Chapter 149 – Suddenly became handsome and compelling

“The concentration of dark spiritual power is at least ten times stronger than before…”

Su’en looked at the attribute panel, his expression somewhat complicated, neither feeling good nor feeling bad.

No wonder those pursuers didn’t dare to chase after him.

After the dense mist, the dark spiritual power gushed out like a spring, permeating everywhere. This was not something an ordinary person could bear, nor was it a high distortion concentration that could be filtered by a gas mask.

The normal concentration of dark spiritual power was like the cold wind of winter, a cool breeze entering the body with each breath, slightly chilly. But the current concentration was like ice blades, cutting the throat with each breath.


Su’en knew that this value was “dangerous,” but his body honestly felt a thread-like comfort.

Since the mist filled the air, he had already noticed the change in dark spiritual power and had been carefully observing the data on his body, fearing any accidents.

But he found that there were no signs of distortion at all.

Even now, when the dark spiritual power had reached such a terrifying level, he still didn’t feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary… with each breath, his own dark spiritual power value increased.

His body was crazily absorbing the special energy in the air, and this energy was also transforming his body.

Because there were no reference examples, Su’en could only judge based on his own feelings: as the data increased without any distortion, this should be a good thing.

He knew that this abnormality in his body was definitely related to the increase in dark spiritual power tolerance caused by the “X Serum.”


Not to mention that the mist outside had become so dense that it was impossible to see or walk normally.

Since there were no signs of distortion, Su’en was not in a hurry to leave the bunker.

And… it seemed like he couldn’t leave either.

Although he couldn’t see, Su’en could hear many disturbing sounds coming from all directions after the dense fog spread.

Sounds like the heavy footsteps of a very large monster, thud, thud, thud…

Sounds like the crunching of chewing with skin and bones, crack, crack, crack…

Sounds like the miserable screams of some distorted monsters being bitten to death…

As Su’en listened to these terrifying sounds becoming more and more numerous, he sealed off all the ventilation ducts, not daring to leak any breath.

He knew that he seemed to have encountered a phenomenon similar to a “beast tide,” a large-scale activity of distorted monsters…

However, Su’en’s mentality was still good.

Since he couldn’t leave, he would calmly recuperate here.

He had enough food and water stored in his storage ring, and the bunker was sturdy enough, so he didn’t have to worry about safety for the time being.

The mist in the ruins was flowing, so this abnormal activity should be temporary.

Even if small monsters discovered him and rushed into the bunker, he believed that he could protect himself from the loathing undead and black reapers.

At least, in the current situation, it was much better than being chased and blocked by the Oliver family.

Su’en prepared some food for himself and then sat cross-legged, meditating.

This meditation lasted for a night.

Although there was no distinction between day and night in the ruins, it was obvious that the monsters were more active during the “nighttime.”

When dawn came, the mist showed no signs of dissipating.

But Su’en felt pretty good.

Over the course of the night, his body’s powerful healing ability had already recovered most of his injuries. Although there was still a slight tingling sensation when pressing on his chest, the recovery efficiency was already very satisfactory.

And after meditating for a night, Su’en felt refreshed.

On the data panel, the upper limit of his dark spiritual power visibly soared.

After advancing to a professional, meditating for a night in Old Lingdun would usually increase his dark spiritual power value by 7 to 8 units. But in this Dawn City ruins, Su’en had skyrocketed by more than 100 units overnight!

Moreover, there were no signs of distortion caused by the rapid absorption of dark spiritual power or any other negative effects.

Although Su’en knew that the “X Serum” would enhance the body’s tolerance to dark spiritual power, he was still quite surprised by this effect.

Last night, he meditated cautiously. If he absorbed without any scruples, the value might have increased several times more.

At this rate of cultivation, in about a month, his dark spiritual power value would reach the limit his body could bear. That would be a value several times more exaggerated than the dark spiritual power requirement for ordinary professionals to advance to the second stage.

From this perspective, this “mist tide” was not only harmless to him but also an excellent aid for cultivation.

Su’en also speculated that the “unrecognized creature” that extracted the serum might live in this highly concentrated dark spiritual power environment, and its bloodline was very suitable for survival in this environment. Su’en injected the serum and now obtained some of the peculiar characteristics of this bloodline…

And because his dark spiritual power value had increased significantly, Su’en also discovered a good phenomenon, which was that the blue color of his skin was rapidly fading.

Because of the All-Knowing Eye, he could accurately discern the changes in his skin color data.

Although there was almost no visible change to the naked eye after just one night, the data indicated that the rate of fading was several times faster than yesterday.

The raging dark spiritual power surged in, catalyzing the absorption of the serum and greatly shortening the absorption process.

Originally, it was estimated that it would take at least four to six months to digest the serum, but now it seemed unnecessary.


The second day, the third day, the fourth day…

The mist showed no signs of dissipating,

And the monsters outside became more and more active.And so, Su’en passively stayed in this narrow bunker and didn’t go out.

During this period, he encountered several distorted monsters passing by, including small groups of distorted monsters and several times terrifying large distorted monsters.

Fortunately, the small distorted monsters couldn’t destroy the sturdy bunker and left after a few attempts.

As for those giant monsters, although they discovered him, they didn’t pay any attention to him. It was probably like humans seeing a mouse in a small hole on the roadside, not interested enough to even plug the gap with their teeth.

Occasionally, there would be one or two large monsters that smelled something and curiously scratched with their claws. However, the bunker was strong enough, and they all safely passed by without incident.

And so, without realizing it, a month passed.

Su’en’s body also underwent earth-shattering changes.


On this day, inside the bunker.

Su’en was meditating.

Since the gas mask was useless, he didn’t wear it anymore.

However, that face was no longer the appearance of a blue-skinned bald weirdo from a month ago. His skin color returned to normal, and he grew a thick head of hair, even his eyebrows grew out.

Without the dark punk-style smoky makeup, this angular face suddenly became handsome and compelling.

This was not Su’en’s illusion, but the intuitive data on the attribute panel.

“My charm value has increased to 12?”

When Su’en discovered that the fixed value of charm had changed, he was also surprised.

Then, in this month, as he completely digested the “x serum,” his charm value increased from 9 to the current 12.

From his observation, this data would hardly change with the enhancement of strength. Unless it was someone like Sabina from the Steam Party he encountered before, who had the talent for charm, the normal value for a person would not exceed 10.

The only explanation was that the serum not only made the body stronger but also had the special ability to optimize human appearance.

He speculated that perhaps the indescribable creature that extracted the “x serum” was naturally good-looking?

Su’en didn’t pay much attention to it, as it wasn’t a bad thing.

Moreover, the change in appearance suited him.

At least now, he didn’t have to continue shaving his head and go for the dark punk style.

The previous disguise was to conceal his appearance and avoid being recognized by bounty hunters.

Now, the wanted poster with his bald image was posted everywhere, so it was inappropriate to maintain the bald punk image.

And now that his hair had grown out, it was perfect.

Moreover, his appearance almost completely disregarded the wanted poster of the original owner. Because Su’en believed that no one would associate his current appearance with the original owner, “Fick Regadi.”

Not to mention the earth-shattering change in temperament, the 3 points of charm were displayed on his face, making it seem like he had changed his face.

Moreover, even the body dimensions such as shoulder width, waist circumference, and hip circumference… were completely different from a month ago.

After completely digesting the “x serum,” Su’en’s strength skyrocketed, his bones became tougher, and all of it increased two to three times. However, his body’s muscle dimensions did not turn into a burly man but became more slender and symmetrical.

But he felt that it was just right.

Muscles with too large dimensions would hinder flexibility for both a puppeteer and a gunman.

And the most exaggerated thing was Su’en’s current dark spirit power!

From the previous upper limit of 2214 points a month ago, it had now soared to 23332, nearly ten times higher.

This was already an extremely exaggerated number.

To advance to the second rank as an ordinary practitioner, a minimum of around 7000 points of dark spirit power was needed, which would be enough to successfully fuse black iron materials for advancement. Even some high-demand silver materials would only require around 10000 points. (Rank advancement condition: Material compatibility + current rank dark spirit power reaching a certain value)

But now, Su’en had reached an astonishing more than twice that amount.

Even when he used the Hagrid Breathing Technique to meditate, he felt that there was still a small increase in space.

Although Su’en didn’t know what was special about such a large amount of dark spirit power, he guessed that it had a direct relationship with advancing to higher ranks. The more solid the foundation of dark spirit power at a low rank, the easier it would be to advance to higher ranks, and the higher the upper limit.

Another immediately visible benefit was that he temporarily didn’t lack mana much.

Just by controlling the first-rank Eight-Armed Spider Spear, he could now maintain the state of exoskeleton for a long time.

Using the Witch’s Hair to control puppets, the distance he could control them had also increased…


This month passed, and the mist around gradually dissipated.

Estimating that in a few more days, this wave of “mist tide” would probably come to an end.

The food and fresh water prepared in the storage ring were almost consumed.

The “x serum” had also been absorbed.

Su’en felt that it was time to leave the ruins.

After all, this ruin was not a good place.

Su’en thought that even if the large army of Oliver’s family that was hunting him continued to wait, they probably wouldn’t stay in the ruins for a month.

Moreover, even if he appeared in front of those bounty hunters, most likely no one would recognize him with his handsome and compelling face as the “S-rank wanted criminal Su’en” with the previous smoky bald appearance.


On this day.

The mist had almost returned to normal levels, and there were no more sounds of large distorted monsters around the bunker.Su’en opened the ventilation duct and carefully observed the scene. In the distance, he could see several two-headed, humanoid goat monsters leisurely feeding on the foggy walls of Old Lingdun – the “Fallen Goatmen”.

Eating grass?

No, they were gnawing on the bones of their prey.



The sound was enough to send chills down one’s spine.

Su’en had been observing them for nearly two days now.

There were about fifty-six of these upright goat monsters. They appeared docile, but in reality, they were ferocious. They were fast, capable of jumping and bounding, and their sharp teeth and jaws could easily crush stones.

Especially the leader of the goat monsters, who was as large as a bull, had strength not inferior to a second-tier melee professional. The group could easily kill large prey when they surrounded it. They were not to be underestimated.

Su’en had a black scythe in his hand, and his strength had surged, so he wasn’t afraid of these creatures.

But he didn’t want to start a fight as soon as he left the bunker.

After all, this was the central ring of Dawn City, and the mutated monsters in the vicinity were not just them.

After observing for a while, the group of monsters showed no signs of leaving.

Su’en figured he might have to wait another day.

Once they finished eating the food they had caught yesterday, they would probably leave.


After observing for a while,

Su’en closed the ventilation window and prepared some food for himself.

He broke the black bread into pieces, added some of his homemade “instant noodle seasoning packet”, and chewed it down.

However, this was just an occasional act to satisfy his taste buds and fill his stomach.

The main source of nutrition was still the direct injection of nutrient solution.

Digesting the “X serum” to enhance his physical body over the past month required a lot of energy, and he relied on these nutrient solutions to get through the day.

Su’en had a simple meal.

Then he took out the puppetry books and started reading.

During this time, he had carefully read through the puppetry books from his spoils of war, and had made up for his lack of puppet manipulation skills.

He also learned that there were so many tricks and shortcuts to puppet manipulation…

Playing with puppets and being a professional puppeteer were two completely different things.

As he was reading, he looked at the golden blueprint of the “Thousand Threads – Lion’s Song” in the pile of books.

He had been coveting this thing for a month now.

He not only had the blueprint, but also the main material, the “Skull of the Weeping Witch”, and even the refining materials were all found in his previous spoils of war.

But Su’en, who had studied the blueprint no less than ten times, was still helpless.

He was facing the same problem as when he got the blueprint for the “Eight-Armed Spider Spear”.

Although he had been learning and progressing during this time, and his level of refining equipment was not low,

But this second-tier golden blueprint plus dark gold materials, without master-level skills, he didn’t dare to touch it.

He really didn’t have the confidence, and he didn’t dare to waste the materials by trying recklessly.

So he thought of “Mr. Black”.

Unfortunately… that mysterious person was probably in the black market of Old Lingdun at the moment.

Su’en didn’t dwell on the blueprint issue and continued to read the books attentively.

But as he was reading, his ears suddenly perked up, and he exclaimed in surprise, “The fog has cleared, how could there be another ‘big guy’?”

Then, like an earthquake, the ground began to tremble.

He was used to this situation. Every time a large monster passed by, there would be this kind of noise. The bunker was like a speaker lying on the ground, making the sound particularly clear.

But… this time it sounded a bit different.

“Is it a fight between large monsters?”

Su’en immediately noticed the “boom”, “boom” of the urgent tremors, which didn’t sound like a monster walking, but like a fight?

And it wasn’t the small noise of hunting, but the noise of a fierce battle between equals!

Fights between large monsters were very dangerous. These monsters could spit wind, spray fire, pour water… The ancient buildings in the city were so badly damaged because of these big monsters.

Thinking of this, Su’en didn’t dare to take it lightly and opened the ventilation window to look out.

A huge mutated monster came into view.

But what surprised Su’en more was the “opponent” fighting the monster!

He originally thought it was two monsters fighting, but when he looked…

The monster that was constantly wailing was actually being attacked by several humans?!

Upon closer inspection, Su’en’s gaze froze, and he was filled with disbelief: “Is someone actually daring to take on such a high-level monster?”

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