Chapter 172 – Double kill

The outskirts of the southern city of Dawn Ruins have a “white broken wall”, which is a must-pass route for hunters to go hunting in the southern city, and it is also a landmark building.

The view there is open, not too far from the camp, and behind it is the ruins.

It is suitable as a trading address, as it is able to fight and walk.

Su’en was sure that the people of the Oliver family would be afraid of alerting the enemy and would not dare to ambush in advance.

But he came early for most of the day and observed from a distance.

Everything is going according to his script.


The agreed trading time is two o’clock in the afternoon.

Su’en did not show up early, but waited for the traders to appear before walking out of the ruins.

Three people came from the other side.

“Iron Lame” Maggie Tan was probably afraid of death and did not come in person, but sent a steward and two bodyguards.

It seems that they are not aware of the situation.

The two sides met.

The steward of the goat beard followed the trading procedure and went straight to the point, asking, “Did you bring the money?”

Su’en took out the money bag prepared in advance and said, “I want to see the goods.”

The two sides exchanged things.

With a glance from the Appraisal Eye, the thing was real, the detailed explanation of the art of the “Puppet Theater”.

Su’en was somewhat pleased to receive the secret book, but it was also expected.

If the thing was fake, time would not be delayed.

The guys from the Oliver family probably thought that even if they gave him something real, he would not be able to leave alive.


The steward was still counting the money bag, and the speed at which they counted the money was slightly slow.

They probably received some orders to delay the time.

He pretended not to know and waited patiently.

Because, he was also waiting for the encirclement of the high-level professionals who were going to kill him!

At this time, the steward did not know who he was facing, and thinking of delaying a little time, he casually found a topic.

He looked at the crow’s beak mask on Su’en’s face and found it somewhat familiar, and said with a smile, “Oh… your gas mask is quite unique, it looks like a high-level alchemical item?”

Su’en said directly, “Of course, it’s the ancient cursed item of the ‘Plague Doctor’ Sergei from the Raven Gang.”

Before, he needed to disguise himself, so he modified it into a parrot mask.

Now, with so many debts, he didn’t care about being chased by the Raven Gang.

The steward, who had not realized the seriousness of the situation, raised his eyebrows and smiled, “A replica? Tsk tsk… no wonder it looks so familiar. But speaking of which, the workmanship is really good, even if it’s a replica, it’s a master-level work. It must have cost a lot of money, right?”

Upon hearing this, a sly smile appeared at the corner of Su’en’s mouth, “No, it’s not a replica. I killed that guy, and this is the spoils of war.”


As soon as these words came out, the steward was stunned for a moment.

His gaze unconsciously observed the details of the crow’s beak mask, and he felt that something was wrong.

Thinking of the boss’s instructions to delay the time, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, but he forced a dry smile and said, “Heh… hehe. You really have a sense of humor, sir…”

“Do you think I’m joking?”

Su’en sneered.

Seeing that the time was almost up, and the encirclement was probably closing in, he no longer paid attention to the three people in front of him.

Because at this moment, he suddenly felt a killing intent targeting him.

“Heh heh, it took so long to expose yourself, do you know that I have the ability to sense malice…”

Su’en raised his eyebrows calmly.

He also judged that the one aiming at him was a firearms master.

In such a short time, aiming and shooting, an ordinary sniper couldn’t do it.

Even in this glance, he clearly saw the guy who was shooting from a small hill a kilometer away, it was the “Gun King” Gage who had previously shot through his arm.

But this time, Su’en was not the least bit flustered.

Does the “B-098-Sixth Sense” always hit?

For ordinary professionals, and even the vast majority of second-tier professionals, it is indeed “always hit”.

But here, there is actually a cause-and-effect relationship that has not been clarified.

Gage sniped the target, actually using his ability to predict the target’s prediction, and then pulled the trigger.

Prediction first, then shooting.

But if the target dodges after he shoots, he can also avoid this “sixth sense”.

No one does this, because the bullet from a sniper rifle comes out of the barrel very fast, and ordinary professionals can’t wait to dodge until the bullet comes out of the barrel, that’s equivalent to “waiting to die”.

The previous Su’en couldn’t do it either.

But he can now.

Feeling the sense of being targeted by a killing intent, he did not make any preemptive evasive actions.The enhanced all-knowing eye allowed him to clearly capture the movement of the opponent pulling the trigger.

Then, in the instant when the muzzle spewed out flames, a bullet inscribed with runes also shot out.

At this moment, Su’en’s eyes seemed to slow down everything by a hundred times.

The white smoke of burning gunpowder solidified at the muzzle, forming a white cotton-like flower cluster; the firelight also formed a diamond-shaped beam of light, slowly dimming…

He could even clearly see the bullet leaving the chamber, creating ripples of shockwaves in the air. The recoil caused Gage’s entire body to tremble.

The bullet, too fast for the naked eye to catch, gradually left the chamber and pierced through the air…

Su’en accurately judged that the bullet’s trajectory was aimed at his forehead, then he slightly tilted his head.

At such a distance, his ultra-high nerve reaction speed was enough to easily dodge it.

The bullet whizzed past, creating a gust of wind in its wake.


After the bullet passed, there was a delayed gunshot that sounded like thunder.

In this slow-motion-like action, it seemed like a long time had passed, but in reality, it was just an instant.

No one saw what had happened.

It seemed as if Su’en had casually tilted his head and avoided the fate of being shot in the head.

Gage, who was shooting not far away,

saw this and

his face changed drastically.


This shot, like a command shot that opened the siege.




A burst of signal flares exploded in the sky.

Upon closer inspection, after the signal flares burned, they fell as layers of silver powder.

Like snowfall, it quickly covered the ground.

“Revealing powder…”

Su’en squinted at the silver powder in the sky, a faint smile appearing under his mask.

The Oliver family was well-prepared to deal with him.

With this sky full of revealing powder, there was no way for Su’en to hide any invisible objects nearby.

As a result, even if there were loathsome undead creatures, once they were revealed, their slashing movements could be captured, and they wouldn’t appear out of nowhere to kill people as they did before.

For those second-tier professionals, being able to see the movements was enough to predict them.

This “revealing powder” directly reduced the threat of the Black Sickle by more than half.


Su’en was not surprised by this tactic at all.

Because, through Sabina’s sources of information, he was well aware of the plans of these guys to surround and capture him.

“So, next is a full-on charge by all members?”

Su’en’s eyes narrowed, and he swiftly fired three shots, directly killing the three people in front of him.

His nerve reaction speed was now so fast that even if the other party reached for their gun first, there was no threat.

Then, with a swift hand movement, he conjured eight ferocious spider spears behind him.

Pulling out a sealing scroll, he quickly unfolded it in the air, revealing ten hexagram space sealing patterns drawn on the scroll.

Before the scroll could hit the ground, Su’en quickly clasped his hands together and lightly shouted, “Seal·Release!”

The scroll burst open, and more than ten puppets appeared around him, emitting eerie creaking sounds as their wooden joints moved.

Using the sealing technique from the spatial scroll was much faster than taking them out one by one from the spatial ring!

After doing all this, Su’en ran towards the direction of the ruins.

It looked like he was fleeing, but in reality, he wanted to break through the enemy’s encirclement and kill them one by one!

“Ten second-tier professionals, tsk tsk, the Oliver family really went all out this time…”

As he retreated, Su’en’s eyes took in the entire battle situation.

But what surprised him was that Gage didn’t continue shooting?

Turning back to take a closer look, Su’en saw that the sniper’s position was actually under attack?

A cloaked figure with ghostly agility was entangled in a fight with Gage.

Su’en guessed who the cloaked figure was, and his brow furrowed.

However, there was no time for any other unnecessary actions at this moment.


The other party had already formulated a detailed plan to surround and capture him, and had guessed that Su’en would definitely “flee” towards the ruins.

At the moment when the signal flares exploded in the sky, a second-tier earth mage had already cast a large-scale “quicksand spell”, covering the route that Su’en had to take to escape to the ruins.

When Su’en stepped on it, the solid ground beneath his feet had already turned into soft mud.

In another moment or two, this mud would turn into quicksand.

By then, even the eight-armed spider spears would sink deep into the sand.

This was clearly another tactical move against his escape.


Those guys underestimated Su’en’s current speed.

His agility allowed him to control the eight spears to step precisely on the hard gravel, and then, before the ground completely turned into sand, he leaped out of the quicksand pit that covered a hundred meters.

The two enemies worked in pairs, coordinating and covering for each other.Su’en was in front of him, except for the earth mage, there was also a female mage with flames burning all over her body.

Second-tier professionals are not unknown.

The earth mage is the head of the large hunting team under the Oliver family, “Sand Demon” Horus.

This female mage is none other than the former spell instructor of the Black Tower Academy, now a specially employed and highly paid special offering of the Oliver family, “Sunfire Woman” Virginia Eddie!

A hand of fire spells, hot as the sun.

They looked at Su’en rushing out, not surprised, and the killer moves followed.

Virginia’s eyes were like torches, and the mage’s seal in her hand pinched, and the red six-pointed star under her feet shone brightly, and the flames all over her body turned from red to gold. She murmured softly, “Elemental Secret Art – Golden Scale Fire Python!”

With a wave of the mage’s seal, she pointed forward with both hands, and a golden fire python flashed out like lightning from her fingers.

When it appeared, it was only the thickness of a forearm, but it grew longer in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it became a fierce python about ten meters long and as thick as a barrel. The fire python was covered in golden scales, as if it were not made of elemental matter, but of pure gold, with an unstoppable force.

Where the fire python passed, the ground was charred.

Even though Su’en was still a hundred meters away from the fire python, he could clearly feel the burning heat that reached deep into his lungs.

The surging power of the fire element was like a tsunami, as if it would burn everything to ashes.

It was worthy of being a former spell instructor at the Black Tower Academy, and this move was an impeccable second-tier secret spell.

This spell was fast and had a wide range, and any second-tier professional who came would have to avoid its edge.

Moreover, the spell condensed was not ordinary flames.

Virginia had fused with a special alchemical prosthetic that could cause elemental mutations in her body – the Elemental Heart Core of the Golden Flame Crow.

It was this mutated golden flame that had an extraordinary elemental penetration, creating high temperatures that could even quickly melt steel!


A particularly tricky aspect of area-of-effect spells was that they were almost impossible to block with physical means.

Even if you could use a shield or something to block part of it, the ubiquitous fire element could still cover the target in a 360-degree all-encompassing burn!

Seeing the fire python coming at him, Su’en’s eyes reflected the flames.

Instead of dodging, he raised his hand and conjured an alchemical puppet.

The alchemical puppet stood in front of him, and with a click, its arms suddenly split open into a trumpet shape.

Just as the fire python was only a few meters away, the blue-purple dual-color composite heptagram array on the puppet’s arms suddenly lit up.

The combined power of wind and thunder created a huge vortex of wind that turned into a black hole that swallowed everything.

The ten-meter-long golden python had just rushed up and had not had time to show its ferocity before it plunged into the black hole vortex. The collision was extremely fast, and the golden light disappeared in a flash, and the light around it suddenly dimmed.

This was none other than the latest version of the “Black Hole Puppet” that Mr. Hei had helped make!


Seeing her spell that was sure to succeed being swallowed by a puppet, Virginia’s face changed drastically.

She looked at Su’en, who was charging at her, and immediately realized the danger. Flames surged out of her body, overflowing several meters, and she was completely enveloped in a thick shield of flames.

At almost the same time as the absorption, the alchemical puppet that had absorbed the fire python suddenly opened its mouth and spat out a mouthful of golden flames.

Looking again, the shrunken three-part fire python was aimed not at the female mage, but at the earth mage, “Sand Demon” Horus!

At such a close distance, there was simply no way to avoid it.

Horus had long since sensed the danger and had already used alchemy when he saw the fire python. The color of his skin instantly lost its blood color and turned into a rocky, earthy yellow.

The fire python surged past, and the figure was completely engulfed in the sea of flames…

However, when the flames went out in an instant, the figure covered in what looked like a diamond armor slowly opened its eyes.

This move had absolutely no effect on “Sand Demon” Horus.

Su’en looked calm, and murmured to himself, “Silver Planting Armor – Scorpion Armor, ah, the defense is indeed extremely strong…”

He was not surprised at all.

Because before he came, he had already obtained detailed information about these ten people.

Prosthetics, abilities, talents…

He knew it all!

Su’en’s speed did not diminish, and in the blink of an eye, he was a hundred meters away.

He did not give the enemy a chance to cast a second spell, and with a wave of his hand, several puppets had already flown past the two people in front of him.

The female mage was surrounded by flames, and any puppet that came near her would be burned to ashes, but… Su’en had a “PZ-911 Mechanical Limb” in his hand!

It had been difficult to control before, but now it was completely unobstructed.The dagger made of Amandium on the mechanical limb was designed to penetrate all kinds of elemental shields!

Moreover, the fully elementalized witch’s hair was not afraid of burning at all.

The mechanical puppet had no fear of flames and pounced with a leap.

No need for any fancy moves, it was like a street thug in a brawl, stabbing her belly with the dagger dozens of times…

Amidst the flames, two figures entangled in a sorry state.

One can only imagine the fate of a fire sorcerer with a frail body when someone gets close.

Virginia’s professional advancement was towards elemental mutation; she had almost given up on defense for the sake of maximizing damage.

Originally, with the ‘Sand Demon’ Horus’s strong defense, there was no problem in self-preservation, let alone killing.

But how could Su’en give him a chance to be rescued?

Su’en had more than just two hands; his eight spider lances could run, jump, and control puppets!

While Virginia and the mechanical puppet were engaged in close combat, several strange puppets had already firmly clung to Horus’s legs.

This earth sorcerer had condensed rich earth elements under his feet early on for the fight.

Now that the puppets clung to him, they immediately began to voraciously absorb the earth elements, instantly weighing a thousand pounds.

These were the “Lead Sinker Dolls”!

With these thousand-pound dolls clinging to him, Horus was so hindered that he could hardly move.

Naturally, Su’en did not expect the two control-type dolls to harm this guy protected by rock armor.

He raised his hand and drew the “Thunder Serpent”; the moment the gun was aimed, he fired four shots in succession.

Four streaks of lightning burst from the barrel, like a single line…

Horus, unable to move, had already prepared his defense, confident that even a peer in his profession would not be able to break through his earth elemental armor in a short time.

What more a musket?

But hearing the nearly straight line of four gunshots, his face changed drastically, suddenly realizing something: “Firearms Mystique: Multiple Overlapping Shots!”

How could there be four flashes of fire?!

Horus’s face changed drastically in an instant, his eyes showing disbelief.

He had heard of this mystique of firearms, the signature gun technique of the firearms master ‘Blind Probe’ Bill, capable of easily penetrating armor.

However, this mystique placed an enormous strain on the shooter’s body, and even that firearms master could only perform the triple shot. That was already the limit for a gunman.

Even a triple shot might break his elemental armor, but it wouldn’t be fatal…

But what was this “Quadruple Shot”?

Reality didn’t give Horus time to wonder; four armor-piercing bullets hit him in the forehead in succession.

The first impact of the armor-piercing bullet shattered a thin layer, but the condensed earth elements rippled like water waves.

The second impact caused tiny cracks in the elemental armor, with the ripples growing larger.

The third impact broke through the elemental armor, but after penetrating it, the force was exhausted.

The fourth, the bullet shot straight through the skull, a headshot.

Blood exploded before his eyes, and “Grey Mist” immediately emerged from the corpse.

The ‘Sand Demon’ Horus died on the spot.

Not far away, ‘Sunflame Lady’ Virginia, who was grappling with the mechanical puppet, was also stabbed dozens of times, her fire elemental shield flickered and dissipated, her life already extinguished.

In a single encounter, Su’en had already slain two second-tier professionals.

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