Chapter 166 – Night break into the bathroom

Su’en walked towards the Dawn City camp.

One person was too conspicuous, so he blended in with the caravan.

The development of Old Lingdun City was in full swing, and more and more caravans and pioneers came to the ruins.

The narrow path in the underground a few months ago has now become a cement road, with a constant flow of people coming and going.

It seemed to Su’en that these caravans were of much higher quality than a month ago. Many professionals who were not short of money were also mixed in the crowd.

Listening in on the conversation in the crowd, Su’en discovered that these people were actually the bodyguards of the major families and tycoons, seemingly here to take the lead.

The Reis family, the Leonard family, the Rockefeller family, DuPont, Morgan…

The people in the caravan were talking, and it seemed that the top tycoons in the inner city had sent people to participate.

“Is the inner city also participating in the development?”

Pioneering was originally an opportunity for the poor people in the outer city to earn a living at the cost of their lives. People from the inner city would hardly participate, at least not their direct descendants.

But now, things were different.

Su’en thought of what Mr. Black had said before, that there would be a hunting frenzy recently. It was said that the high-level figures in the Black Tower seemed to be planning to fully develop the central and core areas of Dawn City, and had ordered the major families in the inner city to send experts over.

After listening for a while, Su’en got some fragmented information.

He also had some thoughts in his mind.


From a distance, Su’en saw several wanted posters posted at the city gate.

The top two, of course, were Number Nineteen and himself, Su’en.

As he had expected, because of the frequent “major crimes” recently, he had finally become one of the only two “SS-level wanted criminals” in Old Lingdun.

The official reward amount had reached five million and a pile of other things, and the Oliver family had also added a substantial reward…

However, he looked at it and realized that the situation didn’t seem too bad.

The wanted posters still showed his previous bald punk face.

But because it was an “SS wanted poster,” the information on it was very detailed.

Some major features were described in detail, such as being skilled in using dual guns, a puppet master, accompanied by a blue-skinned giant, and having two banned items, the “Night Reaper of Supnos” and the “Shroud of the Ice Man”…

The bounty experts even analyzed the models of the dual guns, down to the names “Blue Ghost” and “Thunder Snake.”

Not only his height, shoulder width, weight, shoe size… but also his aversion to the undead.

It could be said that everything Su’en had previously exposed had been meticulously recorded on the wanted poster.

If he still had his previous bald image, no matter how he disguised himself, he would be discovered by the bounty hunters when entering the city, let alone carrying the obvious burden of the aversion to the undead and the Reaper.

For ordinary wanted criminals, there was really nowhere to escape from this level of wanted poster.

But there was one thing that made Su’en slightly puzzled.

He found that his current long-haired appearance was not on the wanted poster.

But Su’en didn’t harbor any illusions.

Although he had worn a mask that night, Sabina had only seen half of his face.

But he always felt that Sabina wouldn’t let go of such good information.


Caravans of all sizes lined up at the camp gate to enter the city.

Because there were too many people, there was a long line at the city gate.

Su’en felt that it was probably because of the last time he and Number Nineteen had caused a commotion in the city, and the city’s defenses and guards had clearly been strengthened a lot.

The number of inspection outposts had doubled, and there were also armed inspection teams with white helmets, seemingly to prevent the outposts from taking bribes…

Everyone had to take off their hats and masks for inspection, and the large goods of each caravan had to be opened.

It was obvious that some “plainclothes” were mixed in the queue, their eyes wandering around the crowd, looking for suspicious individuals.

Su’en had already observed the positions of these outposts and knew that he would only have a chance to get close to the city wall by following the caravan.

It took a long time to enter the city, but it didn’t stop people from being in a hurry.

Several makeshift sheds had been built outside the city wall as temporary toilets.

Su’en pretended to be in a hurry and went to a corner behind the toilet, out of sight of the crowd.

He had already observed that this was the closest cover to the city wall.

The city wall was about ten meters thick, and he would need to teleport about ten meters behind the wall to avoid being discovered by the guards.

Su’en was not yet able to teleport over long distances, so this distance was just right.

He was already very skilled in the technique of spatial teleportation, so he found the right direction and made a warlock’s seal, and a dark portal appeared.

Stepping through, he looked around, and he had already appeared in the city.


“A little bit of a small error, not bad…”

Su’en looked at the landing spot and smiled lightly.He straightened his suit, lowered the brim of his top hat, and headed towards the city streets.

The Black Baron’s Tavern was the territory of the Steam Party, and Sabina, as the gang’s big sister, naturally frequented the place.

This time, Su’en didn’t dare to go directly to the Black Baron’s, for fear of encountering something from beyond the domain and being recognized early.

So he chose a small tavern a few shops away, found a position by the window where he could see the Black Baron’s, and ordered a drink. He listened to the hunters in the tavern talk nonsense, and got a general idea of what had happened recently.

In addition to those hunting reports, he also heard the name “S wanted criminal Su’en” many times, but mostly with a flattering tone.

Listening to it made him, the protagonist, occasionally unable to help but smile.

At the table next to him, there was a big-bearded man boasting about his encounter with “Su’en.”

“Hey, let me tell you, I also met ‘S wanted Su’en’ at the 1911 Hotel last time. That battle was amazing, hundreds of people surrounded and killed him, and even a few leaders of large hunting parties failed to catch him and were killed in return…”

“I heard that Su’en is actually a third-tier professional. The bounty guild guys deliberately downplay it, just afraid that no one dares to provide them with information…”

“That’s right! Even with that banned item in hand, how could a first-tier professional kill from Old Lingdun to Dawn City? Do they really think all those people in the inner city are useless?”

“That person is really something. I heard he came from the slums, and later fought his way out in the gang, and that’s how he is now…”

“Huh, how come I heard that he used to be a bodyguard in the inner city…”

Various rumors and gossip came out of the mouths of the drinkers, and Su’en, the protagonist, couldn’t help but wonder if the “protagonist” in the story was himself.

For ordinary hunters struggling to survive in the lower levels, the bounty on wanted criminals was too far away, and it was just a story to listen to after dinner.

In a hard life, there must always be some fun. Suddenly, there was someone who could make the big tycoons suffer, and they were happy to see it.

Su’en, on the other hand, was a “legendary figure” in their eyes.


Su’en waited in the tavern for nearly three hours.

Finally, near midnight, he saw the person he had been waiting for.

At the entrance of the Black Baron’s Tavern, a fox-fur woman finally appeared.

Even from a distance, one could see the glamorous woman, as if she were under a spotlight on stage, chatting and laughing among a group of men. Naturally, she was the charming big sister of the gang.

She seemed to have made a deal with some of the big shots from the inner city and left the tavern.

The tipsy old gentlemen, supported by the scantily clad tavern girls, smiled and bid her farewell, heading to the upscale hotel next door.

Sabina led a group of Steam Party cadres and henchmen towards another hotel.

It looked like they were planning to rest.

Tommy was also in the group, and it seemed that in the past month, he had been trained by the methods of the big sister of the gang, losing his temper, not being gagged, and not speaking, keeping a straight face the whole time.

Spiritual professionals have a strong sense of perception, and Su’en didn’t dare to look directly at them. His dilated pupils took in everything.

As the group of people entered the three-story building, he didn’t rush out.

After a moment, he saw the lights in a room on the third floor of the hotel suddenly come on, and then he left the tavern.

Su’en walked down the street, passing by the entrance of a building called the “Starry Inn” without stopping. He listened for a moment and was able to roughly identify the distribution of the personnel. The Steam Party’s henchmen were playing cards and bragging in the lobby on the first floor.

Su’en avoided the gaze of others and turned into a small alley behind the hotel.

It looked like the defenses were lax, and he could climb the wall to get upstairs.

But Su’en looked at the inconspicuous warning devices on the wall and thought to himself, “Huh, it’s no wonder they’re in the intelligence business, they’re careful enough…”

Since realizing his spatial abilities, he had added the concept of space to his perception system, and even with his eyes closed, he could clearly discern the structure of buildings within a certain range.

For example, the room on the third floor with the light on, he could clearly distinguish the partition, the bed, the cabinet…

This way, he wouldn’t teleport over and end up in the wall.


Since he had decided to take action, Su’en didn’t hesitate.

With a pinch of the warlock seal, the eight-armed spider spear was revealed, and a void black hole appeared out of thin air. He stepped into it.

When he took another step, he was already in the room on the third floor.

The room was spacious, and the dim warm-colored lights illuminated the luxurious interior of the room, with a faint mist in the air.

There was no one on the bed, and a white fox fur and a silk dress were hanging on the coat rack. There were also scattered white lace underwear on the bed, and a pair of high heels by the door…Su’en saw these things and immediately confirmed that he had not judged wrong.

This was Sabina’s room!

He heard the sound of water in the bathroom and without any hesitation, he rushed straight towards the bathroom.

The person in the bathroom also reacted extremely quickly. It seemed that she heard the faint sound of someone entering the room, and suddenly there was a “splash” sound, like the sound of water pouring out.

Unfortunately, Su’en, who was prepared, was even faster!

With the agility of his eight-armed spider spear, he moved at an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in the bathroom.

Su’en didn’t give the enemy any chance to react. As soon as he entered the bathroom, he punched her in the stomach, interrupting her attempt to grab a gold bracelet from the washstand.

At this moment, the Sabina in front of him had already transformed into a succubus, with eerie red light emanating from her eyes.

After taking a heavy blow from the cold flame, her dark spiritual power stagnated.

As a high-level professional, even though she was ambushed, she still had some resistance.

But Sabina chose to retreat decisively. The enemy who had entered the room without making a sound gave her an extremely deadly sense of threat!

After this punch, her body suddenly exploded into a cloud of pink mist, which was her innate succubus ability, just like the day she escaped.

Unfortunately, Su’en had already anticipated this.

After the punch shattered her delicate body, he narrowed his eyes, clapped his hands rapidly, and the warlock’s seal was instantly formed. The surrounding space seemed to solidify.

As soon as the pink mist dissipated and she tried to escape, she reappeared just a meter away.

Like a flash hitting a wall, she was momentarily stunned.

Sabina looked at herself still in the bathroom, a hint of surprise on her pretty face.

But this time, she was not given a chance to escape. A large iron clamp had already lurked around her neck.

In that instant, Sabina’s face changed drastically, and she exclaimed in her heart, “Space Lock!”

She found that when her neck was pinched by that hand, her whole body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, not only unable to cast spells to escape, but even struggling was restricted.

The other party obviously knew her abilities and came prepared, which restrained her means of escape.

Space control was a very rare ability.

The first thing that came to her mind was to search for what kind of enemy would have such an ability.

But without her having to think, looking at the eight-armed spider spear in front of her, Sabina already knew who the person was.


Su’en didn’t give Sabina any chance to resist. In the moment he controlled her, the two dark and flowing “poisonous thorns” of the spider spear had already pierced within a centimeter of her eyes. If she made any movement, the spear would penetrate her eye sockets and pierce her brain.

And it wasn’t over yet!

In order to restrict her movements, several other spears pulled out countless silver threads, enveloping her entire body in a large net. The threads cut into her flesh, making it impossible for her to even form hand seals, let alone move her fingers.

Space restriction + threads + spears…

Completely defenseless, Sabina was controlled by Su’en in a very embarrassing position against the bathroom wall.

The whole process was done in one go, and Su’en didn’t say a word. He took out a sharp dagger and directly cut a wound on her arm.

This dagger, forged with “Amande metal” and dismantled from the “PZ911 mechanical limb,” had an extremely strong anti-magic effect.

With just one cut, it pierced through the layer of jelly-like defense barrier on Sabina’s skin, causing blood to flow.

Seeing the blood, Su’en took out a parchment that had been prepared in advance to draw a complex covenant seal, and then dripped the blood onto it.

The parchment absorbed the blood, and a spiritual light emanated from it.

Seeing this strange action, Sabina’s face finally changed.

She realized that things were not looking good.

However, she was ultimately a top-level intelligence officer in the Umbrella organization, and her mentality and strength were top-notch. She showed a flash of surprise but quickly regained her composure.

She suddenly stopped struggling, and didn’t feel the least bit ashamed of her current naked state. Instead, she stretched out her body openly, as if she wanted the man in front of her to see everything clearly.

Her red pupils emitted a strange light, and a wave of spiritual power quietly emanated.

A unique fragrance that made hormones surge filled the air…

Unfortunately, the two spears in front of her blocked most of her vision, making her unable to move.

With a glance, she also saw a pair of almost numb eyes, faintly tinged with red, completely unaffected by desire.

Sabina was very familiar with this gaze.

This was a sign that the guy in front of her was about to release the monster from the depths of his heart.

Back then, she had almost suffered a great loss at the hands of this red-eyed monster.

Seeing Su’en preparing to inject a potion into his neck, Sabina’s heart sank.

An advanced calming potion?At this moment, she realized that the other party had a masterful understanding of the succubus’s abilities, having calculated every move to perfection.

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