Chapter 131 – Diviner

The underground cave is not the same as the city of Old Lingdun. If he really wants to take action, he has no scruples.

Su’en can kill them and retreat calmly.

With this complex terrain, even if ten times the number of pursuers from Old Lingdun were to come, they might not be able to catch up to him.

But in doing so, his plan to quietly go to Dawn City will be ruined, and his identity as “Johnny” will have to be abandoned.

But it seems that there is no other choice but to take action now.


“Hey… you, take off your mask!”

Su’en was being urged by the guy from the “Iron Cavalry” on the opposite side to take off his mask.

After all, it was the time for the camp to rest, and most of the people in the transport team were not wearing gas masks. As the guy passed by, he naturally noticed that Su’en was different.

Seeing that Su’en didn’t make a move, the guy’s gun also lifted slightly, as if he would shoot immediately if he sensed something wrong.

The mask definitely cannot be taken off, as it would definitely cause problems.

Listening to the urging, Su’en didn’t really care about this guy in front of him. Judging from his subtle movements with the gun, Su’en guessed that this guy wasn’t even a professional, so his threat was limited.

Su’en’s peripheral vision was always focused on the “Flower Sword” Hall in the distance.

If he were to take action, this person must be eliminated first to ensure that the battle would not have any unexpected incidents.

However, just as Su’en was about to exert a little force with his fingers, preparing to control the “Invisible Zombie” behind him to strike the second-tier professional with a single blow.


“The Knights” a few others who were searching in the camp discovered something and shouted, “Captain, I found this!”

This urgent shout attracted the attention of everyone in the camp.

Su’en also looked over and saw that the person was holding a damaged mechanical arm, which was surprisingly a severed arm of a living person. However, the tattered synthetic skin reflected a metallic luster, and there was no blood at the severed end, but rather some damaged complex high-precision mechanical parts.

While others looked puzzled, Su’en was familiar with it and thought to himself, “【px-911 Mechanical Limb】?”

The reason why he was familiar with it was because there were parts of this mechanical limb that had been disassembled in the puppetry items in his storage ring.

Seeing this severed arm, Su’en also realized that the woman used a severed arm to attract certain tracking abilities of the enemy.

Obviously, the “Flower Sword” Hall also realized this, and his face became very ugly.

Finding the mechanical arm meant that they had been “misled” by the wanted criminal, and continuing to stay in the camp would most likely be a waste of time!

Even the guy in front of Su’en had no intention of urging him to take off his mask anymore.

He was not in a hurry to take action either.

With the top boss being assassinated and Hall facing great pressure, he turned his head to look at the man in the team wearing a black silk top hat and asked, “Harkins, how long until you can use your divination ability again?”

Upon hearing this, the man named Harkins showed a difficult expression on his face, “At least another two hours.”

Hall shook his head, “What about now?”

Harkins originally wanted to say that it was impossible, but looking at the captain’s pale face, he knew he couldn’t refuse, “I’ll try.”

With that, this guy stabbed the silver handle of the staff he was holding into the ground, and then clasped his hands in a wizard’s seal. In an instant, a silver hexagram formation appeared under his feet.

Not far away, Su’en was just wondering what these guys were up to when he suddenly realized something from the starry sky symbol that appeared on top of the hexagram formed by the man in the top hat, “Divination?”

Although he had not encountered a professional with this extremely rare and mysterious ability in reality, he had read about it in the textbooks at the Black Tower Academy.

Diviners were truly extremely rare professionals.

They needed certain specific “mediumship talents” to qualify for this profession.

In the whole of Old Lingdun, there might not be more than a few qualified diviners.

However, in the eyes of alchemists, any ability had value.

Abilities like predicting the future and divining good and bad luck, although considered divine skills, came at a great cost and were truly high-risk professions.

If the target of divination was within the diviner’s ability range, it was still manageable, such as finding a lost wallet, which would only cost some energy.

But if the target of divination exceeded one’s own abilities, or if certain taboos were touched upon, the cost could be the loss of life or even unlimited amplification.

For example, when divining an item, if one accidentally glimpsed at an indescribable existence, they would instantly die.

Just as this thought flashed through Su’en’s mind, the hexagram formation under the feet of the man in the top hat had completely lit up.

And miraculously, the silver handle staff that he had placed in the center of the formation seemed to be drawn by an invisible force, swaying slowly in a certain direction, as if guiding something.

The staff kept swaying in one direction, but in the end, it did not fall.

As if something was still missing.

But at this point, the diviner Harkins seemed to be struggling. He recited an incantation with his mouth, and his whole body trembled.

Seeing that the divination had no result, he gritted his teeth and took out a crystal necklace.

As soon as the crystal necklace appeared, a faint blue light instantly enveloped the alchemy formation.

With a “clang,” his palm suddenly touched the ground and pointed towards a cave in the southwest.

The necklace also floated up, and the triangular crystal pointed in the same direction like an arrow.However, at the same time, the diviner Hawkins seemed to be hit by an invisible heavy hammer on his soul, and he suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, his face turning pale. With this mouthful of blood, he seemed to have aged ten years, and his complexion visibly deteriorated.

Hull looked at his subordinate who was spitting blood as if he had expected it, and his face didn’t look good either. “You’ve worked hard.”


But before he could say more, he immediately called his subordinates and chased after the direction indicated by the floating crystal necklace.

In the blink of an eye, the Iron Cavalry Squad of more than ten people hurriedly left the camp.


Watching them leave, Abagon, the steward, called out to everyone, “Alright, everyone go rest, continue to keep watch, don’t let your guard down!”

After being disturbed like this, the faces of the members of the transport team didn’t look good.

But after all, the other party was from the Umbrella Organization. Even if they were angry, they had to hold it in. The hunters grumbled a few words and continued to sleep or keep watch.

Not far away, Su’en looked at those who had left, and the steel wire in his hand loosened. However, his gaze gradually deepened.

He had originally planned to take action, but he didn’t expect the other party to ignore him and just leave.

However, he didn’t feel fortunate for being discovered. Instead, he felt a sense of inexplicable crisis.

“This divination ability is very dangerous…”

Su’en squinted his eyes, and a curious thought emerged in his mind.

This was probably what Qiantiao had said before, those special trackers?

If there were people like that in the Umbrella Organization, they would be a great threat to any fugitive.

Now that the woman was an SS-level fugitive, Su’en believed that he was at least an S-level. If there was a mysterious diviner like that, they would definitely end up fighting sooner or later.

Moreover, his abilities and scythe had already been exposed. The next time he encountered a siege, it might not be so easy for the attackers to kill him.

Thinking of this, Su’en pondered, “Diviners are extremely rare professionals. It’s hard to say if there are any in the Umbrella Organization… They should all be in Old Lingdun City. There might only be one or two left in the underground now.”

Kill one, one less?

Su’en raised an eyebrow, and a dangerous playfulness flashed in his eyes.

Since danger had emerged, it would be better to eliminate that danger in its infancy…

With this thought, he immediately turned it into action. He controlled the undead and quietly approached the back of the tent. Then, avoiding people’s gaze, he untied the spider spear device and climbed up the cave wall to the top, and then followed the direction the Iron Cavalry Squad had left.


Although he had only met her once, Su’en had a deep impression of that woman. Calm, rational, decisive.

In her, he could always find some thoughts that could be mutually understood and resonated with.

Since that woman chose to hide her severed arm in a transport team she encountered on the way, she must also know that the enemy had divination tracking methods.

Su’en felt that if he were in that woman’s situation, he would definitely not just run away like that, but would ambush the Iron Cavalry Squad somewhere.

After all, without killing that diviner, there would be no peace of mind.

So… Su’en chose to catch up. Killing was a backup plan.

The first plan was for that anticipated “ambush drama” that he believed would definitely happen, like catching a yellow sparrow.

Su’en’s eight-armed spider spear ran quickly on the ceiling and soon caught up with the people of the Iron Cavalry Squad. He deliberately kept a distance, afraid of being discovered. Although he didn’t see anyone, he could hear the sound of their footsteps.

“The pendulum display shows the second passage on the left!”

“We’re almost there, hurry!”


And suddenly, an unexpected event occurred.

As that group of people chased after them, they suddenly triggered an explosive device.

With a loud bang, a blast wave and flames swept over, and the entire cave wall shook violently, with debris falling like rain.

Immediately after, intense sounds of battle could be heard.

“They’re fighting?!”

Su’en was almost knocked off the cave wall by the blast wave, but instead of being startled, he showed an expected expression.

Without delay, he quickly rushed towards the direction where the commotion came from.

In the pitch-black corridor, there was only a faint light.

But from time to time, there were flashes of metal fire from the collision of swords and swords, accompanied by the sharp sound of “clang”.

Su’en’s night vision allowed him to capture the two figures who were in intense combat. The person holding the sword was naturally the “Flower Sword” Hull that he had seen before. This guy swung his fast sword so densely that it was impenetrable. The elegant style of the court’s rapier technique exuded a sense of elegance, and his figure was light and agile like a dance, showing grace in his evasions. However, there was hidden killing intent in the tip of his sword…

On the other side was a silver-haired one-armed woman. She also held a long katana and swung it with great force. Upon closer inspection, not only had she lost an arm, but her synthetic skin was also damaged in various places, as if she had experienced a fierce battle before.

But even with one arm severed and her physical condition looking bad, she was evenly matched with Hull in the fight, and even had the upper hand.

Both sides fought fiercely, exchanging blows.

“Second-tier melee profession really has an extraordinary reaction…”

Su’en hung on the top of the cave wall, watching from a distance, while secretly observing Hull’s fighting style.The close combat second-tier professional’s nerve reaction speed has reached the level of being able to “split bullets with a knife”. Even if Su’en had the Black Scythe in his hand, his own reaction was not fast enough to harm this person if he was not prepared in advance.

He didn’t rush to take action, just hanging not far from the top of the cave.

Because he knew that the silver-haired woman who dared to ambush must have the confidence to make a move.


The explosion just caught the “Iron Cavalry” off guard, and now there are still six of the more than ten people alive. Captain Hall restrained the silver-haired woman, while these guys were casting spells on the side and shooting cold guns.

Su’en also deliberately looked, and the diviner Harkins was indeed still alive.

This kind of “rare professional” must be a key protected target. Obviously, they also guessed that the woman would focus on killing the diviner, and the few people who were alive protected the diviner in the center.

Su’en originally wanted to find an opportunity to take action and kill Hall to end this battle.

But suddenly, he noticed something unusual.

“Are these people deliberately delaying time?”

Su’en also noticed that Hall knew that he couldn’t kill the wanted criminal “Number Nineteen” at all, so his offensive also converged, becoming a prolonged and entangled fight.

Not seeking to harm the enemy, just seeking to delay.

“It’s strange…”

Su’en noticed this and a thought flashed through his mind.

Why delay time?

Waiting for reinforcements?


The battle continued.

How fierce was “Number Nineteen”?

Since she was able to escape multiple times from the Umbrella Organization’s encirclement and suppression battles, how could she be held back by a second-tier professional?

Her purpose for setting up an ambush was very clear, it was to kill the “diviner”!

Number Nineteen saw through Hall’s delaying tactics and no longer cared about this guy. Suddenly, a burst of propulsion airflow erupted from under her feet, directly rushing towards the diviner.

Her figure flashed past.

With a slash of her sword, a visible ripple of sword energy whistled by, and the cold light swept past, and two heads had already flown up, with bodies gushing out like a spring.

The few people guarding the diviner were pale with fright and hurriedly fired their guns to try to stop her from continuing the slaughter.

However, even with alchemical bullets, they only produced sparks on Number Nineteen, and explosive bullets only pushed her back a few steps…

Su’en’s thoughts were still spinning in his mind, and he saw the people raising their guns in front of him, but there was no ripple in his heart: “[px-911 Mechanical Limbs] have extremely high physical and magical resistance. Alchemical bullets won’t hit the vital points, so they are useless against her. And… maybe, she doesn’t have any conventional ‘vital points’ at all!”

He had carefully dismantled and analyzed the functions of these mechanical limbs before. Although he couldn’t understand many of the technologies, he speculated that this “Number Nineteen” in front of him might have everything except the brain and nerves replaced with machinery or alchemical components.

So for normal people, weaknesses like nasal cavities, ear holes, eye sockets, and various skeletal joints were probably completely eliminated in her design.

This is a super mechanical warrior that exists purely for combat and killing!

But then Su’en had a doubt: “If she is so strong, who was able to cut off her arm before? A third-tier professional?”

Moreover, being chased by a second-tier team, not fighting back, and having to flee?

Su’en felt that she might have guessed that there were stronger pursuers behind her, so she didn’t waste time killing these people.

With this thought, Su’en narrowed his eyes and murmured, “Sure enough, there are stronger reinforcements on their way…”


Number Nineteen’s swift operation of entering the crowd made the “Flower Sword” Hall’s face turn black.

This second-tier swordsman also seized the opportunity and stabbed into Number Nineteen’s damaged limb. But after all, it was machinery, and if it didn’t damage some key components, it was practically meaningless.

Number Nineteen’s face showed no emotional fluctuations at all, and Su’en seemed to see his own shadow. Only in this absolutely calm state could one be a truly qualified fighting machine.

In just this moment, Number Nineteen had already killed all six people, including the diviner.

At this time, she completely ignored Hall, who wanted to hold her back, and a burst of propulsion airflow erupted from under her feet as she turned and ran towards the depths of the underground cave.


Su’en looked and felt that the situation was probably over. If it were him, after killing the diviner, he wouldn’t bother with this second-tier professional who couldn’t be killed for the time being.

But unexpectedly, Hall chased a few steps and couldn’t catch up, cursing angrily, “Damn it!”

Then he gritted his teeth and did something unimaginable.

Su’en watched as this guy ran while taking out a green potion and decisively stabbed it into his own neck.

Seeing this, Su’en’s eyelids jumped. No matter how he looked at this action, it had a strong sense of deja vu.

Isn’t this the same as his previous actions when fighting the Smoke Ghost?

Could it be that this guy also realized that he couldn’t win and wanted to inject the “X Serum” to fight desperately?

It seems that he received some kind of life-or-death order, and if he doesn’t keep anyone, he probably won’t survive when he returns.


Su’en dared to inject the serum because he had the “Aberration Suppression Potion”. Why does this guy have the right?

In the next instant, as Su’en watched, Hall’s body swelled up like the Hulk, and Su’en understood and was greatly surprised: “He wants to hold her back even if it costs his life?”

In the blink of an eye, this guy had transformed into a 【Hateful Warrior】!Turns out, this wasn’t any pure “X Serum”, but a loathing potion.

Hogan never intended to suppress the mutation, he was merely trying to stall Number 19 with his life.

Su’en’s eyelid twitched as he watched. How terrifying must the Black Tower’s ability to control people be, that a second-tier professional would self-destruct just like that?

However, what he cared about more was something else.

Loathing Warrior?

It seemed like a pretty good material for a living corpse…

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