency is not low. But in order to master intermediate and advanced rune knowledge, it would take at least ten or eight years, and he wouldn’t dare to say he’s proficient.

But no matter how much he studies, can he learn as fast as the stripped soul fragments?

If you don’t count the repeated knowledge, the knowledge stripped from the body of “Virginia Eddie” is enough to save Su’en several years of study time.

From this perspective, having many enemies doesn’t seem to be all bad.


Su’en killed an enemy with one shot, and immediately tore a hole in the encirclement.

He didn’t stop, after swallowing the mist, he started running with the two bodies.

As for why he took the bodies…

Naturally, he had to harvest the storage rings, and wait for the materials for transformation and promotion to aggregate.

The things on the bodies of second-tier professionals are valuable.


He felt that if he didn’t give the people behind him the illusion of “we can catch up,” the other party wouldn’t chase so hard.


For anyone else, the combination tactic of “Flowing Sand Art” + “Golden Scale Fire Python” would be a skin-shedding experience even if they didn’t die.

But now, Su’en has perfectly dealt with it and successfully counter-killed.

Seeing the situation, the experts sent by the Oliver family were all horrified.

How could they not have arrived first? Two experienced old second-tier professionals, they couldn’t even stop the enemy for a moment, and were killed with one shot?!

Didn’t they say that the kid had no means to threaten second-tier professionals other than the black scythe of the banishing item?!

But what’s the deal with the puppet that can absorb second-tier secret spells?

They knew that the wanted criminal was a firearms expert, but what’s the deal with the “Fourfold Overlap”?

How could a firearms master not achieve the secret technique of the gun, and he, a firearms expert, used this gun technique to break through the defense-enhanced “Sand Demon” Horus? Who would believe it?

Everyone just realized that there seemed to be a big gap between this and the intelligence they had received.

Of course, they knew from the beginning that there was something fishy about this.

A wanted criminal took the initiative to show up in the city, exposed his identity by selling so many things, and even named the “Puppet Theater,” which was clearly a provocation to the Oliver family.

But even if they knew it was a bait, they had to bite.

The young master of the Oliver family is now furious, and if he doesn’t kill this “Su’en” who robbed him of his opportunity, he will definitely not let it go.

Moreover, even if there is something fishy, they have brought ten second-tier professionals, what can the other side do?

This lineup is already a “foolproof” encirclement lineup.

Otherwise, why would they invite those top professionals to besiege a first-tier wanted criminal?

The faces of the remaining eight experts turned black after two same-tier teammates were killed in front of them.But they didn’t dare to stay, and continued to chase in the direction Su’en was running.

Because the command had already come through the communicator.

“Plan B, continue the pursuit!”

Holding the Oliver family’s token meant they had to fight for them.


Su’en ran all the way, and the signal flares and display powder in the sky exploded all the way.

The “display powder” was like rain, covering the ground.

Just the consumption of these special signal flares was not a small amount.

Su’en naturally knew that the reason the eight people behind him were pursuing relentlessly was because there were dozens of teams disguised as hunting teams still active in the vicinity of the ruins, waiting to ambush him.

Because he also had a communicator on his ear with the same frequency channel.

He was well aware of the enemy’s movements and ambush plans.

It would take some time for the ambush team to gather.

Su’en wouldn’t be foolish enough to wait until the other party completely surrounded him before taking action. After stripping the spoils from the two bodies, he threw the bodies away. Although his speed increased by three points, this was already deliberately letting up, otherwise he would have to control the eight-armed spear to run at full speed, and no one in the ruins could catch up with him.

As he ran, he glanced back at the eight second-tier masters behind him.

He decided to take out a few more.

To reduce the threat for the upcoming battle.


This time, the other party’s ambush plan had considered almost everything.

The people chasing him had a perfect professional mix, including close combat, magic, crowd control, and tracking… all different professions were represented.

But probably because he had just killed two people, the eight people behind him didn’t act rashly, hanging back without getting too close.

Oh, to be precise, seven were running, and one was flying in the sky.

Su’en looked up and glanced at the big bat.

This guy had a pair of bat-wing prosthetics and was a well-known bounty hunter, “Darkwing Killer” Deke Wellman, specializing in long-range sonic attacks. He had a very high agility attribute and was not weak in close combat. But defense was his weak point.

This guy probably thought Su’en couldn’t do anything to him, flying in the sky all the way and spewing sonic attacks all the way. It was like a range bombardment, blowing holes everywhere around Su’en.

If Su’en’s own agility attribute wasn’t low, just these “sonic cannons” would be enough to give him a hard time.

But the other party had come prepared, and Su’en was not without preparation.

He had carefully analyzed the information on the pursuers and knew who among them was the best to kill.

This Deke was one of the priority targets for killing.

It looked like Su’en was fleeing in a sorry state, but in reality, everything was still within his expectations.

Just then, Su’en saw the opportunity and suddenly took out a bunch of mechanical spiders from the storage ring.

The mechanical spiders landed and scurried around, fanning out in a semicircle.

Even in this complex terrain of the ruins, they were not restricted and could climb walls and flip stones, moving very quickly.

The pursuers behind him didn’t know what Su’en was up to, but seeing his “abnormal” behavior, no one dared to approach directly. They all showed their defensive measures and hesitated in their movements when the mechanical spiders ran towards them, all showing their defensive measures and hesitating in their movements.





A series of explosions rang out, and dozens of mechanical spiders burst open.

The thick smoke quickly obscured a large area of the field of view.

Those people thought Su’en was trying to escape by disrupting their vision, and there was an urgent shout in the communicator: “He’s trying to escape, Wellman, you go after him!”

The other seven were all in the smoke, and only Deke in the sky had an unrestricted view, so the task of pursuit naturally fell to him.


Before the words had even fallen,

A big bat burst out of the thick fog.

And at this moment, he had no idea that Su’en had taken advantage of the explosion just now to release the secondary implant.

[The Tears of the Wailing Witch] will render the user completely transparent after being infused with dark spiritual power.

If someone could sense energy fluctuations, they would definitely be able to “see” Su’en at this moment, as he was covered in transparent tentacles that floated all over his body. Those tentacles continued to extend towards the sky, increasing in number…

Bats could fly,

But its special structure allowed Wellman to be agile enough to easily dodge bullet shots.

But it couldn’t fly very high.

This guy had been chasing Su’en all the way, and suddenly felt a strange sensation around his body, feeling a little palpitation.

But being alert was one thing, he couldn’t just stop chasing, right?

Neither the sonic waves nor his vision revealed anything unusual, so he didn’t think much of it.

But as he flew, Wellman suddenly saw the “Su’en” hanging below him make a grabbing motion in the air.

A sense of crisis suddenly descended on him.

Wellman was on guard against Su’en controlling the puppets around him to attack, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, his expression changing drastically.

Because at this moment, he found that countless silver threads had suddenly condensed around his body.

He immediately realized what was happening and exclaimed in alarm, “The [Thousand Threads] implant… damn it! Wasn’t this kid supposed to be a first-tier professional? He’s actually a second-tier professional!”

The Su’en on the ground’s pupils suddenly contracted, not giving him a chance to fly away.

His hands deftly manipulated the threads, and with the help of a few spears, he suddenly grabbed them and lightly exclaimed, “Secret Technique: Caged Bird!”

Then, the silver threads in his hands suddenly went taut!


Puppeteers not only used puppets to fight, but the threads were also a deadly weapon. Especially when fused with the [Thousand Threads] implant, a puppeteer could control countless threads!

This control technique of [Caged Bird] was the unique technique he had found in the storage ring of the “Magician” Lloyd.

Using a large amount of thread, he controlled the target.Originally, this was a technique that could only be performed in his “Puppet Theater,” but now Su’en had the elementalized witch’s hair, which made this spell even more deadly and invisible!

Wilman was completely surrounded by silver hair, with nowhere to escape.

Even if his bat wings were agile and he wanted to fly away, it was in vain!

For at that moment, the threads around him had already tightened, trapping him as snugly as a cocoon.

With his bat wings restricted and unable to take flight, his throat was slit by countless threads, and though he tried to use sonic waves, not a single sound could escape his throat.

No matter how exquisite your martial skills or how agile your movements, once trapped, you can forget about moving.

What does it matter if you can break a hundred strands of hair?

There are still a thousand, ten thousand more!

Su’en’s “Thousand Threads” alchemical augmentation, its main material is the “Infinite Hair”!

Witch mages also possess the powerful ability of “intermittency”; even if broken, it can be reconnected!

It was the moment these threads took control of the enemy that Su’en on the ground surged with cold flames, pulling the threads with great force, and his body shot up. At the same time, several sharp spider spears revealed their poisonous tips, thrusting forward in anticipation.

One falling, one springing up, the two figures were like magnets drawn to each other, “whoosh” colliding in an instant.

After advancing to the second tier, the laws of magic were elevated, and Su’en’s “No Servant” cold flames could easily penetrate the defenses of second-tier assassin professionals!

With that collision, several sharp spider spears easily pierced through Wilman, who was trapped like a mummy.





Four sounds of fabric being pierced rang out.

Throat, heart, both kidneys, four spider spears passed right through, and blood spurted out like arrows.

A moment later, a grey mist emerged.

“Obtained ‘Dek Wilman’s’ memory fragment*2”

“You have learned ‘Introduction to Toxic Potions’”

“You have gained some ‘Sonic Wave Attack Techniques’”

“You have acquired a small amount of ‘Intermediate Rune Knowledge’, alchemy casting experience +11”

“Mental strength +0.4”

Su’en didn’t bother to digest those memory fragments too much. After landing, he retracted the threads and continued to run forward, dragging a “mummy” behind him.


Not far away, those seven second-tier professionals had just rushed out of the smoke, just in time to witness the scene of the spider spears piercing through the body.

The seven of them were completely stunned.

They thought the spider bomb explosions and rising smoke were some kind of lethal tactic, but it turned out to be just ordinary smoke.

But it was their caution that delayed them these few crucial moments.

By the time their vision cleared, they saw another comrade killed…

How did he do it?

Wasn’t Wilman able to fly? How was he tied up and killed?

They didn’t see the dense, invisible threads in the sky, only the “mummy” of their fallen comrade hanging behind “Su’en,” as if it were a silent mockery…

“Keep chasing, watch out not to get separated, that guy’s methods are very strange!”

“Damn it, the intelligence was wrong, Su’en must have advanced to the second tier by now! The Black Scythe hasn’t appeared yet, he’s very likely gone after it, everyone be careful.”

“Has the encircling troop over there gotten into position? Good… we can’t let him escape, drive him that way. Julian, we’ll cover you, get ready to cast…”

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